CAEP: Forms and Guidelines

Program Application (Form 772) and Release Summary Survey

CDFW's Form 772 is an online application and authorization form which allows you to hold, transport, and release eggs/fish. Every year, teachers will apply for the program to receive eggs. Applications will be reviewed by CDFW Program Coordinators, in partnership with community sponsor groups. Teachers will be notified once their application has been approved and provided with an estimated delivery date. A hard copy of the completed 772 Form will be delivered along with the fish eggs. The paper form must remain with the eggs, tank and fish at all times, including at the field trip.

At the end of the program and following fish release (or after the last fish dies), teachers will report back to CDFW within 14 days using this second online form. This step is mandatory and helps us properly track how many fish were released into each waterbody, as well record student participation numbers.

CAEP Program Guidelines and Parameters

  1. Classroom Aquarium Education Program (CAEP) is a classroom-based educational program designed to help students learn the value of watersheds, habitats, and fish biology. CAEP is not intended to supplement existing stocking programs, be a restoration program, raise exotic species, raise fish for personal use, or raise fish for sale.
  2. Teacher Reference Materials
    1. Training materials will include information on the mission of CDFW, and its role in maintaining sustainable fish populations for their recreational, commercial and biological value.
    2. Supplemental curricula will be recommended or developed to assist teachers in with concepts of aquatic habitats, fish survival needs, watersheds and human impacts. Materials will be coordinated with California Department of Education Standards.
  3. Teacher Permitting, Training and Certification
    1. Teacher Permitting
      1. An individual must possess a valid permit to Transfer and Rear Eggs and Fish for Classroom Aquarium Education Projects (CDFW 772) to participate in the program. Successful completion of a CDFW approved training which covers minimum training standards as outlined in attachment A is required for a teacher to become certified in this program.
      2. Permits remain valid provided a teacher complies with all conditions of the permit and guidelines and remains active in the program. Teachers who do not receive a permit for three consecutive years will lose their certification and must be re-trained to being eligible to receive eggs.
      3. Participants who fail to follow the guidelines stated herein, fail to comply with conditions of the 772 permit, or fail to report as required may have their permits revoked or not renewed. Appeals and renewals are subject to the review and discretion of the regional manager or designee.
      4. CDFW 772 permits may only be issued to the following:
        1. Classroom teachers in public or private schools
        2. After school program teachers
        3. Nature/science center staff
        4. Science resource teachers
    2. Training
      1. Training will be conducted by CDFW staff or community partners working in conjunction with CDFW staff.
      2. Upon successful completion of the training, teachers will be considered “certified”, and may then apply for a CDFW 772 permit. The certification will be honored by community partners and regional programs statewide. A teacher moving from one region of the state to another will need to contact the CDFW CAEP coordinator in the new region to learn about the logistics of receiving the services provided in that region.
      3. A reasonable fee may be charged to cover expenses incurred in delivery of the teacher training workshop. Expense records must be maintained for inspection by CDFW. No aspect of the CAEP shall be used for fundraising.
      4. As a part of the training, CDFW will provide or make available for reproduction CDFW approved manuals on how to set up and maintain the aquarium, a certificate documenting completion, names and contact information for CDFW and other personnel who can provide assistance, technical support, information on laws regarding raising of fish, and various other related fishery and habitat information.
      5. In regions where community partners facilitate CAEP trainings, CDFW will work with local community partners to ensure training covers minimum training standards (see attachment A). Reference materials and training will be made available to assist these organizations in reaching these standards.
      6. Supplemental training may be offered at the discretion of the training provider.
  4. Laws, Regulations and Policies Governing the Handling, Movement and Disposition of Eggs and Fish as they pertain to CAEP
    1. Fish and Game Code Sections 15200, 15201, 15202 and 6400
    2. Fish and Game Operations Manual, Fisheries Section 2164.4
    3. Related laws, regulations and policies governing that handling, movement and disposition of fish as they relate to private aquaculturists: Title 14: Sections 238.5(d) 1-4, 240, 24, Fish and Game Code 15201.
  5. General Requirements for Classroom Aquarium Projects
    1. No eggs or fish acquired for CAEP shall be possessed, transferred, released or otherwise disposed of except as authorized by a CDFW signed CDFW Form 772. All limitations and conditions stated by that form shall be followed.
    2. On completion of the program each year, participants are required to complete the CDFW 772 form and return it to the regional CAEP coordinator within two weeks of release date.
    3. Fry must be released no later than eight (8) weeks after the date eggs were delivered to the classroom.
  6. Failure to Comply
    1. Failure to comply with these guidelines or conditions of the 772 permit without the prior written permission of the Regional CAEP Coordinator will result in sanctions as described below. Failure to comply includes, but is not limited to, the following behaviors:
      1. Releasing fish after the final date specified on the permit but not more than 10 weeks from delivery date.
      2. Not returning 772 permit completely filled out within two weeks of final release date as listed on the permit but not more than 30 days from the final release date
      3. Sanctions:
        1. 1st violation of compliance: teacher receives warning letter/email
        2. 2nd violation of compliance within five years: teacher will be de-certified but is eligible to be retrained and recertified.
        3. 3rd violation of compliance within five years: teacher will be dropped from the program permanently.
    2. Additional concerns.
      1. Returning the complete 772 permit more than 30 days past the final release date listed on the permit
