no guts
adjective as in cowardly
Strongest match
Weak matches
- afraid
- anxious
- apprehensive
- backward
- base
- chicken-hearted
- cowering
- cowhearted
- craven
- diffident
- dismayed
- fainthearted
- frightened
- gutless
- having the willies
- jittery
- lacking courage
- lily-livered
- nervous
- panicky
- pigeonhearted
- pusillanimous
- recreant
- retiring
- running scared
- scared
- shrinking
- shy
- soft
- spineless
- timid
- timorous
- weak
- weak-kneed
- worthless
- yellow
- yellow-bellied
Example Sentences
The Tennessee lawmaker chased after Mr. McCarthy, saying he had “no guts.”
Mr. Burchett then chased after Mr. McCarthy, saying the lawmaker had “no guts.”
“You got no guts. You did so,” Burchett responded.
"You got no guts, you did so, ... the reporter said it right there, what kind of chicken move is that," Grisales recalled Burchett shouting.
They made it clear that marginalized groups will be supported only if it is easy and convenient, and that the “community” they sell is all brand and no guts.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.