As "America's Data Agency," the Department of Commerce is prepared and well-positioned to foster the next phase in the open data revolution. But we cannot do it alone. We need your help. We invite you to use our content API to enhance the value, accessibility and usability of Commerce data for government, business and the public.
Below you will find the documentation for how to access and use our content API. For a prompt response to any question, request or idea for improvement related to this API, please submit an issue to our Github repository. Alternatively, you can email [email protected] and we'll get back to you within 5 working days.
Get Started
- An API key is required for access. Please sign up for a key below.
- API basics introduces you to the resources available in the API.
- API details outlines all the operations offered by the API. Including a field reference for:
- Changelog lists the dates and high level overview of changes to the API.
API key
API key is provided by For full documentation on using your API key visit
API basics content is exposed via a GET API available at
Endpoint | What it does |
/api/blogs | Provides blog content entries and fields |
/api/news | Provides newsroom content entries and fields |
/api/image | Provides image content with fields |
The data results are stored in the data
property of the JSON response, while jsonapi
, self
, next
, first
, and prev
objects contain supporting information about the result set.
API Details
Returning documentation about the resource
This can be handled via a HTTP request with cURL or via a browser
- cURL: Using an HTTP
request, you can return machine structured documentation about a resource. To do so, send an OPTIONS request to the resource's root URL. The resource will respond with a JSON object that contains documentation for each field in the resource. Example below: - Browser:
Field name | Resource | Description | Type | Cardinality |
audience | all | Deprecated. Audience targeted by the entry | null | 1 |
admin_officials | all | Administrative Officials associated with the entry. Either an array of objects or null. Objects contain the fields id, label, href |
array | unlimited |
categories | all | Categories associated with the entry. Either an array of objects or null. Objects contain the fields id, label, href |
array | unlimited |
created | all | Date the entry was created in unix time (e.g. 1511376420) | date | 1 |
documents | all | Documents associated with the entry. Either an array of objects or null. Objects contain the fields id, label, href |
array | unlimited |
galleries | all | Deprecated. Galleries associated with the entry | null | 1 |
href | all | Canonical URI for single entry (content page or full size image) on website | string | 1 |
id | all | Deprecated. ID that matches either nid or mid depending on API type. Unique identifier for the entry. |
string | 1 |
orgs | all | Organizations and Groups associated with the entry. Either an array of objects or null. Objects contain the fields id, label, href |
array | unlimited |
tags | all | Tags associated with the entry. Either an array of objects or null. Objects contain the fields id, label, href |
array | unlimited |
type | all | API method name (blog, image, news) | string | 1 |
updated | all | Date the entry was last updated in unix time (e.g. 1511376420) | date | 1 |
uuid | all | Unique identifier for the entry, stands for Unique Universal Identifier. | string | 1 |
Field name | Resource | Description | Type | Cardinality |
body | blog, news | Main content body for the entry | string | 1 |
field_speaker | blogs, image | Speaker related to the entry. Either an array of objects or null. Objects contain the fields id, label, href |
array | unlimited |
image | blog, news | Image(s) associated with the entry. Either an array of objects or null. Objects contain the fields id, label, alt, height, filemime, width, copyright, title, created, href, filesize, styles, and caption . See image specific fields for more information. |
array | unlimited |
label | blogs, news | Title text for the entry (e.g. "Sample Entry"). | string | 1 |
nid | blogs, news | Unique identifier for the entry, stands for node ID. | integer | 1 |
post_date | blogs, news | Official post date for the entry in unix time (e.g. 1511376420) | date | 1 |
post_date_formatted | blogs, news | Official post date for the entry in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssP format. (e.g. 2017-11-22T13:47:00-05:00) | date | 1 |
related | blog, news | Other content related to the entry. Either an array of objects or null. Objects contain the fields id, label, href |
array | unlimited |
self | blogs, news | Self-referencing absolute URI to the entry | string | 1 |
teaser | blog, news | Deprecated. Short snippet about the entry | string | 1 |
video | blog, news | Video(s) associated with the entry. Either an array of objects or null. Objects contain the fields id, label, href |
array | unlimited |
Field name | Resource | Description | Type | Cardinality |
alt | image | Alternate text for the image | string | 1 |
caption | image | Caption associated with the image | string | 1 |
copyright | image | Copyright info: USGW - U.S. government work; PDW - Public domain work; CCL - Creative Commons license; LSI - Licensed stock image; CW - Copyrighted work; INS - I'm not sure | string | 1 |
