adjective as in itemized, particularized
Strongest matches
accurate, complicated, comprehensive, definite, exact, exhaustive, intricate, meticulous, precise, specific, thorough
Strong matches
amplified, circumstantiated, complete, described, developed, disclosed, elaborate, elaborated, enumerated, exhausting, full, individualized, narrow, specified, unfolded
Weak matches
abundant, all-inclusive, at length, blow-by-blow, circumstantial, clocklike, copious, finicky, fussy, individual, minute, nice, point-by-point, seriatim
Example Sentences
A more detailed strategy for sustained growth is needed, and in short order.
Representative Cohen and other lawmakers have called for a detailed explanation of Lee’s decision by January 17.
"That said, it is too early to say to what degree climate change has made these specific fires more extreme. This will need to be evaluated in a more detailed attribution analysis."
It was important to Crowley that everything was a detailed as possible.
Both cases have been shelved, but Mr Smith's detailed report was due to be released in the coming days.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.