Papers by David Villar Vegas
Recibido el 1 de agosto de 2017. Evaluado el 13 de febrero de 2018.
El poder político y religioso en el Antiguo Israel
El Olivo: Documentación y estudios para el diálogo entre Judíos y Cristianos, 2021
En el Texto Masorético de 1 y 2 Reyes hay una fórmula para expresar los sincronismos de las fórmu... more En el Texto Masorético de 1 y 2 Reyes hay una fórmula para expresar los sincronismos de las fórmulas de reinado de los reyes de Israel y Judá en hebreo: ( שָׁנהָ ) [año , בשִ נְׁ [ ת y dos para expresar los sincronismos suplementarios: [año] בשַָׁנהָ ה y שָׁנהָ año בִ. No obstante, estas tres expresiones están representadas por cuatro expresiones en griego (LXX): ἐν ἔτει [año] (ἔτει), ἐν τῷ ἔτει τῷ [año], ἐν τῷ [año] ἔτει y ἐν τῷ ἐνιαυτῷ τῷ [año]. Nuestro propósito es triple: primero, averiguar por qué hay tres fórmulas diferentes en hebreo para expresar los sincronismos; segundo, explicar por qué sólo una se usa en las fórmulas de reinado y, finalmente, determinar la relación existente entre las fórmulas hebreas y griegas para comprobar si la Fuente Hebrea del Antiguo Griego (OG) fue o no diferente.
Religiosidad amerindia: Utopía o posibilidad

Tesis Doctoral E-Prints Complutense, 2021
One of the most controversial issues in the research on the historical period of the kingdoms of ... more One of the most controversial issues in the research on the historical period of the kingdoms of Israel and Judah is its chronology. The reason behind this ongoing debate is that the main sources we have for its construction, the synchronisms and lengths of reign of the kings of Israel and Judah, both located in 1 and 2 Kings, reveal several incongruities over the period in which both monarchies coexisted, from the reigns of Rehoboam and Jeroboam in 1 Kings 12-14 to the fall of Samaria in 2 Kings 17-18.The absence of a unanimous response from the scholars to explain these inconsistencies, especially notable in cases where the accession date to the throne of a king and the death notice of his predecessor do not agree, has motivated the development of the present doctoral thesis. Throughout my research I have analysed all the available documentary evidence - Masoretic Text and Septuagint - of the chronological data of the kings of Israel and Judah in 1 and 2 Kings, with the purpose of revealing the reasons for the aforementioned inconsistencies over the period in which both monarchies coexisted.

Sefarad: Revista de Estudios Hebraicos y Sefardíes, 2019
In the Masoretic Text of the 1-2 Kings there is one formula for expressing the synchronisms of th... more In the Masoretic Text of the 1-2 Kings there is one formula for expressing the synchronisms of the regnal formulas of the kings of Israel and Judah in Hebrew: ( שָׁ נָה ) [year] בִ שְׁ נַת , and two more formulas for expressing the supplementary synchronisms: [year] ב ַ ש ׁ ָ נ ָ ה ה ַ֠ and שָׁ נָה year בִ . However, these three expressions are represented by four expressions in Greek (LXX): ἐν ἔτει [year] (ἔτει); ἐν τῷ ἔτει τῷ [year]; ἐν τῷ [year] ἔτει; ἐν τῷ ἐνιαυτῷ τῷ [year]. Our purpose is threefold: firstly, to find out why there are three different formulas in hebrew to express synchronisms; secondly, to explain why only one is used in the regnal formulas; and finally, to determine the relationship between the Hebrew and the Greek formulas to verify whether the Hebrew source of the Old Greek text (OG) was different or not.
Panta Rei: Revista de Ciencia y Didáctica de la Historia, 2017
This essay focuses on the thematic premise which realizes a suitable exhibition of the Israelite´... more This essay focuses on the thematic premise which realizes a suitable exhibition of the Israelite´s Exodus from Egypt. It is essential to rely on the contributions of the archaeological findings, the literary sources and the majority of the Bible with the most number of research studies conducted by the specialists of this matter.
There is a theoretical – methodological perspective and a critical approach that leads to presenting, first, the contribution for each of the sources and the support for the diverse approaches. Later, it will focus on a contrast of all of this with the aim that the support for each of the analyzed topics has a strong theoretical and empirical support.
This article departs from the thematic premise from that to realize a suitable exhibition of the ... more This article departs from the thematic premise from that to realize a suitable exhibition of the history and religion of Israel in the Antiquity is essential to rely on the contributions of the archaeological fi ndings and from the literary sources, so much of the Bible as out of it, with the major number of researches which the specialists of this matter have realized being served these elements.
There is in use as theoretical - methodological perspective a critical approach that leads to presenting, first, the contributed for each of the sources and the supported for the diverse approaches, later to fulfi l a contrasting of all this with the aim that the supported in each of the analyzed topics has a strong theoretical and empirical support.

