noun as in something, someone very abnormal
noun as in quirk, whim
noun as in person enthused about something
Example Sentences
A bit of a neat freak, Stefanovic made sure everyone kept the common areas clean and inspired Mara with a consistent schedule prioritizing workouts and studying.
What the sensationalized news coverage of the fire doesn’t capture is that this is not a freak event — this is the new normal.
“This is a freak accident that my family and I are trying to wrap our heads around and we also have 4 girls at home who we still need to care for,” she wrote.
Not only did the dance go viral, but a lyric in the song, "Is somebody gonna match my freak?" instantly became inducted into the Gen Z-slang dictionary this year.
David Cronenberg has been firing up and freaking out audiences for well over 50 years.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.