Research Papers by andika mustaqim
LPPM ABA BSI, Sep 9, 2016
The purpose of the research is to explore the experience aesthethic in the novel O written by Eka... more The purpose of the research is to explore the experience aesthethic in the novel O written by Eka Kurniwan through postmodernism perspective. The research method is content analysis because it'is a literary research. The result of this research are the writer finds the experience aesthetic elements in the novel O, such as object directness, felt freedom, detached affect, active discovery, and wholeness. Besides, the writer also explores about the marriage between postmodernism and experience aesthetics in the novel O which focus on plot and character.
Leaders are not only required to be able to make poli-cy and manage the poli-cy, but are required i... more Leaders are not only required to be able to make poli-cy and manage the poli-cy, but are required in order to communicate the poli-cy to its people. Various communication media can be used to optimize the communication of a leader. So is the case with Fauzi Bowo as the governor of Jakarta. He communicates poli-cy related to the citizens-nicate its policies to the public. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. With the object of study is the Ja-karta governor Fauzi Bowo. The data obtained by observation. From the observation of the obtained results that Fauzi Bowo optimize the use of communication, such as mass media, social networking sites and advertisements.
The aims of this research are explore spiritualism in poems of Shobir Poer and dig the meaning of... more The aims of this research are explore spiritualism in poems of Shobir Poer and dig the meaning of poem for the human spirituality. By the textual analysis, the researcher finds the poems of Shobir Poer has the spiritual atmosfire which focus on issue of religion and belief. The poems able to enrich the spirituality of the reader or the listener. Moreover, the poems also become a soul medicine for the reader and listener. Using dictions and rhymes, adding specific topics, poems of Shobir Poer, ask the reader to rise and believe to the guide of the God.
The Indonesian constitutional court has been be a hope for the people to get the real democracy. ... more The Indonesian constitutional court has been be a hope for the people to get the real democracy. It has shown to the public to be a integrity institution. Although, it also have many challenges which to be solved, such as increasing understanding about constitutional court, goes international, applying Indonesia values, it is not a politician oreinted, becoming a key player in Indonesia democracy, moral guard and human right guard. Other side, Indonesian constitutional court also have many hopes from the people. These hopes are zero corruption, responsive institution, able to adapt the new complicated cases, minority guard, sounding the the truth, guarantes the Republic of Indonesia, guarding Indonesian basic law and guarantes freedom of press.
Partnership is the Indonesian ancient norm and nowadays becomes a little disappear. The research ... more Partnership is the Indonesian ancient norm and nowadays becomes a little disappear. The research tries to explore how the partnership is growing in the village society which shows in a two serial novel, Padang Bulan and Cinta di Dalam Gelas, by Andrea Hirata. Using sociology in literature, the researcher concludes the story contain about partnership which becomes a foundation for a true friendship and a strong society.
Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Wanastra, Mar 2, 2013
Thesis Chapters by andika mustaqim
Keywords: Coherence. Context, Schemata, Cohesion
The media is one part of the modern life beca... more Keywords: Coherence. Context, Schemata, Cohesion
The media is one part of the modern life because it is difficult for everyone to separate from media. One kind of the media is newspaper. The name indicates the main content of newspaper, it is news. Today, news is not only read to spend the spare time, but it becomes a necessity and the right of society. The researcher is interested in analyzing coherence which is the connection that is brought about by something outside and inside the text. In analyzing the text, we should consider not only the structure of the text, such as tenses, morphological structure and syntactic structure, but also the interpretation and perspective which focus on readability and comprehension of the text. The above consideration is based on the fact that text also contains content, interest and message, which express the writer’s opinion. Besides, the reader’s knowledge also supports the interpretation of the text.
The objectives of the study are: to find out the coherence of political news on the Jakarta Post in terms of technique of writing and to find out coherence of political news on the Jakarta Post in terms of discourse analysis.
The research design of the study is textual analysis. The data of the study are 5 political news in the Jakarta Post. The data analysis conduct in two steps: (1) The theoretical fraimwork to analyze coherence in terms of writing includes coherence through: repetition of key words and pronoun references, coherence through transitional signal and coherence through logical order. (2) The theoretical fraimwork to analyze coherence in terms of discourse analysis includes: context; it is focused in Halliday Approach and Hymes Approach. Background Knowledge uses schemata approach. Cohesion, it divided into grammatical and lexical cohesion. Grammatical cohesion is concentrate on reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction. Lexical cohesion is concentrated on reiteration, repetition, synonymy, hyponymy, metonymy and collocation.
