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Faculty Publications in the Department of Geography and Geology | Western Kentucky University

Earth, Environmental, and Atmospheric Sciences - Faculty Publications

Note: Please refer to the faculty member's resumé for more complete details of publications, book reviews, and technical papers and reports. On this page, (PR) equals a peer-reviewed article. To view student thesis titles and other publications, click on Student Publications




  • Brotzge, J., et al. (2024). Needs and gaps in climate services for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Kentucky Climate Center, NOAA report, 22 p.


  • Gani, N.D., Alemu, T.B. and Xue, L., 2024 (Invited). Review of Morphotectonic Studies in the East African Rift System: Insights from Legacy Research to Modern Advances. Journal of African Earth Sciences, p.105423. (PR).


  • Towoju. V. (M.S. Geoscience 2024),Gani, M. R. 2024. Spatiotemporal Distribution of Sediment Waves in the Northern Gulf of Mexico Basin, USA. Sedimentary Geology, p. 106729. (PR).


  • Gripshover, M. M. (2024). “Eddie Lee Dixon,” a peer-reviewed book chapter in, The 1939 Baltimore Elite Giants, Frederick C. Bush, Thomas Kern, and Bill Nolin, eds. (Phoenix: Society for American Baseball Research) pp. 65-71. (Phoenix: Society for American Baseball Research) ISBN: 978-1-960819-25-3.
  • Gripshover, M. M. (2024). “John Lefty Phillips,” a peer-reviewed book chapter in, The 1939 Baltimore Elite Giants, Frederick C. Bush, Thomas Kern, and Bill Nolin, eds. (Phoenix: Society for American Baseball Research) pp. 122-126. (Phoenix: Society for American Baseball Research) ISBN: 978-1-960819-25-3.
  • Gripshover, M. M. (2024). “Jim Willis,” a peer-reviewed book chapter in, The 1939 Baltimore Elite Giants, Frederick C. Bush, Thomas Kern, and Bill Nolin, eds. (Phoenix: Society for American Baseball Research) pp. 144-149. (Phoenix: Society for American Baseball Research) ISBN: 978-1-960819-25-3.
  • Reid, N., Gripshover, M. M., Bell, T. (2024). “What’s in a Name? Historical and Contemporary Trends in Brewery Names Along the US 23 Corridor in Ohio,” a peer-reviewed book chapter in, Geography of Time, Place, Movement, and Networks: Vol. 3, Mapping Journals at Personal, Local, National and Global Scales (New York: Springer, 2024). Pp. 191-216. ISBN: 978-3-031-58032-1.


  • May, M.T., Brackman, T.B., May, E.C. and Edwards, W.T., 2024. Use of Electrical Resistivity Profiling to Reduce Landfill Siting Risks in the South Central Kentucky Karst.


  • Suriano, Z.J. and Guercio, H.L. (2024). A snowfall climatology of the Ohio River Valley, USA. Theoretical and Applied Climatology, 155(8), pp.7691-7701. (PR).
  • Suriano, Z.J., Davidson, S., Dixon, R.D. and Roy, T. (2024). Ohio River basin snow ablation and the role of rain‐on‐snow. Hydrological Processes38(6), p.e15205. (PR).
  • Grote, T. and Suriano, Z. (2024). Temporal and spatial patterns of hydroclimate variability related to the Pacific Decadal Oscillation in Michigan, USA. Physical Geography, pp.1-21. (PR).



  • Shrestha, B., Wang, J., Brotzge, J.A. and Bain, N. (2023). Winter Precipitation Type from Microwave Radiometers in New York State Mesonet Profiler Network. Weather and Forecasting, 38(9), pp.1563-1574.. (PR). 
  • Brotzge, J.A., Berchoff, D., Carlis, D.L., Carr, F.H., Carr, R.H., Gerth, J.J., Gross, B.D., Hamill, T.M., Haupt, S.E., Jacobs, N. and McGovern, A. (2023). Challenges and opportunities in numerical weather prediction. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 104, E698–E705. (PR).
  • Oliveira, A.W., Wang, J., Perno, C., Brotzge, J. and Verma, A., 2023. The backyard weather science curriculum: Using a weather-observing network to support data-intensive issue-based atmospheric inquiry in middle and high school.  J. Science Education and Technology, 32 (2), 181-210. (PR).  
  • Hu, X.M., Park, J., Supinie, T., Snook, N.A., Xue, M., Brewster, K.A., Brotzge, J. and Carley, J.R., 2023. Diagnosing near-surface model errors with candidate physics parameterization schemes for the multiphysics Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS) ensemble during winter over the northeastern United States and southern Great Plains. Mon. Wea. Rev., 151 (1), 39-61. (PR). 


  • Shrestha, N.(M.S. Geoscience 2022), Gani, N. D. (2023) Quantitative Tectonic Geomorphic Study from Bedrock Rivers of the Fold and Thrust Belt in the Bengal Basin. Geological Journal, v. 58 (4), p. 1466 – 1485. (PR).
  • Gani, N. D., van Soest, M.,Gani, M. R., Blackburn, N. (M.S. Geoscience 2016), Neupane, P., Bowden, S.(M.S. Geoscience 2018),  Tadesse, K. Bowden, S.  (2023). Investigating apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronologic ages to understand exhumation history of the Ethiopian Plateau. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 198, p. 104605. (PR).


  • Gani, N. D., van Soest, M.,Gani, M. R., Blackburn, N. (M.S. Geoscience 2016), Neupane, P., Bowden, S.(M.S. Geoscience 2018),  Tadesse, K. Bowden, S.  (2023). Investigating apatite (U-Th)/He thermochronologic ages to understand exhumation history of the Ethiopian Plateau. Journal of African Earth Sciences, 198, p. 104605. (PR).


  • Campbell, O.G. and Goodrich, G.B. (2023). Drought in the Breadbasket of America and the Influence of Oceanic Teleconnections. Hydrology, 10(12), p.215.


