adjective as in cowardly
Strongest match
Weak matches
- afraid
- anxious
- apprehensive
- backward
- base
- chicken-hearted
- cowering
- cowhearted
- craven
- diffident
- dismayed
- fainthearted
- frightened
- gutless
- having the willies
- jittery
- lacking courage
- lily-livered
- nervous
- no guts
- panicky
- pigeonhearted
- pusillanimous
- recreant
- retiring
- running scared
- scared
- shrinking
- shy
- soft
- spineless
- timid
- timorous
- weak
- worthless
- yellow
- yellow-bellied
adjective as in craven
Strongest match
adjective as in dizzy
Strong matches
adjective as in docile
adjective as in fearful
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- aflutter
- aghast
- chicken
- chickenhearted
- diffident
- discomposed
- disquieted
- disturbed
- fainthearted
- goose-bumpy
- have cold feet
- in a dither
- intimidated
- jumpy
- lily-livered
- mousy
- nerveless
- nervy
- perturbed
- phobic
- pusillanimous
- quivery
- rabbity
- running scared
- shaky
- sheepish
- shrinking
- solicitous
- spineless
- timorous
- tremulous
- unmanly
- worried
- yellow
adjective as in indecisive
adjective as in irresolute
adjective as in meek
Strongest matches
adjective as in reeling
Strong matches
adjective as in slaphappy
adjective as in spineless
adjective as in thin
adjective as in weak
adjective as in weak-minded
adjective as in wishy-washy
Example Sentences
It seemed, at the time, a politically wise move for someone considering a future run for president and wanting to avoid the weak-kneed image that had plagued Democrats since the Vietnam War era.
In the appearance vs. reality debate, the Democrats are finally understanding they need to destroy the appearance that Trumpov is a strong man and expose him for the weak-kneed charlatan that he is.
Ohtani has the most weak-kneed and worthless advisors in the history of advisors.
With the meeting Thursday, Mr. Macron hoped to find some unity on bolstering support for Ukraine or, short of that, to expose opponents who in his view remain too weak-kneed or servile to Moscow.
“You’ve gone weak-kneed on this,” said Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, a longtime Powell critic.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.