spin out
verb as in drag on/drag out
verb as in drag out
verb as in draw out
verb as in elongate
verb as in extend
Strongest matches
Strong matches
verb as in lengthen
verb as in prolong
verb as in prolongate
verb as in protract
verb as in stretch
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Example Sentences
He and his colleagues have commercialised the technology through their spin-out company LiquiGlide.
Nonetheless, the coating is available commercially through her spin-out company Seram Coatings.
The researchers are now fundraising to set up a spin-out company, with the aim of running clinical trials to test their findings in humans within the next few years.
The University launched a spin-out company Cerca Magnetics in 2020 to commercialise OPM-MEG scanners and related technologies.
CTx1000 is one of the key discoveries being championed by Celosia Therapeutics, a Macquarie University spin-out company formed in 2022 to help bring the groundbreaking work of the University's neuroscientists from the lab to patients.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.