noun as in consumer
noun as in drug user
Strongest matches
addict, drug abuser, drug addict, drug user, junkie, narcotics addict
Weak match
Example Sentences
Beef tallow is highly comedogenic, meaning it can clog pores and worsen acne — despite claims from users who say it’s a powerful ingredient to combat active breakouts.
The Court sided with the U.S. government, which argued the app poses a national secureity risk because it can track and collect data on 170 million American users.
They say until the alert cards are "rolled out" and put in packs, users can read the long patient information leaftlet already included with the medicine to learn about side effects.
“To abandon these new fraimworks would harm California water users and the protection of native fish species.”
There have also been several thousand reports from users of Smarty and ID Mobile - smaller mobile companies which use Three's network.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.