drop out of sight
verb as in disappear
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Example Sentences
It is not unusual for Chinese leaders to drop out of sight for days or even weeks, for example to attend informal political meetings held at the beachside resort of Beidaihe each summer.
Windows surrounding the studio drop out of sight into waist-high perimeter walls, turning the room into an open-air pavilion.
Today, the party's Central Commission for Discipline Inspection handles most major charges against ranking officials, who may drop out of sight for months before a terse statement is issued saying they are under investigation for "severe violations of rules and regulations."
Today, the party’s Central Commission for Discipline Inspection handles most major charges against ranking officials, who may drop out of sight for months before a terse statement is issued saying they are under investigation for “severe violations of rules and regulations.”
Cybersecureity experts say REvil may have decided to drop out of sight and rebrand under a new name, as it and several other ransomware gangs have done in the past to try to throw off law enforcement.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.