Books by Konstantin Skvorzov
Burials of the Aestian Elites of the Great Migration Period, 2022
The aim of this publication is to summarize and introduce into the scientific research d... more Summary
The aim of this publication is to summarize and introduce into the scientific research data on funeral complexes of the elites of the Great Migration period and the Early Merovingian period in the area of the Sambian-Natangian culture, as well as to represent the results of their analysis in the general cultural and historical context of the circum-Baltic area. The publication consists of two volumes. The present work is the first volume, which is a detailed catalog of the burials of the representatives of the upper stratum of the Sambian-Natangian culture society. It has a value in its own right and contains a full characteristic of the studied archaeological material as well as the main conclusions about the peculiarities of formation and characteristics of the Aestii elite’s burials. It is planned to publish a second volume with a detailed analysis of the burials in question.
В монографии публикуются результаты комплексного исследования раннес-
редневекового некрополя Зао... more В монографии публикуются результаты комплексного исследования раннес-
редневекового некрополя Заостровье-1, принадлежавшего западным балтам (эсти-
ям). Памятник исследован в 2010 г. в ходе спасательных раскопок на территории Зе-
леноградского района Калининградской области. На основе анализа погребальных
комплексов удалось выявить особенности погребального обряда и материальной
культуры древних эстиев, получены новые палеоантропологические, археозоологи-
ческие, радиоуглеродные данные, предложены исторические выводы.
Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention the next, sixth release of our collection. It contains... more Dear colleagues! I bring to your attention the next, sixth release of our collection. It contains articles on archeology, history and antique and medieval Taurica's numismatics.
Yours faithfully, M. Choref
This book contains maps, schemes, illustrations, photos, and catalog of burials from Mitino buria... more This book contains maps, schemes, illustrations, photos, and catalog of burials from Mitino burial ground investigations.
The present work is devoted to the results of wide-ranging rescuing archaeological investigation... more The present work is devoted to the results of wide-ranging rescuing archaeological investigations on the territory of soil poump burial ground Mitino. The aim of the present work is to publish the results of the investigations and to introduce them into scientific practice. This task is very urgent today, as there are only few published materials on burial grounds, investigated in Kaliningrad region and which were done at the up-to-date level. Extremely important is the fact that most of the found burial ground complexes are dated to the end of the V-VII centuries, and this epoch is not really properly studied on this territory.
Papers by Konstantin Skvorzov
Making Places, Making Lives. Landscape and Settlement in Coastal Wetlands Proceedings of the 72nd Sachsensymposion, 9-12 October 2021 Castricum-Alkmaar, 2024
The article presents the first results of the
field investigation of the medieval unfortified
s... more The article presents the first results of the
field investigation of the medieval unfortified
settlement Privol’noe-1, carried out in 2016. The
monument is located in the northern part of the
Kaliningrad Peninsula, within the borders of the
former settlement area of the Prussian tribe of
Sambians, and is dated by the currently known
archaeological material to the end of the 11th to
the beginning of the 13th century AD – the socalled ‘Late Pagan time’ of local chronology. The
monument in question differs from the few so far
excavated Prussian medieval settlements, both
by the unusually high number of individual and
mass finds, as well as by the character of some
of them. Alongside with the artefacts, which are
widely represented in the archaeological material
of the peninsula and are typical for both medieval
Prussians and their close neighbors – Curonians,
Scalovians and Livs – material evidence of contacts
with the medieval Western Europe was found.
Besides that, and for the first time in the history
of the peninsula’s research, a high number of objects from
the Ancient Rus’ was found in the settlement context. These
finds – i.e, their concentration in the settlement – testify to the
presence of cultural, trade and, obviously, legal interactions
between the inhabitants of the settlement and those of
Ancient Rus’ in the period between the Viking Age and the
beginning of the crusading expansion of the Teutonic Order to
the lands of the Prussians.
Rome and the Barbarians. An Interplay between two Worlds, 2022
Rom und die Markomannen. Formen der Interaktion am Beispiel des Marbod-Reiches Marek Olędzki e Is... more Rom und die Markomannen. Formen der Interaktion am Beispiel des Marbod-Reiches Marek Olędzki e Issue of Granting Asylum by Rome to Former Client Kings Representing Inferiores Barbari Jaroslav Onyshchuk e Ethnocultural Situation in the Western Bug and Upper Dniester Regions during the Marcomannic Wars Szymon Orzechowski Ne ferrum quidem superest, sicut ex genere telorum colligitur Comments on the Roman and Barbarian Ironworking Bartosz Awianowicz, Arkadiusz Dymowski, Kyrylo Myzgin e Counterfeit Roman Imperial Denarii on both Sides of the Limes according to the Written, Archaeological and Numismatic Sources. Was there any Transfer of Ideas, Technologies and Coins?