  • Zhang, J., Yang, P., Groves, C., Luo, X. and Wang, Y. (2023). Influence of geological structure on the physicochemical properties and occurrence of middle-deep groundwater in Chongqing, Southwest China. Journal of Hydrology, 610, p.127782. (PR).


  • Huang, X., Huss, J., North, L., Williams, K., and Boyd-Devine, A. (2023). Does reality beat real time? Effects of an immersive virtual reality nature-trail tour on cognitive and motivational processes in science learning. Computers & Education 4 (Dec 2023): 100124.


  • Suriano, Z.J., Loewy, C., Uz., J. (2023) Synoptic climatology of central United States snowfall. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 62(12): 1713-1730. (PR)
  • Suriano, Z.J., Henderson, G.R., Arthur, J., Harper, K., and D.J. Leathers. (2023) Atmospheric drivers associated with extreme snow ablation and discharge events in the Susquehanna River Basin: A climatology. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology. 62(11): 1497-1510. (PR)
  • Suriano, Z.J., Uz, J., Loewy, C. (2023). Intra-annual snowfall variability in the central United States. International Journal of Climatology. 43(13): 5720-5734. (PR).
  • Suriano, Z.J. (2023). Impact of Open Educational Resources on Student Performance in an Introductory Geography Course. Journal of Geography in Higher Education. 48(3): 491-500.. CJGH-2023-0024. (PR).
  • Schroeder, A.N., Suriano, Z.J., Asplund, C.A., Kliethermes, S.A., Roberts, W.O. (2023) Using Wet Bulb Globe Temperature and Physiological Equivalent Temperature as Predicative Models of Medical Stress in a Marathon: Analysis of 30-years of Data from the Twin Cities Marathon. Clinical Journal of Sports Medicine. 33(1): 45-53 (PR).



  • Zhang, W., Deng, X., Romeiko, X.X., Zhang, K., Sheridan, S.C., Brotzge, J., Chang, H.H., Stern, E.K., Guo, Z., Dong, G. and Reliene, R. (2022). How neighborhood environment modified the effects of power outages on multiple health outcomes in New York state?. Hygiene Environ. Health Advances, 4, 100039. (PR).
  • Shrestha, B., Brotzge, J.A. and Wang, J. (2022). Observations and impacts of long‐range transported wildfire smoke on air quality across New York state during July 2021. Geophysical Research Letters49(19), p.e2022GL100216. Geo. Res. Letters, 49 (19), e2022GL100216. (PR).
  • Deng, X., Brotzge, J., Tracy, M., Chang, H.H., Romeiko, X., Zhang, W., Ryan, I., Yu, F., Qu, Y., Luo, G. and Lin, S. (2022). Identifying joint impacts of sun radiation, temperature, humidity, and rain duration on triggering mental disorders using a high-resolution weather monitoring systemEnv. Intern.,167, 107411. (PR).
  • Shrestha, B., Brotzge, J.A. and Wang, J. (2022). Evaluation of the New York State Mesonet profiler network data.  Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15 (20), 6011-6033. (PR).
  • Brotzge, J., Wang, J., Bain, N., Miller, S. and Perno, C. (2022). Camera Network for Use in Weather Operations, Research, and Education. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society103(9), pp.E2000-E2016., Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 103 (9), E2000-E2016. (PR).


  • Wang, H., Y. Yan, K. Long, Q. Chen, X. Fan, F. Zhang, L. Tan. (2022). Relationships between rapid urbanization and extreme summer precipitation over the Sichuan-Chongqing area of China. Frontiers in Earth Science, DOI: 10.3389/feart.2022.909547 (PR).


  • Dixon, P.G., Durkee, J.D., Oglesby, J., Cahill, O. and Wright, M.K. (2022). Field and Stream: Initial Testing of a Live-Streamed, Storm-Chase Course in Meteorology. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 103(5), pp.343-347. (PR).


  • Bowden, S. (M.S. Geoscience 2018), Gani, N. D., Furman, T.,Gani, M. R., VanSoest, M., Abebe, T., Alemu, T., O'Sullivan, P.,Tadesse, K., & Abebe, B. (2022). Feedback between topography and lithosphere-asthenosphere dynamics beneath the Yerer-Tulu Wellel Volcano-Tectonic Lineament: Insights from apatite thermochronology and basalt geochemistry. Geological Journal, p. 1–18, DOI: (PR).


  • Bowden, S. (M.S. Geoscience 2018), Gani, N. D., Furman, T.,Gani, M. R., VanSoest, M., Abebe, T., Alemu, T., O'Sullivan, P.,Tadesse, K., & Abebe, B. (2022). Feedback between topography and lithosphere-asthenosphere dynamics beneath the Yerer-Tulu Wellel Volcano-Tectonic Lineament: Insights from apatite thermochronology and basalt geochemistry. Geological Journal, p. 1–18, DOI: (PR).


  • Zeng, S., Liu, Z., Groves, C. (2022). Large-scale CO2 removal by enhanced carbonate weathering from changes in land-use practices . Earth-Science Reviews, volume 225: 103915 (PR).
  • Zhang, J., Yang, P., Groves, C., Luo, X., Wang, Y. (2022).Influence of geological structure on the physicochemical properties and occurrence of middle-deep groundwater in Chongqing, Southwest China. Journal of Hydrology, volume 610,127782 (PR).

  • Chang, L., Ming, X., Groves, C., Ham, B., Wei, C., Yang, P. (2022). Nitrate fate and decadal shift impacted by land use change in a rural karst basin as revealed by dual nitrate isotopes. Environmental Pollution, volume 229: 118822 (PR).
  • Bledsoe, L.A., Tobin, B., Groves, C. (2022). Stronger together: understanding and protecting karst resources. Carbonates and Evaporites, Issues 37(9) (PR).


  • North, L., and Walters, C. (2022). Sustainability at Colleges and Universities. In The Palgrave Handbook of Global Sustainability. Brinkmann, R. (ed.). Switzerland: Springer International.


