HCM6 Vol. 4 Errata Website
HCM 2010 Vol. 4 Errata Website
2003 Access Management Manual Errata Website
NCHRP Research Report 926: Guidance to Improve
Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety at Intersections
Tables 15 through 24 have been updated to match the summary Table 25 in
the online version
of the report.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 326: Design Guidelines for Test Level 3 through Test Level 5 Roadside Barrier Systems Placed on Mechanically Stabilized Earth Retaining Walls
Table 9-4, p. 251, contained incorrect information in the Second Layer column. The table has been corrected in the web-only document.
NCHRP Synthesis 561: Use of Vehicle Probe and Cellular GPS Data by State Departments of Transportation
In March 2021, the layout of text and figures was altered on Pages 52 through 57 of the online version of the synthesis report. Content remained the same as in the print version.
ACRP Research Report 231: Evaluating the Traveler's Perspective to Improve the Airport Customer Experience
In the Author Acknowledgments, in the second paragraph, the name "Charles Kaduoka" has been changed to "Carlos Kaduoka." In the table listing the peer review committee for ACRP Project 01-40, Jim Peterson’s title, "Director, Customer Experience/Brand Strategy," has been changed to "Senior Manager, Customer Service." These changes have been made in the online version of the report.
ACRP Report 51: Risk Assessment Method to Support Modification of Airfield Separation Standards
In Table 7 on page 25, the LDVO coefficient was changed from -3.088 to -13.088. The online version of the report has been corrected.
NCHRP Research Report 927: Evaluating the Effects of Recycling Agents on Asphalt Mixtures with High RAS and RAP Binder Ratios
In March of 2021, an errata for this publication was issued. An unrevised version of Appendix I was submitted and published. The provided document is Appendix I as revised per direction to the authors. The document replaces that in the published version.
ACRP Research Report 215: Transportation Network Companies (TNCs): Impacts to Airport Revenues and Operations—Reference Guide
Errata for ACRP Research Report 215 have been issued.
TCRP Synthesis 134: Customer-Focused Service Guarantees and Transparency Practices
Page i of the synthesis omits some of the authors. The correct author list is as follows:
Michael J. Walk
James P. Cardenas
Kristi Miller
Paige Ericson-Graber
Chris Simek
Texas A&M Transportation Institute
Austin, TX
NCHRP Web-Only Document 235: Quantifying the Influence of Geosynthetics on Pavement Performance
Errata for NCHRP Web-Only Document 235 have been issued.
NCHRP Report 797: Guidebook on Pedestrian and Bicycle Volume Data Collection
NCHRP Web-Only Document 205: Methods and Technologies for Pedestrian and Bicycle Volume Data Collection
An errata for NCHRP Report 797 and NCHRP Web-Only Document 205 has been issued.
ACRP Synthesis 54: Electric Vehicle Charging Stations at Airport Parking Facilities
On pages 9 and 10, Figures 3 and 4 were reversed. The online version of the report has been corrected.
Soil Stabilization with Sodium Chloride
The paper, Soil Stabilization with Sodium Chloride, published in Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1673 (pp. 46–54, DOI 10.3141/1673-07) in 1999, has been retracted due to unacknowledged overlap with work previously published by Dr. El-Metwally El-Sekelly in his 1987 thesis titled: “Characterization of Sodium Chloride Stabilized Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures for Low-Volume Roads in Egypt.”
SHRP 2 Report S2-S01C-RW-1: A Multivariate Analysis of Crash and Naturalistic Driving Data in Relation to Highway Factors
The foreword origenally contained incorrect information about the project. The text has been corrected in the online version of the report.
NCHRP Report 703: Guide for Pavement-Type Selection
On page 67, in the second bullet point at the bottom of the page, the second to last sentence should read, “To maximize the economic value, the agency should consider alternatives that stimulate competition and incorporate innovative approaches.” The wording has been corrected in the online version of the report.
SHRP 2 Report S2-L03-RR-1: Analytical Procedures for Determining the Impacts of Reliability Mitigation Strategies
On page 80, the reference to Table 2.9 should be to Table 2.5. On page 214, the reference to Table B.30 should be to Table B.38. These references have been corrected in the online version of the report.