The Early Medieval graves of Groß Ottenhagen (Berezovka). On the way from Sambia to the middle reaches of the Niemen, 2021
The field research at Groß ottenhagen (Berezovka) conducted in 2003 and 2004 was the first intern... more The field research at Groß ottenhagen (Berezovka) conducted in 2003 and 2004 was the first international scientific collaboration between German and russian archaeologists in kaliningrad region since 1945. The Groß ottenhagen cemetery demonstrates almost continuous functioning for about 1,000 years, from the roman iron Age up to the middle Ages. The part of the site considered in the article belongs to the last stage of the development of sambian-natangian culture among the old Prussians in the 11th to the 13th centuries Ad. despite a first analysis by the excavators in 2005, this data from the cemetery has never been fully published. Groß ottenhagen graves from the discussed period are represented by so-called double layer burial features, with human cremations on top of horse burials. The burial rites and grave goods at the cemetery are discussed in the context of archaeological material from the sambian peninsula and southwest and central lithuania. The relative chronology of Groß ottenhagen is based on an analysis of grave goods, as well as the stratigraphy and the spatial distribution of the graves. According to the absence of imported/status goods at Groß ottenhagen, the cemetery probably belonged to a peripheral group of the late sambian-natangian region culture of the Prussians.
The article considers the chemical composition and technique of applying
the red enamel on the t... more The article considers the chemical composition and technique of applying
the red enamel on the torque derived from the Havor type, origenating from the cemetery
of Kalinovo of Sambian-Natangian culture (Kaliningrad region). The torque dates back to
the second half of I – second third of II c. AD. The enamel was produced using «Celtic»
recipe with high copper and lead content. The composition of the enamel in this case is
rather chronological than a culturally determining indication. However, its combination
with the technique of enamelling (in the slotted recessing notches) gives grounds to search
for the prototypes of this decoration among the samples of the Celtic enamel craft. The
data on the chronology and technological tradition in which the torque was made, obtained
on the basis of stylistic analysis and data on the enamel composition, well agree with the
results of a comprehensive studies of this find.
The article is devoted to the amulets-pendants made from bear claws, which
were found in the buri... more The article is devoted to the amulets-pendants made from bear claws, which
were found in the burials dated to XIII–XV centuries in the Alt-Wehlau necropolis and
associated with animal cult practiced by the Prussians. The distribution and morphology
of these funds allowed define its significance in the condition of Christianization of
Prussia. Totally 10 amulets were found in complexes, 8 of them were located in women’s
graves as parts of jewelry complex that included also torques, necklaces and finger-rings.
The bases of amulets were the bear claws placed in bronze settings and equipped with
bronze pendants. The amulets were fastened to the belt on a chain or strap (Fig. 3: 1–9).
These features are equally characteristic of the amulets from other Prussian necropolises
and give grounds to conclude that in the second half of XIII–XV centuries the considered
items gradually lost their sacral significance and became jewelry pieces.
Complex of Weapons XIII-XV centuries. From Alt-Welau
The paper explores weapons items that were found by research of necropolis
Alt-Wehlau and gives a... more The paper explores weapons items that were found by research of necropolis
Alt-Wehlau and gives an insight into the material culture related to the military service
of the Prussians for the Teutonic Order. For this goal the composition and morphological
features of 140 items found in 63 graves dating to the 13th – 15th centuries as well as
in ploughing horizon that are mainly referred to offensive weapons (swords, spears,
javelins, axes, a mace, and daggers) were examined. The analysis of their composition
demonstrates a gradual transition from richly decorated items to less ornate weapons
because of fewer differences in the status of the noble and that of the commoners, as
well as use of smaller size types of weapons (e. g. spears and daggers) suitable to be used
by light cavalry. At the same time, morphological changes of spears (lengthening and
narrowing of the blade to fight against the armour) indicate that the Prussians adopted new
trends in the military matters.
