adjective as in clean
Weak matches
- antiseptic
- cleanly
- cleansed
- clear
- delicate
- dirtless
- elegant
- faultless
- flawless
- fresh
- graceful
- hygienic
- immaculate
- laundered
- neat
- neat as a button
- neat as a pin
- orderly
- pure
- sanitary
- shining
- snowy
- sparkling
- speckless
- spick-and-span
- spotless
- squeaky clean
- stainless
- taintless
- tidy
- trim
- unblemished
- unpolluted
- unsmudged
- unspotted
- unstained
- unsullied
- untarnished
- vanilla
- washed
- well-kept
- white
Example Sentences
“The lotus is found in muddy waters, where it emerges unsoiled and ready to bloom,” Chiu read from the text on T-shirt.
Here are the two sides of the myth: the obscure martyr unsoiled by commercial success; and the unbridled genius who can’t help but have it all.
The culture war — intent on leaving no human emotion unsoiled — has even invaded our grief.
In the main experiment, the uRPL group was asked to identify their spouse’s soiled T-shirt by smell from a lineup including a stranger’s soiled T-shirt and a “blank” unsoiled shirt.
Aside from needing direct exposure to a virus on an unsoiled surface, the FDA stated that UVC radiation has other limitations with inactivating viruses.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.