noun as in rumination
Strongest matches
Strong matches
noun as in thinking
noun as in thought
Strongest matches
Strong matches
- anticipation
- apprehending
- cerebration
- cogitation
- cognition
- concluding
- consideration
- considering
- contemplation
- deducing
- deduction
- deliberation
- deriving
- discerning
- heed
- inducing
- inferring
- introspection
- intuition
- judging
- knowing
- meditation
- musing
- perceiving
- rationalization
- rationalizing
- realizing
- reasoning
- regard
- rumination
- scrutiny
- seeing
- study
- theorization
Weak match
Example Sentences
“It was really touching on some nerves on things I was struggling with, the suicidal ideation, stress and a potential traumatic brain injury,” Sean said.
She was not paid until several months after she finished working for the couple, by which time she had been hospitalized for suicidal ideation, according to the complaint.
Touwen — who, as a medical ethicist, does not treat patients — noted that suicidal ideation forms part of many psychiatric conditions.
His loneliness “nearly killed him,” he said, acknowledging that he came close to acting on his suicidal ideation: “It was very touch and go at times.”
After One Direction's disbandment in 2016, Payne publically opened up about his struggles with loneliness, addiction and suicidal ideation while he was in the band.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.