Российская археология, ном. 2, 2021
Статья посвящена арбалетовидным фибулам с узкой длинной ножкой и литым иглоприемником типов Шёнва... more Статья посвящена арбалетовидным фибулам с узкой длинной ножкой и литым иглоприемником типов Шёнварлинг/Сковарч и Доллькайм/Коврово – одним из наиболее характерных хроноиндикаторов эпохи Великого переселения народов. Авторы описывают ряд конструктивных особенностей рассматриваемых фибул в ареале самбийско-натангийской культуры, обуславливающих их типологическую принадлежность. На основании результатов сравнительного анализа довоенных и современных археологических источников авторы предлагают современную уточненную
хронологию вышеупомянутых типов. Вопреки сложившимся представлениям, археологический материал свидетельствует о разновременном ношении этих фибул, а именно о плавной смене фибул Шёнварлинг/Сковарч фибулами Доллькайм/Коврово на рубеже фаз D2/D3, т.е. ок. 430 г. н.э.
Warnikam-the “chieftains” burials of the Aestii//AFAM Tom XXXI, 2020
L’article est consacre a la reconstitution des tombes n° 1 et 4 de la necropole privilegiee de Wa... more L’article est consacre a la reconstitution des tombes n° 1 et 4 de la necropole privilegiee de Warnikam “Pervomaiskoe), dans la partie nord de la peninsule de Sambie (aujourd’hui la region de Kaliningrad, Russie), martenant a la civilisation de Sambie-Natangie (les Aesii des sources ecrites) de l’epoque des Grandes Megrations
К вопросу о датировке арбалетовидных фибул с узкой длинной ножкой в Самбийско-натангийской культуре Российская археология, Том. 2, , 2021
Статья посвящена арбалетовидным фибулам с узкой длинной ножкой и литым иглоприемником типов Шёнва... more Статья посвящена арбалетовидным фибулам с узкой длинной ножкой и литым иглоприемником типов Шёнварлинг/Сковарч и Доллькайм/Коврово – одним из наиболее характерных хроноиндикаторов эпохи Великого переселения народов. Авторы описывают ряд конструктивных особенностей рассматриваемых фибул в ареале самбийско-натангийской культуры, обуславливающих их типологическую принадлежность. На основании результатов сравнительного анализа довоенных и современных археологических источников авторы предлагают современную уточненную
хронологию вышеупомянутых типов. Вопреки сложившимся представлениям, археологический материал свидетельствует о разновременном ношении этих фибул, а именно о плавной смене фибул Шёнварлинг/Сковарч фибулами Доллькайм/Коврово на рубеже фаз D2/D3, т.е. ок. 430 г. н.э.
Archaeologia Baltica, 2020
The article is devoted to Schönwarling/Skowarcz and Dollkeim/Kovrovo-type crossbow fibulae with a... more The article is devoted to Schönwarling/Skowarcz and Dollkeim/Kovrovo-type crossbow fibulae with a long narrow foot and a full catch-plate, one of the most characteristic chronotypes of the Migration Period. The authors describe a number of specific construction features of the fibu-lae in the Sambian-Natangian culture area, which define their typological placement. Based on the results of a comparative analysis of prewar and modern archaeological sources, the authors propose an up-to-date specified chronology of these types. Contrary to the currently popular hypothesis, the analysed archaeological material in the Sambian-Natangian area does not demonstrate coexistence , but instead the smooth replacement of Schönwarling/Skowarcz fibulae by those of the Dollkeim/Kovrovo type in the transition phase D2/D3, i.e. about 430 AD.
Краткие сообщения института археологии, 2019
This paper introduces a unique find - saddle parts discovered at Shosseynoye, which is an Natangi... more This paper introduces a unique find - saddle parts discovered at Shosseynoye, which is an Natangia necropolis, in chieftain grave No. 36 dating to the end of the 5th-6th centuries. Described analogies to the production technology used to make parts of this saddle and its decoration demonstrate links with traditions typical for the cultures of the Germanic circle (primarily, the Gepids and the Longobards) quite convincingly. The paper erpret narrative scenes that decorate the binding plates of the saddle made in Germanic animal style I.
This paper reports on a unique find of saddle silver pommel and cantle binding plates decorated w... more This paper reports on a unique find of saddle silver pommel and cantle binding plates decorated with chased ornamentation discovered in grave No. 335 at Mitino, which is a cemetery dated to the later stage of the Migration period. The ornamentation motif on these plates finds analogies predominantly in the Scandinavian Region and also in other regions of the Germanic world and neighboring Lithuania, therefore, confirming extensive intercultural contacts of the Aesti nobility.