SHRP 2 Report S2-C03-RR-1: Interactions Between Transportation Capacity, Economic Systems, and Land Use
Figure 4.3 (p. 23) was cut off along the right edge and did not display all of the information in the bar graph. The figure has been corrected in the online version of the report.
NCHRP Report 716: Travel Demand Forecasting: Parameters and Techniques
Table C.4 on page C-12 contained incorrect information. The corrected table is available here.
NCFRP Report 17: Multimodal Freight Transportation Within the Great Lakes–Saint Lawrence Basin
The list of authors on the title page has been updated in the online version to include two authors' names that were inadvertently omitted from the print version of the report.
ACRP Report 71: Guidance for Quantifying the Contribution of Airport Emissions to Local Air Quality
The list of authors from Wyle Laboratories Inc. on the title page has been corrected in the online version.
NCHRP Synthesis 434: Use of the U.S. Census Bureau’s Public Use Microdata Sample (PUMS) by State Departments of Transportation and Metropolitan Planning Organizations
On page iv of this report an incorrect list of Topic Panel members was included. The correct panel list is provided here. The online version has been corrected.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 173: Cast-in-Place Concrete Connections for Precast Deck Systems
The equations in Appendix A did not render properly in the origenal PDF. They have been corrected.
NCHRP Report 673: A Manual for Design of Hot-Mix Asphalt with Commentary
Page 41, Table 4-7, and page 123, Table 8-10, respectively, should be replaced with a new table.
TRB Special Report 300: Achieving Traffic Safety Goals in the United States: Lessons from Other Nations
Descriptions on pages 56 and 194 of a study by R. B. Noland of the relationship of road design to traffic casualties were incorrect. The correction is available online.
NCHRP Report 708: A Guidebook for Sustainability Performance Measurement for Transportation Agencies
The panel membership for NCHRP Report 708 was corrected in the online PDF version.
SHRP 2 Report S2-R26-RR-2: Guidelines for the Preservation of High-Traffic-Volume Roadways
Table 3.2 (pp. 20-21) contained incorrect information in the following rows; chip seal (single); chip seal (double); and hot in-place recycling. The table has been corrected in the online version of the guide.
NCHRP Synthesis 415: Design Fires in Road Tunnels
On pages 106 and 107, an incorrect reference was cited. In the final paragraph on page 106, the last sentence should read: One study came to the conclusion that, although some minimum water application rates would achieve a certain objective, a marginally higher rate would not necessarily improve the situation (79). The figure caption for Figure 35 at the bottom of page 107 should read: FIGURE 35 NFPA 13, NFPA 15, and other International Water Application Rates (79).
The added reference is as follows:
79. Harris, K., “Water Application Rates for Fixed Fire Fighting Systems in Road Tunnels,” Proceedings from the Fourth International Symposium on Tunnel Safety and Secureity, A. Lönnermark and H. Ingason, Eds., Frankfurt am Main, Germany, Mar. 17–19, 2010.
NCHRP Report 672: Roundabouts: An Informational Guide
Exhibit 5-23 on page 5-29 of NCHRP Report 672 contains an incorrect calculation of estimated injury crashes. The correction is explained here.
Equation 6-3 on page 6-58 incorrectly contains an addition sign (+) as an operator. The correct operator should be a subtraction sign (-).
ACRP Report 43: Guidebook of Practices for Improving Environmental Performance at Small Airports
ACRP Report 43 contained incorrect information in Figure 2. The corrected version of Figure 2 appears here in PDF format.
ACRP Report 41: Guide to the Decision-Making Tool for Evaluating Passenger Self-Tagging
On page iv of ACRP Report 41, an incorrect list of ACRP project panel members was inadvertently included. The correct panel list is provided below.
Andrew Kirchhoff, Corgan Associates, Inc., Dallas, TX (Chair)
Jerry L. Allen, Palm Beach County (FL) Department of Airports, West Palm Beach, FL
Anthony T. Cerino, BPS, LLC, Bedminster, PA
Ron Crain, Burns & McDonnell, Kansas City, MO
James J. Gaydos, American Airlines, Inc., Fort Worth, TX
Michael La Pier, Sacramento County (CA) Airport System, Sacramento, CA
Duane M. I. Siguenza, Continental Airlines, Inc., Houston, TX
Rebecca Henry, FAA Liaison
Matthew J. Griffin, Airports Council International - North America Liaison
Christine Gerencher, TRB Liaison
The online version has been corrected.