  • Kaiser, R.A.; Polk, J.S.; Datta, T.; Parekh, R.R.; Agga, G.E (2022). Occurrence of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria in Urban Karst Groundwater Systems. Water, 14, 960.
  • Marić, N., Štrbački, J., Polk, J., Slavković Beškoski, L., Avdalović, J., Lješević, M., Joksimović, K., Žerađanin, A., Beškoski, V. P.(2022). Spatial–temporal assessment of hydrocarbon biodegradation mechanisms at a contaminated groundwater site in Serbia, Chemistry and Ecology, 38:2, 95-107, DOI: 10.1080/02757540.2021.2017903.


  • Ellis, D.W., Suriano, Z.J. (2022) A hybrid dataset of historical cool-season lake effects from the eastern Great Lakes of North America. Frontiers in Water. 4: 788493.  
  • Suriano, Z.J. (2022) Nebraska snowfall: A climatological perspective. Physical Geography. 43(3): 265-284.
  • Suriano, Z.J. (2022) North American rain-on-snow climatology. Climate Research. 87: 133-145.



  • Murley, V.A. (M.S. Geoscience 2018), Durkee. J.D., Gilliland, J.M. (M.S. Geoscience 2011), Black, A.W. (2021). A climatology of high‐wind events for the eastern United States. International Journal of Climatology 41(S1): E368-E379 (PR).
  • Winchester, J. (M.S. Geoscience 2015), Mahmood, R., Rodgers, W. (M.S. Geoscience 2014), Silva, P.J., Lovanh, N., Durkee, J., Loughrin, J. (2021). A model-based exploratory study of sulfur dioxide dispersions from concentrated animal feeding operations in the Southeastern United States. Physical Geography (online first) (PR).


  • Tang, S., Li, R., He, J., Fan, X., Wang, H., Yao, S. (2021). Seasonal Error Component Analysis of the GPM IMERG Version 05 Precipitation Estimations over Sichuan Basin of China. Earth and Space Science 9(1): e2020EA001259 (PR).
  • Ma, P., Zhang, Y., Wang, X., Fan, X., Chen, L., Hu, Q., Wang, S., Li, T. (2021). Effect of diurnal temperature change on cardiovascular risks differed under opposite temperature trends. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 28, 39882–39891 (PR).


  • Gani N. D., Crowe, E. (B.S. Geology 2016), Bowden, S. (M.S. Geoscience 2018) (2021). Mesoscale structures in the Rough Creek Graben, U.S. Midcontinent craton: An integrated DEM analysis, structural modeling, and field-based approach. Results in Geophysical Sciences, v. 7: 100023 (PR).
  • Bhattarai, I. (M.S. Geoscience 2017), Gani, N.D., Xue, L. (2021). Geomorphological responses of rivers to active tectonics along the Siwalik Hills, Midwestern Nepalese Himalaya . Journal of Mountain Science, 18: 1268-1294 (PR).


  • Arthur, M.R. (M.S. Geoscience 2018), Gani, M.R. (2021). Submarine channel and lobe hidden inside mass-transport deposits in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Results in Geophysical Sciences, 1-5: 100013 (PR).


  • Bledsoe, L.A., Groves, C., Toomey, R. (2021). The Mammoth Cave National Park World Heritage Site. Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, Supplementary Issues 62(3): 145-193 (PR).
  • Arpin, S.M. (M.S. Geoscience 2013), Groves, C. (2021). Structural, geomorphic, and hydrochemical influences on the karst hydrogeology of the Haney Limestone in south-central Kentucky, USA. Hydrogeology Journal 29(1): 443-459.


  • Willenbrink, E. (M.S. Geoscience 2018), North, L.A., Nguyet, V.T.M., Polk, J., Graham, J. (M.S. Geoscience 2018) (2021). Communication Networks as a Catalyst for Holistic Sustainability on Karst Landscapes. Sustainability, 13(6): 3360-3372 (PR)


  • Willenbrink, E. (M.S. Geoscience 2018), North, L.A., Nguyet, V.T.M., Polk, J., Graham, J. (M.S. Geoscience 2018) (2021). Communication Networks as a Catalyst for Holistic Sustainability on Karst Landscapes. Sustainability, 13(6): 3360-3372 (PR)



  • Na-Yemeh, D. (M.S. Geoscience 2017); Mahmood, R.; Goodrich, G.; Younger, K. (M.S. Geoscience 2015); Cary, K.; Durkee, J. (2020). Growing Season Air mass Equivalent Temperature (TE) in the East Central USA. Climate 8: 95 (PR).
  • Mahmood, R., Schargorodski, M., Rappin, E., Griffin, M., Collins, P., Knupp, K., Quilligan, A., Wade, R., Cary, K., Foster, S. (2020). The Total Solar Eclipse of 2017: Meteorological Observations from a Statewide Mesonet and Atmospheric Profiling Systems. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101(6):.E720-E737 (PR)


  • Na-Yemeh, D. (M.S. Geoscience 2017); Mahmood, R.; Goodrich, G.; Younger, K. (M.S. Geoscience 2015); Cary, K.; Durkee, J. (2020). Growing Season Air mass Equivalent Temperature (TE) in the East Central USA. Climate 8: 95 (PR).
  • Moraes, F.D.S., Aquino, F.E., Mote, T.L., Durkee, J.D., Mattingly, K.S. (B.S. Meteorology 2012) (2020) Atmospheric characteristics favorable for the development of mesoscale convective complexes in southern Brazil. Climate Research80(1): 43-58 (PR).


