The American University of Paris (AUP)
Communication, Media and Culture
Upward mobility is a ubiquitous theme across reality television. Shows allow participants to not only transcend their unknownness, but to attempt to rise up the ranks into an exclusive creative class; a class populated by celebrity chefs,... more
Introduction Mentors play a role in real life, just as they do in fiction. They also feature in reality television, which sits somewhere between the two. In fiction, mentors contribute to the narrative arc by providing guidance and... more
This article examines the relationship between boredom and cinema , particularly by attending to the ways in which it has been used as an aesthetic strategy in contemporary slow fi lms. These films use long takes and dedramatization to... more
This new anthology edited by Thomas Dean Tucker and Stuart Kendall predates the release of The Tree of Life and examines Malick's earlier work from a variety of philosophical perspectives. The editors argue that Malick's background in... more
Slow cinema is typically understood as a contemporary global production trend marked by an observational mode that comprises extreme long takes and foregrounding of cinematic space and time. But commentators often overlook the vital role... more
This book discusses slow cinema, a contemporary global production trend that has recently gained momentum in film theory and criticism. Slow films dispense with narrative progression in favour of a contemplative mood, which is stretched... more
This chapter builds on the interdisciplinary concept of framing in diffusion processes by bringing recent scholarship and concepts in media studies and political communication into conversation with work on social movements and... more
Post-truth, fake news? This was my initial attempt to theorize post-truth politics, as many call it now. Already pointing out the public problem of fake news as political strategy, I identity a historically profound epistemic and... more
This article examines the concept and the discontinuous historical usage of the term “economic rights” in American political discourse from the perspective of democratic political freedom. It views the idea and ideology of “economic... more
This article examines the concept and the discontinuous historical usage of the term ‘economic rights’ in American political discourse from the perspective of democratic political freedom. It views the idea and ideology of ‘economic... more
This article theorizes the historical non-relation between cultural studies and economic rights discourse, tracing it to ideal typical distinctions between economy and culture in early cultural studies; Karl Marx’s influence on Left... more
Using the case study of an internet protest video The French Democracy, this article demonstrates the process by which a counter-narrative of current events, though almost completely excluded from its broader national mainstream news, can... more
This article discusses the (in)famous Kony 2012 (Kony) viral video, which had a record- 100 million views in six days. It discusses its unique status as a viral advocacy video by NGO Invisible Children (IC) to make Joseph Kony... more
This article overviews the contemporary French media system (old and new media) in a comparative context, and emphasizes trends in political communciation as well as directions for future research, especially with regard to shifts in... more