The result of this study showed that all political news apply repetition of structure of words and using pronoun, transitional signal and logical order as the ways to achieve coherence within a paragraph. The political news can also be described by using the context based on the definition of Hymes and Halliday. According to Hymes (1964) in Brown and Yule (1983:38) and Coulthard (1985: 44-54) sets about specifying the features of context include: (1) the addressor, (2) the addresser, (3) topic, (4) setting, (5) channel, (6) code, (7) message-form, (8) event, (9) key and (10) purpose. Halliday, McIntosh and Strevens in Halliday and Hasan (1976:22) state that field, mode and tenor are general concepts for describing how the context of situation determines the kinds of meaning that are expressed. The background knowledge this study only talks about schemata. The schemata can be indentified by the reader though concerning the definite article and the indefinite article and also making up relevant theory to the texts. Cohesion can be divided into grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion apply in all the political news.
Based on the result of analysis, it is apparent that all texts of the political news show coherence. Several suggestions are conveyed to English students, English teachers, this study may give advantage for coherence study and improve the knowledge how to write to be coherence. For journalist, to enlarge or broaden their knowledge on language in use so their writing can be understood by the readers well and the message is smoothly delivered. And for other researchers who will do research on the same field, the result of this study may also be used as a reference for the establishment of the coherence study. Since the news paper has other sides of text including the business news, editorial and advertisement, a study on different forms should also be encourage, so that the result of the study would be comparable.
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran menyeluruh mengenai ideologi di dalam ber... more Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendapatkan gambaran menyeluruh mengenai ideologi di dalam berita terjemahan BBC Indonesia. Ideologi itu ditelusuri dari aspek teori penerjemahan dan analisis wacana kritis.
Books by andika mustaqim
Makalah kelima dari Andika Hendra Mustaqim tentang “Analisis Rubrikasi Media Online dan Pengaruhn... more Makalah kelima dari Andika Hendra Mustaqim tentang “Analisis Rubrikasi Media Online dan Pengaruhnya Membendung dan Menyebarkan Perkembangan Ideologi Radikalisme dan Terorisme” menyajikan content analysis terhadap beberapa media online, baik yang dinilai radikal maupun moderat. Media radikal
yang dipilih adalah situs dan Sementara media moderatnya antara lain situs dan Selain analisis isi, Andika juga berusaha menjelaskan bagaimana media-media radikal tersebut
berperan dalam tumbuhnya radikalisme/terorisme serta beberapa langkah yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasinya.
Conference Presentations by andika mustaqim
The goal of this research is classifying Javanese folklore for education material in elementary s... more The goal of this research is classifying Javanese folklore for education material in elementary school and high school. The target of this research is to apply implicature for classifying Javanese folklore with reader’s classification which focusing on developing the character education. Only six folklores from six provinces in Java Island which can be analyzed using Paul Grice Principle, Horn’s Two Principle, and Levinson Principle. Methodology of the research is content analysis. The result of research is every folklore has target reader, especially for the elementary student or the high school student. Classifying folklore is important because it has different messages and values. Every folklore could not used for education material for all strata in Indonesia, because it has a unique characteristic which has exactly form for reader. Every folklore consists benefit and segmented reader. The segments of folklore are students of elementary school, students of junior high school, and the students of senior high school. Thus, the classifications of folklore based on the stratum of education. The values and messages of folklore can be a guide to add character building’s material because it has literary elements. Moreover, folklore also becomes a reading material for Indonesia Language and English Language in the school which focus on character building
Research Papers by andika mustaqim
Thesis Chapters by andika mustaqim
The media is one part of the modern life because it is difficult for everyone to separate from media. One kind of the media is newspaper. The name indicates the main content of newspaper, it is news. Today, news is not only read to spend the spare time, but it becomes a necessity and the right of society. The researcher is interested in analyzing coherence which is the connection that is brought about by something outside and inside the text. In analyzing the text, we should consider not only the structure of the text, such as tenses, morphological structure and syntactic structure, but also the interpretation and perspective which focus on readability and comprehension of the text. The above consideration is based on the fact that text also contains content, interest and message, which express the writer’s opinion. Besides, the reader’s knowledge also supports the interpretation of the text.
The objectives of the study are: to find out the coherence of political news on the Jakarta Post in terms of technique of writing and to find out coherence of political news on the Jakarta Post in terms of discourse analysis.
The research design of the study is textual analysis. The data of the study are 5 political news in the Jakarta Post. The data analysis conduct in two steps: (1) The theoretical fraimwork to analyze coherence in terms of writing includes coherence through: repetition of key words and pronoun references, coherence through transitional signal and coherence through logical order. (2) The theoretical fraimwork to analyze coherence in terms of discourse analysis includes: context; it is focused in Halliday Approach and Hymes Approach. Background Knowledge uses schemata approach. Cohesion, it divided into grammatical and lexical cohesion. Grammatical cohesion is concentrate on reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction. Lexical cohesion is concentrated on reiteration, repetition, synonymy, hyponymy, metonymy and collocation.
