not making it
adjective as in lacking
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
The ASA also criticised Ramadan for not making it clear the film was an advert and for not responding to its inquiries.
"We're seeing children with depression, anxiety and stress – and that's leading to panic attacks, self-harm and eating disorders. They're not making it to school or are so anxious they cannot attend classes."
“You do that by focusing on each play and each moment and not making it bigger than it is.”
Radio allowed him to embrace his passion - music - especially the rock, soul and underground sounds that were not making it to the top of the singles chart.
“They go from not making it to the playoffs to the final four in the NBA, the conference finals. And then you win the in-season tournament, navigate through all the injuries and win both of your play-in games to get to the playoffs.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.