Pope Theophilus of Alexandria (Q365941)
Patriarch of Alexandria from 384 to 412
- Theophilus
- Theophilus of Alexandria
Language | Label | Description | Also known as |
default for all languages | No label defined |
English | Pope Theophilus of Alexandria |
Patriarch of Alexandria from 384 to 412 |
1 reference
Goleniscev Papyrus - Theophilus on Serapeion (crop).jpg
127 × 332; 24 KB
127 × 332; 24 KB
Teófilo y el [[Serapeo de Alejandría]] (Spanish)
0 references
1 reference
1 reference
3 references
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
1 reference
Saint Theophilus of Alexandria
0 references
Theophilus Alexandrinus, 345-412
Wikipedia(33 entries)
- arwiki ثيوفيلس (بابا الإسكندرية)
- arzwiki البابا ثاؤفيلس
- astwiki Teófilo d'Alexandría
- bgwiki Теофил Александрийски
- cawiki Teòfil d'Alexandria
- cswiki Theofil Alexandrijský
- dewiki Theophilos von Alexandria
- elwiki Θεόφιλος Αλεξανδρείας
- enwiki Theophilus I of Alexandria
- eowiki Teofilo de Aleksandrio
- eswiki Teófilo de Alejandría
- euwiki Teofilo Alexandriakoa
- fawiki تئوفیلوس اسکندریه
- frwiki Théophile d'Alexandrie
- hrwiki Teofil I. Aleksandrijski
- huwiki I. Teofil alexandriai püspök
- idwiki Paus Teofilus dari Aleksandria
- itwiki Teofilo di Alessandria
- kawiki თეოფილე ალექსანდრიელი
- kowiki 알렉산드리아의 테오필로스 1세
- nlwiki Theophilus van Alexandrië
- nowiki Theofilos av Alexandria
- plwiki Teofil z Aleksandrii
- ptwiki Teófilo I de Alexandria
- rowiki Teofil al Alexandriei
- ruwiki Феофил Александрийский
- shwiki Papa Teofil od Aleksandrije
- srwiki Теофил Александријски
- svwiki Theofilos av Alexandria
- swwiki Theofilo wa Aleksandria
- tlwiki Papa Teofilo ng Alehandriya
- ukwiki Феофіл (патріарх Александрійський)
- zhwiki 亚历山大的圣狄奥斐卢斯
Wikibooks(0 entries)
Wikinews(0 entries)
Wikiquote(1 entry)
- enwikiquote Theophilus I of Alexandria
Wikisource(3 entries)
- enwikisource Author:Theophilus of Alexandria
- itwikisource Autore:Teofilo di Alessandria
- lawikisource Scriptor:Theophilus
Wikiversity(0 entries)
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Wiktionary(0 entries)
Multilingual sites(1 entry)
- commonswiki Category:Theophilus of Alexandria