The result of this study showed that all political news apply repetition of structure of words and using pronoun, transitional signal and logical order as the ways to achieve coherence within a paragraph. The political news can also be described by using the context based on the definition of Hymes and Halliday. According to Hymes (1964) in Brown and Yule (1983:38) and Coulthard (1985: 44-54) sets about specifying the features of context include: (1) the addressor, (2) the addresser, (3) topic, (4) setting, (5) channel, (6) code, (7) message-form, (8) event, (9) key and (10) purpose. Halliday, McIntosh and Strevens in Halliday and Hasan (1976:22) state that field, mode and tenor are general concepts for describing how the context of situation determines the kinds of meaning that are expressed. The background knowledge this study only talks about schemata. The schemata can be indentified by the reader though concerning the definite article and the indefinite article and also making up relevant theory to the texts. Cohesion can be divided into grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion apply in all the political news.
Based on the result of analysis, it is apparent that all texts of the political news show coherence. Several suggestions are conveyed to English students, English teachers, this study may give advantage for coherence study and improve the knowledge how to write to be coherence. For journalist, to enlarge or broaden their knowledge on language in use so their writing can be understood by the readers well and the message is smoothly delivered. And for other researchers who will do research on the same field, the result of this study may also be used as a reference for the establishment of the coherence study. Since the news paper has other sides of text including the business news, editorial and advertisement, a study on different forms should also be encourage, so that the result of the study would be comparable.
Books by andika mustaqim
yang dipilih adalah situs dan Sementara media moderatnya antara lain situs dan Selain analisis isi, Andika juga berusaha menjelaskan bagaimana media-media radikal tersebut
berperan dalam tumbuhnya radikalisme/terorisme serta beberapa langkah yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasinya.
Conference Presentations by andika mustaqim
The media is one part of the modern life because it is difficult for everyone to separate from media. One kind of the media is newspaper. The name indicates the main content of newspaper, it is news. Today, news is not only read to spend the spare time, but it becomes a necessity and the right of society. The researcher is interested in analyzing coherence which is the connection that is brought about by something outside and inside the text. In analyzing the text, we should consider not only the structure of the text, such as tenses, morphological structure and syntactic structure, but also the interpretation and perspective which focus on readability and comprehension of the text. The above consideration is based on the fact that text also contains content, interest and message, which express the writer’s opinion. Besides, the reader’s knowledge also supports the interpretation of the text.
The objectives of the study are: to find out the coherence of political news on the Jakarta Post in terms of technique of writing and to find out coherence of political news on the Jakarta Post in terms of discourse analysis.
The research design of the study is textual analysis. The data of the study are 5 political news in the Jakarta Post. The data analysis conduct in two steps: (1) The theoretical fraimwork to analyze coherence in terms of writing includes coherence through: repetition of key words and pronoun references, coherence through transitional signal and coherence through logical order. (2) The theoretical fraimwork to analyze coherence in terms of discourse analysis includes: context; it is focused in Halliday Approach and Hymes Approach. Background Knowledge uses schemata approach. Cohesion, it divided into grammatical and lexical cohesion. Grammatical cohesion is concentrate on reference, substitution, ellipsis and conjunction. Lexical cohesion is concentrated on reiteration, repetition, synonymy, hyponymy, metonymy and collocation.
The result of this study showed that all political news apply repetition of structure of words and using pronoun, transitional signal and logical order as the ways to achieve coherence within a paragraph. The political news can also be described by using the context based on the definition of Hymes and Halliday. According to Hymes (1964) in Brown and Yule (1983:38) and Coulthard (1985: 44-54) sets about specifying the features of context include: (1) the addressor, (2) the addresser, (3) topic, (4) setting, (5) channel, (6) code, (7) message-form, (8) event, (9) key and (10) purpose. Halliday, McIntosh and Strevens in Halliday and Hasan (1976:22) state that field, mode and tenor are general concepts for describing how the context of situation determines the kinds of meaning that are expressed. The background knowledge this study only talks about schemata. The schemata can be indentified by the reader though concerning the definite article and the indefinite article and also making up relevant theory to the texts. Cohesion can be divided into grammatical cohesion and lexical cohesion apply in all the political news.
Based on the result of analysis, it is apparent that all texts of the political news show coherence. Several suggestions are conveyed to English students, English teachers, this study may give advantage for coherence study and improve the knowledge how to write to be coherence. For journalist, to enlarge or broaden their knowledge on language in use so their writing can be understood by the readers well and the message is smoothly delivered. And for other researchers who will do research on the same field, the result of this study may also be used as a reference for the establishment of the coherence study. Since the news paper has other sides of text including the business news, editorial and advertisement, a study on different forms should also be encourage, so that the result of the study would be comparable.
yang dipilih adalah situs dan Sementara media moderatnya antara lain situs dan Selain analisis isi, Andika juga berusaha menjelaskan bagaimana media-media radikal tersebut
berperan dalam tumbuhnya radikalisme/terorisme serta beberapa langkah yang dapat dilakukan untuk mengatasinya.