  • Ma, P., Wang, S., Zhou, J., Li, T., Fan, X., Fan, J., Wang, S. (2020). Meteorological rhythms of respiratory and circulatory diseases revealed by Harmonic Analysis. Heliyon 6(5): e04034.
  • Yang, L., Wang, Y., Wang, Z., Yang, Q., Fan, X., Tao, F., Zhen, X., Yang, Z. (2020). Automatic Identification of Clear-Air Echoes Based on Millimeter-wave Cloud Radar Measurements. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences37(8), 912-924 (PR).
  • Zhang, Y., Zhang, X., Fan, X., Ni, C., Sun, Z., Wang, S., Fan, J., Zheng, C. (2020). Modifying effects of temperature on human mortality related to black carbon particulates in Beijing, China. Atmospheric Environment43: 117845 (PR).
  • Ma, P., Wang, S., Chen, L., Zhang, X., Fan, X., Zhou, N., Li, T., Zhang, Y. (2020). Independent influences of extreme atmospheric pressure on hypertension-related ER visits. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health 13: 1065-1074 (PR).
  • Tang, S., Li, R., He, J., Wang, H., Fan, X., Yao, S. (2020): Comparative evaluation of the GPM IMERG Early, Late, and Final hourly precipitation using the CMPA data over Sichuan Basin of China. Water 12(2): 554-573 (PR).


  • Mahmood, R., Schargorodski, M., Rappin, E., Griffin, M., Collins, P., Knupp, K., Quilligan, A., Wade, R., Cary, K., Foster, S. (2020). The Total Solar Eclipse of 2017: Meteorological Observations from a Statewide Mesonet and Atmospheric Profiling Systems. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 101(6): E720-E737 (PR).


  • Bowden, S. (M.S. Geoscience 2018), Gani, N. D., Alemu, T., O’Sullivan, P., Abebe, B., and Tadesse, K. (2020). Evolution of the Western Ethiopian Shield revealed through U-Pb geochronology, petrogenesis, geochemistry of sys- and post-tectonic intrusive rocks. Precambrian Research338: 105588 (PR).
  • Mattson, A.G. (M.S. Geoscience 2019), Gani, M.R., Roesler, T., Gani, N.D., Ford, J.T. (2020). 3D mapping of intruding salt bodies in the subsurface of the Gulf of Mexico using 3D seismic data. Results in Geophysical Sciences, 1-4: 100004 (PR).
  • Sahoo, H., Gani, M.R., Gani, N.D., Hampson, G.J., Howell, J.A., Storms, J.E., Martinius, A.W. and Buckley, S.J. (2020). Predictable patterns in stacking and distribution of channelized fluvial sand bodies linked to channel mobility and avulsion processes. Geology 48: 903-907 (PR).
  • Neupane, P.C., Gani, M.R., Gani, N.D., Huang, Y. (2020) Neogene vegetation shift in the Nepalese Siwalik, Himalayas: A compound specific isotopic study of lipid biomarkers. The Depositional Record6(1): 192-202 (PR).


  • Mattson, A.G. (M.S. Geoscience 2019), Gani, M.R., Roesler, T., Gani, N.D., Ford, J.T. (2020). 3D mapping of intruding salt bodies in the subsurface of the Gulf of Mexico using 3D seismic data. Results in Geophysical Sciences, 1-4: 100004 (PR).
  • Sahoo, H., Gani, M.R., Gani, N.D., Hampson, G.J., Howell, J.A., Storms, J.E., Martinius, A.W. and Buckley, S.J. (2020). Predictable patterns in stacking and distribution of channelized fluvial sand bodies linked to channel mobility and avulsion processes. Geology 48: 903-907 (PR).
  • Gani, M.R. (2020). Clastic shorelines and deltas. In Scarselli, N., Chiarella, D., Bally, A.W., Adam, J., Roberts, D.G. (Eds.) Regional Geology and Tectonics: Principles of Geologic Analysis (2nd Edn.). Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier, 343-364 (PR).
  • Neupane, P.C., Gani, M.R., Gani, N.D., Huang, Y. (2020) Neogene vegetation shift in the Nepalese Siwalik, Himalayas: A compound specific isotopic study of lipid biomarkers. The Depositional Record6(1): 192-202 (PR).


  • Na-Yemeh, D. (M.S. Geoscience 2017); Mahmood, R.; Goodrich, G.; Younger, K. (M.S. Geoscience 2015); Cary, K.; Durkee, J. (2020). Growing Season Air mass Equivalent Temperature (TE) in the East Central USA. Climate 8: 95 (PR).



  • Weissinger, R., Armstrong, A., Bahr, K., Groves, C. (2020). Trends in water quality of cave pools at Timpanogos Cave National Monument, July 2008–September 2018 . National Park Service, Fort Collins, CO: Natural Resource Report NPS/NCPN/NRR—2020/2181.
  • Yang, P., Wang, Y., Wu, X., Chang, L., Ham, B., Song, L., Groves, C. (2020). Nitrate sources and biogeochemical processes in karst underground rivers impacted by different anthropogenic input characteristics. Environmental Pollution 265(B): 114835 (PR)
  • Ming, X., Groves, C., Wu, X., Chang, L., Zheng, Y., Yang, P. (2020). Nitrate migration and transformations in groundwater revealed by dual nitrate isotopes and hydrochemistry in a Karst World Heritage Site. Science of The Total Environment 735: 138907 (PR).



  • Keeling, David J. (2020) Transport Geography in iceland. Journal of Transport Geography 89: 102875 (PR).
  • Keeling, David J. (2020) Restructuring Argentina’s Airline Networks: Successes and Challenges. Journal of Transport Geography (Special Issue on Air Transport and the Global South) 86: 102761 (PR).
  • Keeling, David J. (2020) Alternative languages of landscape analysis: Visualizing geography through photography. In Brunn, S.D., Kehrein, R. (eds.) Handbook of the Changing World Language Map. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature, 3061-3075.


  • Graham, J. (M.S. Geoscience 2018), North, L.A., Huijbens, E.H. (2020). Using Mobile Eye-Tracking to Inform the Development of Nature Tourism Destinations in Iceland. In Rainoldi, M., Jooss, M. (eds.) Eye Tracking in Tourism. Cham, Switzerland: Sage Publications, 201-224.