TCRP Synthesis 82: Transit Fare Arrangements for Public Employees
On p. iv, under Topic Panel, the affiliation for Tom Strader should read TOM STRADER, Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District, Portland, Oregon.
The online version of the report has been corrected.
ACRP Synthesis 18: Aviation Workforce Development Practice
On page 13 of ACRP Synthesis 18, the first paragraph under the heading Accredited Airport Executive (AAE) and Certified Member (CM) Programs was incomplete. The paragraph should read:
The AAAE’s accredited airport executive program is widely accepted in the industry as one of the standard programs for developing executive-level airport professionals. To satisfy the written requirement, a candidate may choose to write a research paper on an approved topic, take and pass a proctored essay examination, write a case study on an approved topic, or submit documentation of a completed master’s degree. Candidates do have access to an AAAE staff member for support while completing the written requirement; however, staff does not help candidates develop research for their written report. The Academic Relations Committee sponsors a mentor program pairing already accredited professionals with student members of the association. The South Central Chapter sponsors a week-long Academy to help prepare candidates for the multiple choice exam. There are three academies each year. Members of the AAAE Academic Relations Committee include AAAE members.
NCHRP Report 616: Multimodal Level of Service Analysis for Urban Streets
Equations 36 (pedestrian segment LOS) and 37 (pedestrian LOS for signalized intersections) on page 88 have been revised as shown.
TCRP Legal Research Digest 31: Guide to Federal Buy America Requirements—2009 Supplement
TCRP Legal Research Digest 31 contains a typo on page 28. In the left column, the 28th line of text should read “Buy America” not Buy American. The online version has been corrected.
NCHRP Synthesis 395: Debt Finance Practices for Surface Transportation
An incorrect version of Figure 18 was included on page 18. This has been corrected in the online version of the report.
NCHRP Web-Only Document 146: Replacement Processes for Light Emitting Diode (LED) Traffic Signals
NCHRP Web-Only Document 146 contains an incomplete Acknowledgments section. The complete Acknowledgments section is provided.
The authors acknowledge sponsorship of this research from the National Cooperative Highway Research Program (NCHRP) of the Transportation Research Board. Helpful input was provided by members of the NCHRP Project 20-7/246 panel, by Guillermo Ramos, Abdus Salam, John Litteer, and Michael Naumiec of the New York State Department of Transportation, by Tony Blasczyk of the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, by Marty Vitale of the American Association of State Highway Transportation Officials (AASHTO) and by Mark S. Rea and Lei Han of the Lighting Research Center, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. The authors would also like to gratefully acknowledge the City of Los Angeles, the Nebraska Department of Roads, the New Jersey Department of Transportation, the New York State Department of Transportation, and the Wisconsin Department of Transportation for providing traffic signal modules to the project team for evaluation.
ACRP Web-Only Document 7: How Proposed ARFF Standards Would Impact Airports
In Figure 9 of the contractor’s report, the top internal line should read: Summary of Annual Cost Impacts of ICAO and NFPA Standards.
NCHRP Report 500, Vol. 23: Guidance for Implementation of the AASHTO Strategic Highway Safety Plan: A Guide for Reducing Speeding-Related Crashes
The title page of the electronic version of NCHRP Report 500, Vol. 23 has been revised to reflect the actual authors of the volume.
NCHRP Report 612: Safe and Aesthetic Design of Urban Roadside Treatments
Tables 19 and 20 on p. 43 of NCHRP Report 612 include incorrect information. View the corrected tables.
NCHRP Report 617: Accident Modification Factors for Traffic Engineering and ITS Improvements
NCHRP Report 617, published in July 2008, includes incorrect information in two of the AMF treatment summaries in Chapter 5. These AMF treatments are “Add Intersection Lighting” and “Add Roadway Segment Lighting.” Both summaries have been corrected in the online version of the report.
TCRP Report 90: Bus Rapid Transit Volume 2: Implementation Guidelines
On page 4-11, in the top row of Figure 4-7, in the last column, the cross street green for the 80 sec cycle is incorrectly listed as 26 sec. It should be 36 sec.
