Search Tabs
This search option will search the Kentucky Administrative Regulations,
the Kentucky Constitution, all legislative sessions from 1986 to present,
all web pages, MSWord (*.doc) and pdf files excluding the Kentucky Revised Statutes for the search phrase.
Administrative Regulations
This search option will search only the Kentucky Administrative Regulations
for the search phrase.
KRS (Kentucky Revised Statutes)
This search option will search only the Kentucky Revised Statutes
for the search phrase.
Constitution (Kentucky Constitution)
This search option will search only the Kentucky Constitution
for the search phrase.
Legislative Record
This search option will search the legislative record from 1986 to present.
The current session
is selected by default. The All Sessions
option will search across all sessions from 1986 to present for the specific phrase.
The option is available to select a single session e.g. Regular Session 2013 or multiple
sessions to search for the phrase. Please click to select a session and a check mark will be displayed on the right indicating
that the session is selected. Clicking the session will select and unselect a session.
Bill Number
This search option will search for a specific bill based on the session selected, bill type and bill number e.g. HB 2 for
legislative session 2013. If the prefiled bills option is available, all prefilled bills will be displayed in the dropdown in an ascending order.
Meeting Minutes
This search option will search for phrases within the meeting minutes of various legislative committees.
Search Results
The Search results will be displayed on the right. "Hide Preview" button located at the top left hand corner will hide and display
the file preview window. To view the file in a separate tab, click on the "Hide Preview" button. Pagination is provided to step through
the results. Every page contains a maximum of a hundred rows. The maximum number of rows of data is limited to five thousand for a search.
Search Type
any of the words or all of the words
Finds a list of words or phases
- use "quotation marks" around phrases
- add + in front of any word or phrase to require it
- add - in front of any word or phrase or to exclude it
- examples:
banana pear "apple pie"
"apple pie" -salad +"ice cream"
exact phrase
Finds a single phrase (quotation marks are optional)
Finds a structured group of words or phrases linked by
and, or not, w/.
- examples:
tart apple pie
the entire phrase must be present
apple pie and pear tart
both phrases must be present
apple pie or pear tart
either phrase must be present
apple pie and not pear tart
- only apple pie must be present
apple w/5 pear
apple must occur within 5 words of pear
apple not w/27 pear
- apple must not occur within 27 words of pear
subject contains apple pie
finds apple pie in a subject field
- use ( ) when a search includes two or more connectors:
apple and pear or orange
could mean (apple and pear) or orange,
or it could mean apple and (pear or orange)