  • Tobin, B.W. (M.S. Geoscience 2007), Polk, J.S., Arpin, S.M. (M.S. Geoscience 2013), Shelley, A. (M.S. Geoscience 2018), Taylor, C. (2020). A Conceptual Model of Epikarst Processes Across Sites, Seasons, and Storm Events. Journal of Hydrology 125692 (PR).
  • Jackson, L. (M.S. Geoscience 2017), Polk, J.S. (2020). Seasonal δ13CDIC sourcing and geochemical flux in telogenetic epikarst of south‐central Kentucky. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 45(4): 785-799 (PR).




  • Younger, K. (M.S. Geoscience 2015), Mahmood, R., Goodrich, G., Pielke, R.A., Durkee, J. (2019). Mesoscale surface equivalent temperature (T E) for East Central USA. Theoretical and Applied Climatology  136(1-2): 65-75 (PR).


  • Ye, K., Yang, L., Ma, S., Zhen, X., Fan, X. (2019) Fusion of High-Resolution Reflectivity for a New Array Weather Radar. Atmosphere 10: 566-583 (PR).
  • Zhang, Y., Fan, X., Zhang, X., Ma, P., Wang, S., Zheng, C. (2019). Moderately cold temperature associates with high cardiovascular disease mortality in China. Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health12: 1225-1235 (PR).
  •  Zhang, Y., Wang, S., Fan, X., Xin, J., Cheng, Y. (2019). A temperature indicator for heavy air pollution risks (TIP). Science of the Total Environment  678: 712-720 (PR).
  • Wang, J., Fan, X., Zhang, Y., Yang, J., Du, Y., He, J. (2019): Methods for assessing and optimizing solar orientation by non-planar sensor arrays. Sensors 19(11), 2561-2570. DOI: 10.3390/s19112561 (PR).
  • Cao, Y, Su, D., Fan, X., Chen, H. (2019) Evaluating the Algorithm for Correction of the Bright Band Effects in QPEs with S-, C- and X-Band Dual-Polarized Radars. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences36(1): 41-54 (PR).
  • Yang, L., Fu, Y., Wang, Z., Zhen, X., Yang, Z., Fan, X. (2019). An Optimized Level Set Method Based on QPSO and Fuzzy Clustering. IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems E102D(5): 1065-1072 (PR).



  • Liang, X., Gani, N. D. and Abdelsalam, M. G. (2019). Drainage incision, tectonic uplift, and magmatism of the Kenya Rift, East African Rift System: A morpho-tectonic analysis approach. Geomorphology.345: 106839 (PR).


  •  Younger, K. (M.S. Geoscience 2015), Mahmood, R., Goodrich, G., Pielke, R.A., Durkee, J. (2019). Mesoscale surface equivalent temperature (T E) for East Central USA. Theoretical and Applied Climatology  136(1-2): 65-75 (PR).



  • Yang, P., Li, Y., Groves, C., Hong, A. (2019). Coupled hydrogeochemical evaluation of a vulnerable karst aquifer impacted by septic effluent in a protected natural area. Science of the Total Environment 658: 1475-1484.
  • Zhang, C., Groves, C., Jiang, Z., Yuan, D. (2019). Karst IGCP International Cooperation and Perspectives of Karst Critical Zone Research. Acta Geologica Sinica 93 (Supp 2): 152-153.
  • Yang, P., Dan, L., Groves, C., Xie, S. (2019). Geochemistry and genesis of geothermal well water from a carbonate–evaporite aquifer in Chongqing, SW China. Environmental Earth Sciences 78(1): 1-33 (PR).
  • Yang, P., Ming, X., Groves, C., Sheng, T. (2018). Impact of hotel septic effluent on the Jinfoshan Karst aquifer, SW China. Hydrogeology Journal  27(1): 321-334 (PR).


  • Kambesis, P. (2019). Caves and Karst of Phong Nha Kebang National Park, Vietnam. In White, W., Culver, D., Pipan, T. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Caves. London, UK: Elsevier Academic Press, 503-512.
  • Kambesis, P. (2019). Geology of Lechuguilla Cave, New Mexico. In White, W., Culver, D., Pipan, T. (eds.) Encyclopedia of Caves. London, UK: Elsevier Academic Press, 641-650.



  • Jiang, G., Guo, F., Lo, K.F.A., Liu, F., Guo, Y., Wu, W., Polk, J.S. (2018). Utilization status of rainwater harvesting and its improvement techniques in bare karst areas for domestic use and ecological restoration. Carbonates and Evaporites 34(4): 1381-1390 (PR).
  • Guo, F., Jiang, G., Zhao, H., Polk, J., Liu, S. (2019) Physicochemical parameters and phytoplankton as indicators of the aquatic environment in karstic springs of South China Science of the Total Environment659: 74-83 (PR).




  • Hunter, M.L., Jones, M.S., Main, M.E., Carter, D., Cary, K., Hall, M.D. (2018) Genetic Medical Clinic in Kentucky: A Needs Assessment of Anabaptist Households. Journal of Amish and Plain Anabaptist Studies6(2): 159-173 (PR).


  • Ma, P., Zhou, J., Wang, S., Li, T., Fan, X., Fan, J., Xie, J. (2018). Differences of hemorrhagic and ischemic strokes in age spectra and responses to climatic thermal conditions. Science of The Total Environment644: 1573-1579 (PR).
  • Zhang, Y., Wang, S., Fan, X., Ye, X. (2018). Temperature modulation of the health effects of particulate matter in Beijing, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research  25(11): 10857-10866 (PR).
  • Johnson, C.M. (B.S. Meteorology 2014), Fan, X., Mahmood, R., Groves, C., Polk, J.S., Yan, J. (2018) Evaluating weather research and forecasting  model sensitivity to land and soil conditions representative of karst landscapes. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 166(3):  503-530 (PR).