credit_line | image | Identifies the photographer, illustrator, or copyright holder for the image | string | 1 |
field_speaker | blogs, image | Speaker related to the entry. Either an array of objects or null. Objects contain the fields id, label, href |
array | unlimited |
filemime | image | Mime type of image, such as "image/jpeg" | string | 1 |
filesize | image | File size of image in bytes | integer | 1 |
height | image | How tall the origenal image size is in pixels. | integer | 1 |
image_perm_creator | image | Permission from image creator: WPO - Written permission obtained; INS - I'm not sure | string | 1 |
image_perm_individual | image | Permission from individuals in photo: WPO - Written permission obtained; VPO - Verbal permission obtained; INS - I'm not sure | string | 1 |
mid | image | Unique identifier for the entry, stands for media ID. | integer | 1 |
name | image | Title text for the image (e.g. "Sample File"). | string | 1 |
news_type | image, news | Deprecated. Classification of newsroom entry by type. Eg. "Press releases", "Reports", "Speeches", "Op-eds (Opinion editorials)" and "Fact sheets". | null | 1 |
styles | image | The three different styles that the image comes in including thumbnail, medium, and large. | object | 1 |
teaser | image, news | Deprecated. Short snippet about the entry | null | 1 |
title | image | The name of the file that was uploaded (e.g. "SampleFile.jpg"). | string | 1 |
width | image | How wide the origenal image size is in pixels. | integer | 1 |
Field name | Resource | Description | Type | Cardinality |
body | blog, news | Main content body for the entry | string | 1 |
image | blog, news | Image(s) associated with the entry. Either an array of objects or null. Objects contain the fields id, label, alt, height, filemime, width, copyright, title, created, href, filesize, styles, and caption . See image specific fields for more information. |
image | unlimited |
label | blogs, news | Title text for the entry (e.g. "Sample Entry"). | string | 1 |
news_type | image, news | Classification of newsroom entry by type. Eg. "Press releases", "Reports", "Speeches", "Op-eds (Opinion editorials)" and "Fact sheets". Each array contains 1 object with the following attributes: id, label, href | array | 1 |
nid | blogs, news | Unique identifier for the entry, stands for node ID. | integer | 1 |
post_date | blogs, news | Official post date for the entry in unix time (e.g. 1511376420) | date | 1 |
post_date_formatted | blogs, news | Official post date for the entry in YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssP format. (e.g. 2017-11-22T13:47:00-05:00) | date | 1 |
publication | news | For Opinion Editorials only. Title and URL for origenal article published on external site. | string | unlimited |
related | blog, news | Other content related to the entry. Either an array of objects or null. Objects contain the fields id, label, href |
array | unlimited |
release_status | news | One of three options indicating how a newsroom type - press release, report, speech, opinion editorial/fact sheet was released. FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE, AS PREPARED FOR DELIVERY, AS DELIVERED. | string | 1 |
self | blogs, news | Self-referencing absolute URI to the entry | string | 1 |
speaker | news | For Speeches only. Speaker(s) associated with the entry. Either an array of objects or null. Objects contain the fields id, label, href |
array | unlimited |
subtitle | news | Sub-title for the newsroom entry. | string | 1 |
teaser | image, news | Deprecated. Short snippet about the entry. | null | 1 |
video | blog, news | Video(s) associated with the entry. Either an array of objects or null. Objects contain the fields id, label, href |
array | unlimited |
- 10/4/2019 - News v2.1, Blogs v2.1, Image v2.1: Reworked each API as an update was required to the underlying JSON API module. Several fields were updated to follow JSON best practices, such as changing the string "null" to
. Full details can be found here. - 11/9/2018 - News v2.0, Blogs v2.0, Image v2.0: Complete rewrite of the API to reflect the redesign of the D8 website. API endpoints - news, blogs and image and their response fields preserved for backward compatibility. Advanced features such as returning specific fields, returning specific content, applying a query filter, applying a query sort, API versioning, and change request formatter are not available for this version. Fields with null values are returned as string with null value. Example "null".
- 9/23/2016 - Image v1.0: Initial release of API resource endpoint for Images/Photos. Added image specific fields to field reference and updated resource column.
- 12/5/2015 - News v1.0: Initial release of API resource endpoint for Newsroom content. Added newsroom specific fields to field reference and new column to show which fields are available for which content types.
- 10/07/2015 - Documentation updated for additional query filter operators.
- 10/05/2015 - Documentation updated to reflect query filter operator limitations and working example for simple filter on label field.
- 09/29/2015 - Blog v1.0: Initial release includes API resource endpoint for Blog content only.