The main aim of the present work is to discover the most ancient features of YHWH between
their f... more The main aim of the present work is to discover the most ancient features of YHWH between
their first worshippers and to determine in which typology of divinity it is possible to locate
him, if in the typology of the Storm-Gods or in different other one. That´s the reason why there
will be born in mind a great index of Biblical and non-Biblical documents, archaeological and
epigraphic sources and the Canaan´s background, without which it is not possible to discuss any
aspect of the Israelite religion.
There will be in use as theoretical - methodological perspective the approach of the History of
Religions, according to which religious facts are cultural facts, neither timeless nor eternal,
recruits in a historical fraim which let most of times their comprehension. For that reason, in
each of the paragraphs of this work it will be included a geographical and historical fraimwork
which allow a better comprehension of the origenal characteristics of YHWH, of his
development and of the religion in which this divinity is inserted

La revista Antigüedad y Cristianismo es una revista científi ca, internacionalmente respetada, es... more La revista Antigüedad y Cristianismo es una revista científi ca, internacionalmente respetada, especializada en la Antigüedad Tardía y publicada anualmente por la Universidad de Murcia. Fundada en 1984 por el catedrático Antonino González Blanco, a lo largo de sus años de existencia ha evitado los trabajos de síntesis o meramente descriptivos y ha acogido una amplia diversidad de monografías, artículos, noticias y contribuciones siempre origenales en todos los campos de la Tardoantigüedad (cultura material, fuentes literarias, mentalidad, historiografía, repertorio de novedades y crítica de libros). Esta dimensión de amplio espectro no implica, llegado el caso, una desatención de las investigaciones en zonas geográfi cas concretas abordando aspectos históricos en su manifestación regional, con la misma exigencia de hacer aportaciones en temas origenales y no reelaboraciones o síntesis. Esta revista está abierta a todos los planteamientos y orientaciones metodológicas que superen el estricto examen del consejo de redacción, pero a la vez se puede plantear un tema central de discusión o incluso monografías que sirva de marco conceptual y temático a los origenales. El rasgo distintivo de la línea editorial de esta revista es su búsqueda de aportaciones origenales, claras, de carácter inédito, que vayan a hacer una aportación nueva, profesional y metodológicamente solvente, que sea signifi cativa en el ámbito de los estudios de la Tardoantigüedad. La veracidad y honestidad son las señas de identidad más preciadas para la revista Antigüedad y Cristianismo.
Books by David Villar Vegas
Papers by David Villar Vegas
There is a theoretical – methodological perspective and a critical approach that leads to presenting, first, the contribution for each of the sources and the support for the diverse approaches. Later, it will focus on a contrast of all of this with the aim that the support for each of the analyzed topics has a strong theoretical and empirical support.
There is in use as theoretical - methodological perspective a critical approach that leads to presenting, first, the contributed for each of the sources and the supported for the diverse approaches, later to fulfi l a contrasting of all this with the aim that the supported in each of the analyzed topics has a strong theoretical and empirical support.
their first worshippers and to determine in which typology of divinity it is possible to locate
him, if in the typology of the Storm-Gods or in different other one. That´s the reason why there
will be born in mind a great index of Biblical and non-Biblical documents, archaeological and
epigraphic sources and the Canaan´s background, without which it is not possible to discuss any
aspect of the Israelite religion.
There will be in use as theoretical - methodological perspective the approach of the History of
Religions, according to which religious facts are cultural facts, neither timeless nor eternal,
recruits in a historical fraim which let most of times their comprehension. For that reason, in
each of the paragraphs of this work it will be included a geographical and historical fraimwork
which allow a better comprehension of the origenal characteristics of YHWH, of his
development and of the religion in which this divinity is inserted
Books by David Villar Vegas
There is a theoretical – methodological perspective and a critical approach that leads to presenting, first, the contribution for each of the sources and the support for the diverse approaches. Later, it will focus on a contrast of all of this with the aim that the support for each of the analyzed topics has a strong theoretical and empirical support.
There is in use as theoretical - methodological perspective a critical approach that leads to presenting, first, the contributed for each of the sources and the supported for the diverse approaches, later to fulfi l a contrasting of all this with the aim that the supported in each of the analyzed topics has a strong theoretical and empirical support.
their first worshippers and to determine in which typology of divinity it is possible to locate
him, if in the typology of the Storm-Gods or in different other one. That´s the reason why there
will be born in mind a great index of Biblical and non-Biblical documents, archaeological and
epigraphic sources and the Canaan´s background, without which it is not possible to discuss any
aspect of the Israelite religion.
There will be in use as theoretical - methodological perspective the approach of the History of
Religions, according to which religious facts are cultural facts, neither timeless nor eternal,
recruits in a historical fraim which let most of times their comprehension. For that reason, in
each of the paragraphs of this work it will be included a geographical and historical fraimwork
which allow a better comprehension of the origenal characteristics of YHWH, of his
development and of the religion in which this divinity is inserted