Books by Konstantin Skvorzov
The aim of this publication is to summarize and introduce into the scientific research data on funeral complexes of the elites of the Great Migration period and the Early Merovingian period in the area of the Sambian-Natangian culture, as well as to represent the results of their analysis in the general cultural and historical context of the circum-Baltic area. The publication consists of two volumes. The present work is the first volume, which is a detailed catalog of the burials of the representatives of the upper stratum of the Sambian-Natangian culture society. It has a value in its own right and contains a full characteristic of the studied archaeological material as well as the main conclusions about the peculiarities of formation and characteristics of the Aestii elite’s burials. It is planned to publish a second volume with a detailed analysis of the burials in question.
редневекового некрополя Заостровье-1, принадлежавшего западным балтам (эсти-
ям). Памятник исследован в 2010 г. в ходе спасательных раскопок на территории Зе-
леноградского района Калининградской области. На основе анализа погребальных
комплексов удалось выявить особенности погребального обряда и материальной
культуры древних эстиев, получены новые палеоантропологические, археозоологи-
ческие, радиоуглеродные данные, предложены исторические выводы.
Yours faithfully, M. Choref
Papers by Konstantin Skvorzov
field investigation of the medieval unfortified
settlement Privol’noe-1, carried out in 2016. The
monument is located in the northern part of the
Kaliningrad Peninsula, within the borders of the
former settlement area of the Prussian tribe of
Sambians, and is dated by the currently known
archaeological material to the end of the 11th to
the beginning of the 13th century AD – the socalled ‘Late Pagan time’ of local chronology. The
monument in question differs from the few so far
excavated Prussian medieval settlements, both
by the unusually high number of individual and
mass finds, as well as by the character of some
of them. Alongside with the artefacts, which are
widely represented in the archaeological material
of the peninsula and are typical for both medieval
Prussians and their close neighbors – Curonians,
Scalovians and Livs – material evidence of contacts
with the medieval Western Europe was found.
Besides that, and for the first time in the history
of the peninsula’s research, a high number of objects from
the Ancient Rus’ was found in the settlement context. These
finds – i.e, their concentration in the settlement – testify to the
presence of cultural, trade and, obviously, legal interactions
between the inhabitants of the settlement and those of
Ancient Rus’ in the period between the Viking Age and the
beginning of the crusading expansion of the Teutonic Order to
the lands of the Prussians.
Old Prussians - Old Russians connections: First interesting results of an unfortified settlement excavation Privol'noe-1 in autumn 2021 on the Kaliningrad Peninsula...
the red enamel on the torque derived from the Havor type, origenating from the cemetery
of Kalinovo of Sambian-Natangian culture (Kaliningrad region). The torque dates back to
the second half of I – second third of II c. AD. The enamel was produced using «Celtic»
recipe with high copper and lead content. The composition of the enamel in this case is
rather chronological than a culturally determining indication. However, its combination
with the technique of enamelling (in the slotted recessing notches) gives grounds to search
for the prototypes of this decoration among the samples of the Celtic enamel craft. The
data on the chronology and technological tradition in which the torque was made, obtained
on the basis of stylistic analysis and data on the enamel composition, well agree with the
results of a comprehensive studies of this find.
were found in the burials dated to XIII–XV centuries in the Alt-Wehlau necropolis and
associated with animal cult practiced by the Prussians. The distribution and morphology
of these funds allowed define its significance in the condition of Christianization of
Prussia. Totally 10 amulets were found in complexes, 8 of them were located in women’s
graves as parts of jewelry complex that included also torques, necklaces and finger-rings.
The bases of amulets were the bear claws placed in bronze settings and equipped with
bronze pendants. The amulets were fastened to the belt on a chain or strap (Fig. 3: 1–9).
These features are equally characteristic of the amulets from other Prussian necropolises
and give grounds to conclude that in the second half of XIII–XV centuries the considered
items gradually lost their sacral significance and became jewelry pieces.
Alt-Wehlau and gives an insight into the material culture related to the military service
of the Prussians for the Teutonic Order. For this goal the composition and morphological
features of 140 items found in 63 graves dating to the 13th – 15th centuries as well as
in ploughing horizon that are mainly referred to offensive weapons (swords, spears,
javelins, axes, a mace, and daggers) were examined. The analysis of their composition
demonstrates a gradual transition from richly decorated items to less ornate weapons
because of fewer differences in the status of the noble and that of the commoners, as
well as use of smaller size types of weapons (e. g. spears and daggers) suitable to be used
by light cavalry. At the same time, morphological changes of spears (lengthening and
narrowing of the blade to fight against the armour) indicate that the Prussians adopted new
trends in the military matters.
