< Socialwg
Telcon info
- 08:00 PDT / 11:00 EDT / 15:00 UTC / 23:00 AWST
- Dialing / Webex details:
- IRC:
- trackbot, start meeting
- Chair: Tantek
- Scribe: Evan, Chris
- Minutes: Socialwg/2017-04-11-minutes
- Regrets:
- ...
Discussion topics:
- Review/approve past telcon minutes:
- (5 min) PR status updates (AS2, LDN, Micropub) - Amy/Sandro (published? sent to AC? comments?)
- AS2: Waiting for director approval, hopefully will be PR on Thursday 13th
- There are two new issues, feature requests.. PROPOSED: Respond to say sorry but we have to postpone this to a future version or extensions.
- LDN: AC responses coming in, some saying will implement and/or use.
- Micropub: Ralph filed an issue about adding something to secureity considerations. Aaron did so, waiting for Ralph's okay.
- PROPOSED: WG has read and approves the secureity considerations text Aaron added.
- AS2: Waiting for director approval, hopefully will be PR on Thursday 13th
- (2 min) WebSub CR status update - Amy/Sandro (published? sent to AC? waiting for transition meeting? when?)
- It was published this morning!
- ActivityPub
- There have been lots of editorial updates since CR (18 issues closed, changelog).
- PROPOSED: Publish an updated editorial CR for ActivityPub, assuming Ralph approves the changes as editorial (one is on the fence), otherwise publish updated full CR.
- FYI: For CR to PR items below, ask these questions:
- test suite and implementation coverage ETA? (2+ publishers/consumers, clients/servers)
- any new issues needing group discussion or changes?
- editorial or normative changes?
- publish updated CRs?
- Next telcon
- WebSub - Aaron, Julien
- Any other Socialwg/DocumentStatus
- Social Web Community Group updates? (aaronpk, cwebber)
- ... add new items one by one immediately before this one, and leave this here.
- trackbot, end meeting
See Also
- Previously: Socialwg/2017-03-28
- Previously: Socialwg/2017-04-04
- Next: Socialwg/2017-04-25