on the rocks
phrase as in destitute
Strongest matches
phrase as in insolvent
Strong match
phrase as in ruined
Strongest matches
Strong matches
Example Sentences
“Hanukkah on the Rocks” airs on the Hallmark Channel Dec. 22, 26 and 31.
In what is perhaps a sidelong reference to the film itself, when Hanukkah on the Rocks takes off — for so Rocky’s has been temporarily named — Stacy declares, “Everyone’s saying they’ve seen this kind of thing for Christmas, but never for Hanukkah. It’s already all over Instagram!”
Hegseth certainly seems to believe his nomination is on the rocks, and not in a "10th whiskey at a Louisiana strip club" way.
He is, however, very hungry and quickly orders sparkling water, a Macallan 12-year-old Scotch on the rocks, and some chips with guacamole.
Meanwhile, the Dunkalatte is being marketed as "the brand's first-ever coffee milk latte," while the DoorDash caption for the product characterizes it as "creamy coffee milk combined with bold espresso for a sippable go-to embodying a milkshake on the rocks. There's creamy coffee...and there's this."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.