  • Gani, N.D., Neupane, P.C. (2018). Understanding transient landscape of the Ethiopian Plateau in relation to mantle dynamics. Geological Journal53(1): 371-385 (PR).
  • Xue, L., Alemu, T., Gani, N.D., Abdelsalam, M.G. (2018). Spatial and temporal variation of tectonic uplift in the southeastern Ethiopian Plateau from morphotectonic analysis. Geomorphology 309: 98-111 (PR).



  • Liu, Z., Macpherson, G.L., Groves, C., Martin, J.B., Yuan, D., Zeng, S. (2018). Large and active CO 2 uptake by coupled carbonate weathering. Earth-Science Reviews 182: 42-49 (PR).
  • Qin, T., Yang, P., Groves, C., Chen, F., Xie, G., Zhan, Z. (2018). Natural and anthropogenic factors affecting the hydrogeochemistry of the Jialing River and Yangtze River in the Chongqing main urban area, SW China. Applied Geochemistry 98: 448-458 (PR).
  • Lerch, R.N., Groves, C.G., Polk, J.S., Miller, B.V. (M.S. Geoscience 2010), Shelley, J. (M.S. Geoscience) (2018). Atrazine Transport through a Soil–Epikarst System. Journal of Environmental Quality47(5): 1205-1213 (PR).
  • Johnson, C.M. (B.S. Meteorology 2014), Fan, X., Mahmood, R., Groves, C., Polk, J.S., Yan, J. (2018) Evaluating weather research and forecasting model sensitivity to land and soil conditions representative of karst landscapes. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 166(3):  503-530 (PR).
  • Groves, C. (2018) Editor’s Message: US Environmental Protection Agency’s Coal Combustion Residuals Rule strengthens regulatory recognition of karst groundwater flow. Hydrogeology Journal 26(2): 361-365.
  • Gripshover, M.M., Groves, C. (2018). Between a Rock and a Radio Place; The Case of the lrene Ryan Signature lvtystery in lvtammoth Cave. National Spleological Scociety News, 77 (1): 22-24.



  • Younger, K. (M.S. Geoscience 2015), Mahmood, R., Goodrich, G., Pielke, R.A., Durkee, J. (2018). Mesoscale surface equivalent temperature (T E) for East Central USA. Theoretical and Applied Climatology (online first). Dewan, A., Ongee, E.T., Rahman, M.M., Mahmood, R., Yamane, Y. (2018). Spatial and temporal analysis of a 17-year lightning climatology over Bangladesh with LIS data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology  134(1-2): 347-362 (PR).
  • Rodgers, W.N. (M.S. Geoscience 2014), Mahmood, R., Leeper, R. (M.S. Geoscience 2009), Yan, J. (2018) Land Cover Change, Surface Mining, and Their Impacts on a Heavy Rain Event in the Appalachia. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108(5): 1187-1209 (PR).
  •  Johnson, C.M. (B.S. Meteorology 2014), Fan, X., Mahmood, R., Groves, C., Polk, J.S., Yan, J. (2018) Evaluating weather research and forecasting model sensitivity to land and soil conditions representative of karst landscapes. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 166(3):  503-530 (PR).
  • Dewan, A., Ongee, E.T., Rafiuddin, M., Rahman, M., Mahmood, R. (2018) Lightning activity associated with precipitation and CAPE over Bangladesh. International Journal of Climatology 38(4): 1649-1660  (PR). 


  • Willenbrink, E. (M.S. Geoscience 2018), North, L., Nguyet, V.T.M. (2018) Untapped Potential: Agricultural Social Networks as the Future of Karst Science Communication in Phong Nha-Ké Bang National Park, Vietnam. Focus on Geography61: 1-12 (online only) (PR).
  • North, L., Ryan, C.N. (2018) Green Universities: The Example of Western Kentucky University. In Brinkman, R., Garren, S.J. (eds.) The Palgrave Handbook of Sustainability. Zurich, Switzerland: Palgrave McMillan, 567-581.


  • Lerch, R.N., Groves, C.G., Polk, J.S., Miller, B.V. (M.S. Geoscience 2010), Shelley, J. (M.S. Geoscience) (2018). Atrazine Transport through a Soil–Epikarst System. Journal of Environmental Quality47(5): 1205-1213 (PR).
  • Bandy, A., Cook, K., Fryar, A.E., Polk, J. (2018). Use of Molecular Markers to Compare Escherichia coli Transport with Traditional Groundwater Tracers in Epikarst. Journal of Environmental Quality47(1): 88-95.
  •  Johnson, C.M. (B.S. Meteorology 2014), Fan, X., Mahmood, R., Groves, C., Polk, J.S., Yan, J. (2018) Evaluating weather research and forecasting model sensitivity to land and soil conditions representative of karst landscapes. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 166(3):  503-530 (PR)  


  • Rodgers, W.N. (M.S. Geoscience 2014), Mahmood, R., Leeper, R. (M.S. Geoscience 2009), Yan, J. (2018) Land Cover Change, Surface Mining, and Their Impacts on a Heavy Rain Event in the Appalachia. Annals of the American Association of Geographers 108(5): 1187-1209 (PR).
  • Johnson, C.M. (B.S. Meteorology 2014), Fan, X., Mahmood, R., Groves, C., Polk, J.S., Yan, J. (2018) Evaluating weather research and forecasting  model sensitivity to land and soil conditions representative of karst landscapes. Boundary-Layer Meteorology 166(3):  503-530 (PR).



  • Algeo, K. (2017) Review of "When Tobacco Was King: Families, Farm Labor, and Federal Policy in the Piedmont" by Bennett, E.P. (2014) in The AAG Review of Books 5(4): 268-270.


  • Winchester, J. (M.S. Geoscience 2015), Mahmood, R., Rodgers, W. (M.S. Geoscience 2014), Hossain, F., Rappin, E., Durkee, J., Chronis, T. (2017). A Model-Based Assessment of Potential Impacts of Man-Made Reservoirs on Precipitation. Earth Interactions 21: 1-31 (PR).