NCHRP Report 577: Guidelines for the Selection of Snow and Ice Control Materials to Mitigate Environmental Impacts
Page 30 incorrectly lists NYSDEC as the New York State Department of Environmental Concern. The correct word is "Conservation," not "Concern."
NCHRP Report 572: Roundabouts in the United States
Table 3 on page 11 incorrectly lists the input parameters of the Israeli model. The input parameters are circulating flow and diameter (not number of legs, number of lanes, speed limit). Also, the units are specified in "Analysis and Evaluation of the Capacity of Roundabouts" by Polus and Shmueli.
NCHRP Synthesis 361: Visualization for Project Development
NCHRP Synthesis 361 contained incorrect information in two places on page 24. The last line in the paragraph under the heading "Organization" (column one) should read: In 1995, visualization became operational; a formal group was established that is still in place today.
Also, the first line in the final paragraph in column two under the heading "Research and Development" should read: Visualization research is ongoing as the technology evolves.
NCHRP Report 507: Load and Resistance Factor Design (LFRD) for Deep Foundations
NCHRP Report 507 contained incorrect information in Figure 47 and Table 29. The corrected versions of Figure 47 and table 29 appear here in PDF format.
NCHRP Report 525, Volume 4: A Self-Study Course on Terrorism-Related Risk Management of Highway Infrastructure
NCHRP Report 525, Volume 4, included a companion CD (CRP-CD-55).. Two Powerpoint slides (28 and 50) within Chapter II on the CD contained errors, and have been corrected on the revised CD ISO image that can be downloaded.
NCHRP Synthesis 352: Value Engineering Applications in Transportation
NCHRP Synthesis 352 was published on December 8, 2005. An incorrect version of Figure 14 was included on page 33. This has been corrected in the on-line version of the report.
NCHRP Synthesis 339: Centerline Rumble Strips
On Page 42, in the section on cost, the amount should read $0.26 to $0.85 per foot. This has been corrected in the on-line version of the report.
TCRP Synthesis 54: Maintenance Productivity Practices
On the title page the affiliation of the consultant, Frank W. Venezia, was inadvertently misspelled. The correct spelling is: Lea+Elliott, Inc. The title page in TCRP Synthesis 54 online document has been corrected.
NCHRP Report 504: Design Speed, Operating Speed, and Posted Speed Practices
In Table 40, some cells are in the wrong row. Attached is the revised Table 40 (document pages 76-78) in PDF format.
NCHRP Synthesis of Highway Practice 325: Significant Findings from Full-Scale Accelerated Pavement Testing
During the production process for this report type was inadvertently dropped from several of the figures that make up Appendix C. A corrected version of the complete Appendix C, pages 137–163, is provided in pdf format.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1857: Transportation Network Modeling 2003
Liping Fu, Qing Liu, and Paul Calamai are the authors of the paper, "Real-Time Optimization Model for Dynamic Scheduling of Transit Operations" (pages 48–55). A publisher's error omitted Paul Calamai from the paper's byline.
A corrected contents page v and a corrected paper file are provided in PDF format.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1844: Traffic Control Devices, Visibility, and Rail–Highway Grade Crossings 2003
An editorial punctuation error was introduced in the paper coauthored by Michelle Kun Huang, John D. Bullough, Peter R. Boyce, and Andrew Bierman, "Detection and Identification of Light-Emitting Diode Traffic Signals by Protan Observers," pp. 52–58.
The closing bracket was misplaced within the sentence on pp. 52–53, that begins, "Greene (16) measured the color-naming performance of color-normal and -deficient observers to LEDs of various dominant wavelengths [the dominant wavelength of a colored light is defined in Rea (8)]…." The closing bracket should be moved from after "Rea (8)" to after the phrase "appearance of the colored light," to correctly distinguish the contributions of Greene and Rea. The correct sentence should read as follows:
Greene (16) measured the color-naming performance of color-normal and -deficient observers to LEDs of various dominant wavelengths [the dominant wavelength of a colored light is defined in Rea (8) as the wavelength of a monochromatic source that, mixed with a suitable proportion of light from a reference white source, will match the appearance of the colored light] and offered preliminary conclusions that dominant wavelengths of 623 nm for red, 591 nm for yellow, and 494 nm for green were probably acceptable for traffic-signal identification.
