adjective as in unmixed, genuine
adjective as in clean, uncontaminated
Strongest matches
Weak matches
disinfected, germ-free, immaculate, intemerate, pasteurized, sanitary, snowy, spotless, stainless, sterile, sterilized, taintless, unblemished, undebased, unpolluted, unsoiled, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, untainted, untarnished
adjective as in virginal, chaste
Weak matches
babe in woods, blameless, celibate, cherry, continent, exemplary, guileless, immaculate, inculpable, innocent, inviolate, irreproachable, kid, lily white, maidenly, modest, pure as driven snow, righteous, sinless, spotless, stainless, unblemished, unblighted, uncorrupted, undefiled, unprofaned, unspotted, unstained, unsullied, upright, virgin, virtuous, wet behind ears, wide-eyed
adjective as in absolute, utter
Strongest matches
Weak matches
blasted, blessed, complete, confounded, infernal, out-and-out, thorough, unqualified
adjective as in theoretical
Weak matches
abstract, academic, philosophical, speculative, tentative, unproved
Example Sentences
As the hour grew late, the moon, bearing a fuzzy halo, rose over the Capitol dome, reflecting off a pure, unbroken slope of snow.
Donaldson said at one stage: "I'll die to keep this country pure and if it means bloodshed at the end of the day, then let it be."
No one has campaigned with more pure joy this season, and the feeling has been mutual.
This was just nice, in the purest sense of the word.
"I think it's greedy - monetising something that is so pure like Test cricket feels like it is sullying the game. It just doesn't sit right with me."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.