  • Yang, Q., Ma, Z., Fan, X., Yang, Z-L., Xu, Z., Wu, P. (2017) Decadal Modulation of Precipitation Patterns over East China by Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies. Journal of Climate30: 7017-7033 (PR).
  • Li, R., He, J., Tang, S., Miao, F., Fan, X. (2017). Observational Consistency Comparison and Analyses of an X-band All Solid-state Radar and an X-band Klystron Doppler Radar. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology  34: 2177-2202 (PR).


  • Mahmood, R., Boyles, R., Brinson, K., Fiebrich, C., Foster, S., Hubbard, K., Robinson, D., Andresen, J., Leathers, D. (2017) Mesonets: Meso-Scale Weather and Climate Observations for the U.S. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society98(7): 1349-1361 (PR).


  • Liang, X. Gani, N.D., Abdelsalam, M.G. (2017) Geomorphologic Proxies for Bedrock Rivers: A Case Study from the Rwenzori Mountains, East African Rift System. Geomorphology 285: 374-398 (PR).



  • Craft, K.E., Mahmood, R., King, S.A., Goodrich, G., Yan, J. (2017) Droughts of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries: Influences on the production of beef and forage in Kentucky, USA. Science of the Total Environment577: 122-135 (PR).



  •  Keeling, David J. (2017) Social-cultural and Territorial Aspects of Argentine Identity. In Herb, G., Kaplan D. (eds.) Scaling Identities: Nationalism and Territoriality. Boulder, CO: Rowman and Littlefield, 67-84 (PR).
  •  Keeling, David J. (2017) Review of The Production and Consumption of Music in the Digital Age by Hracs, B.J. et al. (2016) for the journal Growth and Change 48(2): 268-270.
  • Keeling, David J. (2017) Review of Beyond the City: Resource Extraction Urbanism in South America by Felipe Correa (2016) for the Journal of Latin American Geography 16(1): 207-209.


  • Winchester, J. (M.S. Geoscience 2015), Mahmood, R., Rodgers, W. (M.S. Geoscience 2014), Hossain, F., Rappin, E., Durkee, J., Chronis, T. (2017). A Model-Based Assessment of Potential Impacts of Man-Made Reservoirs on Precipitation. Earth Interactions 21: 1-31 (PR).
  • Mahmood, R., Pielke Sr., R.A. (2017). Land use/cover change and climate. In Richardson, D. (ed.) The International Encyclopedia of Geography: People, the Earth, Environment, and Technology. New York, NY: John Wiley, DOI: 10.1002/9781118786352.wbieg0511.
  • Mahmood, R., Boyles, R., Brinson, K., Fiebrich, C., Foster, S., Hubbard, K., Robinson, D., Andresen, J., Leathers, D. (2017) Mesonets: Meso-Scale Weather and Climate Observations for the U.S. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society98(7): 1349-1361 (PR).
  • Craft, K.E., Mahmood, R., King, S.A., Goodrich, G., Yan, J. (2017) Droughts of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries: Influences on the production of beef and forage in Kentucky, USA. Science of the Total Environment577: 122-135 (PR).
  • Chen, L., Ma, Z., Mahmood, R., Zhao, T., Li, Z., Li, Y. (2017). Recent land cover changes and sensitivity of the model simulations to various land cover datasets for China. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics129(4): 395-408 (PR).



  • Loughrin, J.H., Antle, S.W. (M.S. Geoscience), Polk, J. (2017). A Gas Chromatographic Method for the Determination of Bicarbonate and Dissolved Gases. Frontiers in Environmental Science 5(65): 1-4 (PR).
  • Gulley, J.D., Polk, J.S. (2017). Hypogene Karst Influences in the Upper Floridan Aquifer. In Klimchouk, A., Palmer, A.N., De Waele, J., Auler, A.S., Audra, P. (eds.) Hypogene Karst Regions and Caves of the World . Berlin, Germany: Springer, 745-755.
  • van Beynen, P., Polk, J.S., Asmerom, Y. and Polyak, V., 2017. Late Pleistocene and mid-Holocene climate change derived from a Florida speleothem. Quaternary International449: 75-82  (PR).
  • Asanidze, L., Chikhradze, N., Lezhava, Z., Tsikarishvili, K., Polk, J., Chartolani, G. (2017) Sedimentological Study of Caves in the Zemo Imereti Plateau, Georgia, Caucasus Region. Open Journal of Geology , 7, 465-477 (PR).


  • Ebrahimi, K. (M.S. Geoscience 2015), North, L.A., Yan, J. (2017). GIS applications in developing zero-waste strategies at a mid-size American university. In IEEE (ed.). Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on Geoinformatics , August 2-4, Buffalo, NY: 1-6.
  • Craft, K.E., Mahmood, R., King, S.A., Goodrich, G., Yan, J. (2017) Droughts of the twentieth and early twenty-first centuries: Influences on the production of beef and forage in Kentucky, USA. Science of the Total Environment577: 122-135 (PR).




  • Gani, N.D. (2016). Dextral shear zone within the Blue Nile Canyon, the Ethiopian Plateau (Photo of the Month). Journal of Structural Geology  92: iii.
  • Gani, N.D., Gani, M.R. (2016). Discussion On the Environment of Aramis: Reply to White in Cerling et al. Current Anthropology57(2), 219.
  • Sahoo, H., Gani, M.R., Hampson, G.J., Gani, N.D., Ranson, A. (2016). Facies- to sandbody-scale heterogeneity in a tight-gas fluvial reservoir analog: Blackhawk Formation, Wasatch Plateau, Utah, USA. Marine and Petroleum Geology78: 48-69 (PR).