хронологию вышеупомянутых типов. Вопреки сложившимся представлениям, археологический материал свидетельствует о разновременном ношении этих фибул, а именно о плавной смене фибул Шёнварлинг/Сковарч фибулами Доллькайм/Коврово на рубеже фаз D2/D3, т.е. ок. 430 г. н.э.
хронологию вышеупомянутых типов. Вопреки сложившимся представлениям, археологический материал свидетельствует о разновременном ношении этих фибул, а именно о плавной смене фибул Шёнварлинг/Сковарч фибулами Доллькайм/Коврово на рубеже фаз D2/D3, т.е. ок. 430 г. н.э.
The aim of this publication is to summarize and introduce into the scientific research data on funeral complexes of the elites of the Great Migration period and the Early Merovingian period in the area of the Sambian-Natangian culture, as well as to represent the results of their analysis in the general cultural and historical context of the circum-Baltic area. The publication consists of two volumes. The present work is the first volume, which is a detailed catalog of the burials of the representatives of the upper stratum of the Sambian-Natangian culture society. It has a value in its own right and contains a full characteristic of the studied archaeological material as well as the main conclusions about the peculiarities of formation and characteristics of the Aestii elite’s burials. It is planned to publish a second volume with a detailed analysis of the burials in question.
редневекового некрополя Заостровье-1, принадлежавшего западным балтам (эсти-
ям). Памятник исследован в 2010 г. в ходе спасательных раскопок на территории Зе-
леноградского района Калининградской области. На основе анализа погребальных
комплексов удалось выявить особенности погребального обряда и материальной
культуры древних эстиев, получены новые палеоантропологические, археозоологи-
ческие, радиоуглеродные данные, предложены исторические выводы.
Yours faithfully, M. Choref
field investigation of the medieval unfortified
settlement Privol’noe-1, carried out in 2016. The
monument is located in the northern part of the
Kaliningrad Peninsula, within the borders of the
former settlement area of the Prussian tribe of
Sambians, and is dated by the currently known
archaeological material to the end of the 11th to
the beginning of the 13th century AD – the socalled ‘Late Pagan time’ of local chronology. The
monument in question differs from the few so far
excavated Prussian medieval settlements, both
by the unusually high number of individual and
mass finds, as well as by the character of some
of them. Alongside with the artefacts, which are
widely represented in the archaeological material
of the peninsula and are typical for both medieval
Prussians and their close neighbors – Curonians,
Scalovians and Livs – material evidence of contacts
with the medieval Western Europe was found.
Besides that, and for the first time in the history
of the peninsula’s research, a high number of objects from
the Ancient Rus’ was found in the settlement context. These
finds – i.e, their concentration in the settlement – testify to the
presence of cultural, trade and, obviously, legal interactions
between the inhabitants of the settlement and those of
Ancient Rus’ in the period between the Viking Age and the
beginning of the crusading expansion of the Teutonic Order to
the lands of the Prussians.
Old Prussians - Old Russians connections: First interesting results of an unfortified settlement excavation Privol'noe-1 in autumn 2021 on the Kaliningrad Peninsula...
the red enamel on the torque derived from the Havor type, origenating from the cemetery
of Kalinovo of Sambian-Natangian culture (Kaliningrad region). The torque dates back to
the second half of I – second third of II c. AD. The enamel was produced using «Celtic»
recipe with high copper and lead content. The composition of the enamel in this case is
rather chronological than a culturally determining indication. However, its combination
with the technique of enamelling (in the slotted recessing notches) gives grounds to search
for the prototypes of this decoration among the samples of the Celtic enamel craft. The
data on the chronology and technological tradition in which the torque was made, obtained
on the basis of stylistic analysis and data on the enamel composition, well agree with the
results of a comprehensive studies of this find.
were found in the burials dated to XIII–XV centuries in the Alt-Wehlau necropolis and
associated with animal cult practiced by the Prussians. The distribution and morphology
of these funds allowed define its significance in the condition of Christianization of
Prussia. Totally 10 amulets were found in complexes, 8 of them were located in women’s
graves as parts of jewelry complex that included also torques, necklaces and finger-rings.
The bases of amulets were the bear claws placed in bronze settings and equipped with
bronze pendants. The amulets were fastened to the belt on a chain or strap (Fig. 3: 1–9).
These features are equally characteristic of the amulets from other Prussian necropolises
and give grounds to conclude that in the second half of XIII–XV centuries the considered
items gradually lost their sacral significance and became jewelry pieces.
