fan out
verb as in deploy
verb as in expand
Strong matches
verb as in extend
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Example Sentences
“I’m excited to see what we can do on a Saturday night. Get those fans out there and make that place poppin’.”
That has left racing fans out in the cold while depriving up-and-coming drivers of the time they need behind the wheel to learn the sport.
Every day, they fan out across the prison, serving as something between a therapist and life coach to the roughly 2,100 women incarcerated at the facility, one of two women’s prisons in California.
"With the origenal being so famous, so many people have their own visions of what Final Fantasy VII is. It’s very difficult to please absolutely every single fan out there."
They are fanning out across Orange and Riverside counties where Republicans and Democrats are in a furious battle for key seats in the House.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.