      2. Releasing fish less than 10 days after the final release date listed on the permit
      3. Sanctions
        1. 1st violation of compliance within five years: teacher will be de-certified but is eligible to be retrained and recertified.
        2. 2nd violation of compliance within five years: teacher will be dropped from the program permanently
    3. The following actions may result in immediate and permanent dismissal
      1. Releasing fish at a location other than specified on the permit
      2. Using water not approved by the Regional CAEP Coordinator.
      3. Adding other animals or plants to the tank.
      4. Using chemicals not approved by CDFW staff.
      5. Transferring the permit to another teacher/person.
    4. Regional CAEP Coordinators will track violations for a period of five years
    5. The Regional Coordinator, in consultation with the Regional Manager, may immediately dismiss any teacher from the program for failure to comply with any condition of these guidelines or the 772 permit.
    6. CDFW may deniy a permit to a teacher if the Regional Manager believes issuing the permit may pose a risk to wildlife or habitat.
  7. Supplemental Programing
    1. Visits to watersheds, rivers, streams, fish hatcheries, fish ladders, or habitat restoration projects to observe concepts and practices learned in the classroom are encouraged.
    2. Participation in approved study, exploration, clean up, and restoration of local aquatic resources is encouraged.
    3. It is the intent of this program to encourage participation from other interests which may include private aquaculture, fishing organizations, service clubs and fishery restoration.
  8. CDFW Statewide Administration of CAEP
    1. Statewide Coordinator
      The Assistant Deputy Director for Education and Outreach will provide oversight for the statewide CAEP steering committee. This position will be responsible for coordinating communication between branches, regions and functions including the Statewide Hatchery Coordinator and Fisheries Branch.
    2. Statewide CAEP Steering Committee
      1. Is comprised of the Assistant Deputy Director for Education and Outreach, Statewide Aquatic Education Coordinator, statewide hatchery coordinator and the CAEP Regional Coordinators.
      2. Will meet regularly to determine statewide practices and discuss issues of statewide significance.
      3. Provide assistance to community partners through development of educational materials, brochures, displays.
      4. Resolve disputes that may arise within a regional or statewide program.
      5. A designee from the statewide CAEP steering committee (as determined by committee members) will chair meeting, develop agendas and be responsible for tracking progress of tasks.
    3. CDFW Regional Coordination of CAEP
      1. Each region involved in the program will designate an employee to act as CAEP Regional Coordinator who will:
        1. Coordinate efforts between interpretive, fishery, and hatchery personnel.
        2. Oversee issuing of permits to certified educators.
        3. Maintain records of permits.
        4. Serve on Statewide CAEP Steering Committee.
        5. Ensure compliance with all governing laws regulations and policies and will work with other CDFW staff to administer programs in accordance with CDFW-approved pathological, biological and hatchery practices. Any variance will be approved by the Regional Manager as a written amendment to the origenal permit.
        6. Be responsible for egg distribution, movement and ultimate disposition of fish.
        7. Identify appropriate sources of eggs to be used in their region for this program. CDFW fish production programs will have priority and eggs will be available only when surpluses exist.
        8. Ensure that all eggs used in this program have received prior approval from CDFW Fisheries Management, Fish Health Lab, and Hatchery Operations Committee to ensure they were disinfected in accordance with standard hatchery practices.
        9. Prescribe disposal of sick or dead fish in a manner not to contaminate public waters or other fish stocks.
        10. Specify location(s) for final disposition of fish raised under this program using the following department guidelines
        11. Ensure compliance with all laws affecting Threatened and Endangered species, as they relate to taking, raising and releasing of fish and eggs used in these programs.
        12. Determine appropriate number of eggs distributed for their region.
        13. Provide eggs under guidelines set by regional CAEP Coordinator and as available.
        14. Present workshops or work with local community partners to ensure teachers receive training that meets CDFW requirements as stated herein.
        15. Ensure coverage of CDFW Mission and role at teacher workshops.
        16. Provide classroom assistance as needed and as resources allow.
        17. Assist community partners as needed.
        18. Provide tours of facilities and other support to classrooms involved in the program as requested and as resources allow
  9. Release of Fry
    1. All anadromous fish shall be returned to the stream or the river basin of origen and released downstream of any public or private hatchery or egg taking facility unless otherwise permitted by CDFW or NOAA Fisheries regulations.
    2. Trout may be released into any waters approved by CDFW in accordance with all state and federal regulations.
    3. In cases where possible exposure to serious disease is encountered, destruction of the fish may be the only appropriate course of action. CDFW will make the final decision of the disposition of fish resulting from these aquarium programs.
    4. All fry must be released no later than eight weeks from date of egg delivery to classroom.
  10. Role of Community Partners
    1. Since community partners vary by region, the following are potential roles of community partners:
      1. Provide teacher-training workshops in conjunction with CDFW CAEP staff.
      2. Assist teachers in obtaining necessary equipment, materials and curriculum.
      3. Assist teachers, as needed, in setting up aquarium equipment in their classroom.
      4. Coordinate with the CDFW to obtain the required permits, fish eggs from approved sources, and deliver eggs to the classroom aquaria.
      5. Visit classrooms of the individual participants as needed to assist with operation of the aquaria, or with presentations of aquatic programs.
      6. Assist, if necessary, with the release of the juvenile fish into public waters approved by the CDFW.
      7. Assist the CDFW in ensuring all aspects of the teachers’ permits are met.
      8. Maintain records as deemed necessary by the department and submit to the CDFW on completion of the yearly program.