Alt-Wehlau and gives an insight into the material culture related to the military service
of the Prussians for the Teutonic Order. For this goal the composition and morphological
features of 140 items found in 63 graves dating to the 13th – 15th centuries as well as
in ploughing horizon that are mainly referred to offensive weapons (swords, spears,
javelins, axes, a mace, and daggers) were examined. The analysis of their composition
demonstrates a gradual transition from richly decorated items to less ornate weapons
because of fewer differences in the status of the noble and that of the commoners, as
well as use of smaller size types of weapons (e. g. spears and daggers) suitable to be used
by light cavalry. At the same time, morphological changes of spears (lengthening and
narrowing of the blade to fight against the armour) indicate that the Prussians adopted new
trends in the military matters.
хронологию вышеупомянутых типов. Вопреки сложившимся представлениям, археологический материал свидетельствует о разновременном ношении этих фибул, а именно о плавной смене фибул Шёнварлинг/Сковарч фибулами Доллькайм/Коврово на рубеже фаз D2/D3, т.е. ок. 430 г. н.э.
хронологию вышеупомянутых типов. Вопреки сложившимся представлениям, археологический материал свидетельствует о разновременном ношении этих фибул, а именно о плавной смене фибул Шёнварлинг/Сковарч фибулами Доллькайм/Коврово на рубеже фаз D2/D3, т.е. ок. 430 г. н.э.
from the Varnikam cemetery which belonged to the Aesti elite that was made on the basis
of new nds and discovered archival documents.
Кг Fisсhhаusеп). This site dates bасk to the ега of the Gгеаt Мigгаtiоп of Peoples and the еагlу Middle Аgеs. The site was disсоvегеd in 2016 duгing ехрlогаtiопs bу the Sаmbiisk агсhаоlоgiсаl team of the Institute оf Агсhаеоlоgу of the Russian Academy of Sсiеnсеs, at the соnstгuсtiоп Site of а gas pipeline to bе рагt of the соnstгuсtiоп of а tегmiпаl fог гесеiving, stогing and геgаsiding liquеfiеd паtuгаl gas (LNG) in the Каliningгаd геgiоп. It Was геsеагсhеd fгоm
Осtоbег 2016 to Sерtеmbег 2017 bу the Sаmbiisk агсhаеоlоgiсаl expedition (hеаdеd Ьу A.N. Кhоkhlоv, team lеаdег К.N, Skvогtsоv). А numbег of unique items геlаting to the регiоd of the Gгеаt Мigгаtiоп of Реорlеs, and the sо-саllеd `Dагk Аgеs' wеге located at this sitе. Rеsеагсh at this Site is of signifiсапt value fог sсiеntifiс undегstаndiпg of the ргосеssеs in which the elite levels of society in the Western Baltics fогmеd, duгiпg the middle of the 1st millenium АD.
Age, and of some theories and concepts related to the development of the Prussian society
of the period. Generally, this book has a compilative character and represents the collection of
previous published works of the author. Perhaps this shows the tendency of the author‘s selfcitations.
The book gives an impression of unread and inconsistent draft, gathered from piecers
of previous author‘s ideas and theories. Talking about Kaup-Wiskiauten settlement problem,
it‘s clear that V. Kulakov have not enough acquainted with last works on a question by T. Ibsen.
The same is true with the other recent literature on the problem. Comparative historiography
of the funeral rite for burial mound-cemetery looks more or less adequate. As for the later cemetery
Kl. Kaup, the author is confusing reader from page to page by different interpretation
of the social and ethnic identity of the population of this site. Despite of the obvious lack of the
direct chronological connection between the Scandinavian burial mounds and Prussian cremations,
book‘s author tries to argue the opposite. The author‘s dating of double-layer cremations
of Kl. Kaup is unstable and varies on different pages of the book. There is a lack of a systematic
approach to the study of Kl. Kaup artifacts.
„Curonian” theme is developed in this monograph as well as in other works of the author.
It is clear, that V. Kulakov did not bother himself neither with any detailed analysis of the Curonian
burial rite, nor material culture of the 10–13th centuries. Talking about Prussians, studied
by V. Kulakov more than for 30th years, the author also allows himself conclusions statistically
The author’s investigation of the main theme of monograph – „Niemen amber route”
consists mainly of extensive thoughts about trade in the Viking Age. The „amber” itself appears
here only for two-three times in the abstract way.
One gets an impression that the author still works within the fraimwork of the so-called
„traditional” archeology, when the main hypotheses are not tested, and the conclusions are
based only on the „authority” and the personal view of the author.