  • Hulsey, J., Gani, M.R. (2016) Applying modern interpretation techniques to old hydrocarbon fields to find new reserves: A case study in the onshore Gulf of Mexico, USA. Interpretation4(4): T637-T635 (PR).
  • Carter, R.C., Gani, M.R., Roesler, R., Sarwar, A.K.M. (2016) Submarine channel evolution linked to rising salt domes, Gulf of Mexico, U.S.A. Sedimentary Geology342: 237-253 (PR).
  • Sahoo, H., Gani, M.R., Hampson, G.J., Gani, N.D., Ranson, A. (2016). Facies- to sandbody-scale heterogeneity in a tight-gas fluvial reservoir analog: Blackhawk Formation, Wasatch Plateau, Utah, USA. Marine and Petroleum Geology78: 48-69 (PR).


  •  Johannson,O., Gripshover, M.M., Bell, T. (2016) Landscapes of performance and technological change: Music venues in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and Nashville, Tennessee. In Hracs, B.J., Seman, M., Virani, T.E. (eds.) The Production and Consumption of Music in the Digital Age . New York: Routledge, pp. 114-129.
  • Gripshover, Peggy (2016) Norwalk This Way: Back To The Barley Future. The Beer Professor Guest blog, February 22.



  • Polk, J.S., Kambesis, P.N., Ham, B. (M.S. Geoscience 2009), Winter, S. (M.S. Geoscience 1990), Federico, R. (B.S. Geography 1994), Marasa, M. (2016). Corvettes and Karst: A microgravity survey at the National Corvette Museum, Bowling Green, Kentucky. Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2016 . Denver, CO: Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, 195-199.
  • Vieten, R., Winter, A., Samson, A.V., Cooper, J., Wrapson, L., Kambesis, P., Lace, M.J., Nieves, M.A. (2016). Quantifying the impact of human visitation in two cave chambers on Mona Island (Puerto Rico): implications for archaeological site conservation. Cave and Karst Science 43(2): 79-85 (PR).
  • Bunnell, D.E., Kambesis, P. (2016) The Great Cave of the Xe Bang Fei. Schoharie, NY: Speleobooks.
    Cooper, J., Samson, A.V.M., Nieves, M.A., Lace, M.J., Caamano-Dones, J., Cartwright, C., Kambesis, P.N., del Olmo Frese, L. (2016) The Mona Chronicle: the archaeology of early religious encounter in the New World. Antiquity 90(352): 1–18 (PR).
  • Kambesis, P., Coke, J., (2016). The Sac Actun Cave System, Quintana Roo, Mexico In Robledo, P.A., Duran, J.J. (eds.). Large Cave Systems of the World. Boletín Geológico y Minero 127 (1): 177-182.
     Lace, M.J., Kambesis, P.N., J.E. Mylroie (2016). Sistema Faro, Isla de Mona, Puerto Rico: Speleogenesis of the World’s Longest
  • Flank Margin Cave. In Robledo, P.A., Duran, J.J. (eds.). Large Cave Systems of the World. Boletín Geológico y Minero , 127 (1): 205-217.
  • Mylroie, J.E., Lace, M.J., Kambesis, P.N., Mylroie, J.R. (2016) Karst processes and estuarine coastlines. In Kennish, M.J. (ed.) Encyclopedia of EstuariesDordrecht, Germany: Springer, 373-380.
    Kambesis, P., Larson, E., Mylroie, J. (2016) Morphometric analysis of cave patterns using fractal indices. In Feinberg, J.M., Gao, Y., Alexander Jr., E.C. (eds.) Caves and Karst Across Time. Geological Society of America Special Papers, #516, 67-87.


  • Drummond, H., Dizgun, J., Keeling, D.J. (2016) Role differentiation in an adolescent victim-offender typology: Results from Medellin, Colombia. Journal of Interpersonal Violence31(18): 3080-3107 (PR).


  • Pielke Sr, R.A., Mahmood, R., McAlpine, C. (2016) Land’s complex role in climate change. Physics Today69(11): 40-46.
    Kusunose, Y., Mahmood, R. (2016) Imperfect forecasts and decision making in agriculture. Agricultural Systems 146: 103-110 (PR).
  • Lin, X., Pielke Sr, R.A., Mahmood, R., Fiebrich, C.A. and Aiken, R., 2015. Observational evidence of temperature trends at two levels in the surface layer. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 16: 827-841 (PR).
  • Mahmood, R., Pielke Sr., R.A., Loveland, T.R., McAlpine, C. (2016). Climate relevant land use and land cover change policies. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society97(2): 195-202 (PR).
  • Quintanar, A.I., Mahmood, R. Suarez, Astrid (B.S. Meteorology 2010), Leeper, R. (M.S. Geoscience 2009), (2015) Atmospheric sensitivity to roughness length in a regional atmospheric model over the Ohio-Tennessee river valley. Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics128(3): 315-330 (PR).


  • Porter, B.L., North, L.A., Polk, J.S. (2016) Comparing and refining karst disturbance index methods through application in an island karst setting. Environmental Management58(6): 1027-1045 (PR).
  • North, L.A., van Beynen, P. (2016). All in the Training: Techniques for Enhancing Karst Landscape Education through Show Cave Interpretation. Applied Environmental Education and Communication15(4): 279-290.


  • Porter, B.L., North, L.A., Polk, J.S. (2017) Comparing and refining karst disturbance index methods through application in an island karst setting. Environmental Management58(6): 1027-1045 (PR).
  • Polk, J.S., Kambesis, P.N., Ham, B. (M.S. Geoscience 2009), Winter, S. (M.S. Geoscience 1990), Federico, R. (B.S. Geography 1994), Marasa, M. (2016). Corvettes and Karst: A microgravity survey at the National Corvette Museum, Bowling Green, Kentucky. Symposium on the Application of Geophysics to Engineering and Environmental Problems 2016 . Denver, CO: Environmental and Engineering Geophysical Society, 195-199.
  • McClanahan, Kegan (M.S. Geoscience 2014), Polk, J., Groves, C., Osterhoudt, L. (M.S. Geoscience 2014), Grubbs, S. (2016) Dissolved inorganic carbon sourcing using δ13CDIC from a karst influenced river system. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms41(3): 392-405 (PR).



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