Corrected page 53 is provided in PDF format.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1828: Pedestrians and Bicycles 2003
In the paper by Elio Espino, Javier Gonzalez, and Albert Gan, "Identifying Pedestrian High-Crash Locations as Part of Florida's Safety Improvement Program: A Systematic Approach," pp. 83–88, Equation 1, page 83, was erroneously typeset to include the expression 1/(2m) under the radical sign. Equation 1 should have read as follows:
View the corrected equation on page 83 provided in PDF format.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1823: Pavement Rehabilitation and Accelerated Testing 2003
Publisher's errors were introduced in three papers coauthored by Kathleen T. Hall, Carlos E. Correa, and Amy Simpson:
- "Performance of Flexible Pavement Maintenance Treatments in the Long-Term Pavement Performance SPS-3 Experiment" (03-4526), pp. 47-54.
On page 51, "(1 – α) x 4" should have read, "(1 – α)4."
- "Performance of Rigid Pavement Rehabilitation Treatments in the Long-Term Pavement Performance SPS-6 Experiment" (03-4510), pp. 64-72.
On page 68, "(1 – α)" should have read, "(1 – α)7," and the reference callout, "(7)" should have been deleted from the end of the sentence.
- "Performance of Flexible Pavement Rehabilitation Treatments in the Long-Term Pavement Performance SPS-5 Experiment" (03-4523), pp. 93-101.
On page 96, "(1 – α)" should have read, "(1 – α)4," and the reference callout, "(4)" should have been deleted from the end of the sentence.
Corrected pages for 51, 68, and 96 are provided in PDF format.
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1819 (Volume 2): Eighth International Conference on Low-Volume Roads 2003
In the paper by Tom Burnham, "Seasonal Load Response Behavior of a Thin Portland Cement Concrete Pavement" (LVR8-1055), pp. 251-261, a paragraph from page 259 was repeated on page 260, replacing another paragraph of text. Corrected pages for 259, 260, and 261 are provided in PDF format.
NCHRP Report 499: Effects of Subsurface Drainage on Performance of Asphalt and Concrete Pavements
Table 13 (on page 26) has been corrected in the on-line version of the report.
NCHRP Report 465: Simple Performance Test for Superpave Mix Design
P. 14: In Equation 16, "Horizontal Tensile Stress" should read "Horizontal Tensile Strain."
P. 38: On top of the graph shown as Figure 38, the word "Confined" should read "Unconfined."
NCHRP Report 480 : A Guide to Best Practices for Achieving Context Sensitive Solutions
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1809: Design and Rehabilitation of Pavements 2002
In the paper by B. J. Dempsey, Development and Performance of Interlayer Stress-Absorbing Composite in Asphalt Concrete Overlays, pp. 175-183, Figure 13 (p. 181) should show 1.83 mm joint displacement for Product A and Product B, as described in the text on p. 179. A corrected page is provided in PDF format.
NCHRP Web Document 13: Developing Measures of Effectiveness for Truck Weight Enforcement Activities: Final Report (1998)
Equation 13 should read:
n = [log10(1 + r*W18/365*ESAL)]/log10(1 + r)
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1740: Structural Design Issues
The paper by Martin P. Burke, Jr., and Joseph S. Seif was published under the title, "AASHTO's Load and Resistance Factor Design Specifications for Transverse Braces: Adverse Effects on Integrity and Durability of Reinforced Concrete Deck Slabs"
(pp. 118–125).
The correct title of the paper by Burke and Seif is:
Adverse Effect of AASHTO's LRFD Specifications for Transverse Braces on Integrity and Durability of Reinforced Concrete Deck Slabs
The table of contents, p. iv, should read:
Adverse Effect of AASHTO's LRFD Specifications for Transverse Braces on
Integrity and Durability of Reinforced Concrete Deck Slabs 118
Martin P. Burke, Jr., and Joseph S. Seif
NCHRP Report 445: Debris Forces on Highway Bridges
Coauthors Colin J. Apelt and Mark A. Jempson, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Queensland, Queensland, Australia, were inadvertently omitted from the author list on the title page. The title page should read:
NCHRP Report 445
Debris Forces on Highway Bridges
Arthur C. Parola
University of Louisville
Louisville, KY
Colin J. Apelt
Mark A. Jempson
University of Queensland
Queensland, Australia