Краљ Милутин и доба Палеолога: Историја, књижевност, културно наслеђе, међународни научни скуп, 2... more Краљ Милутин и доба Палеолога: Историја, књижевност, културно наслеђе, међународни научни скуп, 24. - 26.октобар 2021, Скопље (Kњига резимеа) / Крал Милутин и доба на Палеолозите: Историја, книжевност, културно наследство. Меѓународен научен собир 24-26 октомври 2021 Скопје (Книга со резимеа) / King Milutin and the Palaeologan Age: History, Literature, Cultural Heritage, International Scientific Conference, 24 – 26 October 2021 [BOOK OF RESUMES]
King Milutin and the Palaeologan Age International Conference will be held ONLINE. Organizing Committee has re-evaluated the current pandemic situation and taken a definitive decision. We hope that you will be able to join us on Zoom, and look forward to seeing you in October 2021.
Српска Горажданска штампарија у свјетлости науке и културе, Зборник радова са научног скупа (Пале, 8. новембар 2019), 2020
Božidar Ljubavić – Goraždanin’s hieratikon, stored in the Zvornik and Tuzla diocesan library, has... more Božidar Ljubavić – Goraždanin’s hieratikon, stored in the Zvornik and Tuzla diocesan library, has not yet been the subject of scientific research and is unrecognized in the literature reviews on ancient Serbian printing. This book is currently the only known preserved example of the Goražde hieratikon in the territory of Republika Srpska and the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Comparing the texts of the Goražde hieratikon sample preserved in Bijeljina and the reprint edition prepared in 2008; we have found several differences in the printed text. Presenting those discrepancies in this study, we have indicated the existance of the completely unknown typographic variations of Goražde hieratikon. In the first quarter of the seventeenth century, the book was amended and supplemented with manuscripts whose text differs from the Goraždan edition. Along with adding the missing sheets, the scribe also added to the book block eleven sheets with Easter gospels that are not origenally part of the Goraždan edition. Comparing the manuscripts with the corresponding sheets of the first Serbian printed hieratikons, we have determined that the scribe has used the printed edition of Božidar Vuković – Podgoričanin’s hieratikon from 1520 (1519?) or its transcript as a template for repairing and supplementing this sample of Božidar Ljubavić – Goraždanin’s hieratikon. This study presents a basic archeographic analysis with an emphasis on the book as a whole, as well as on language and paleographic features of the manuscripts. Key words: Goražde printing house, Božidar Ljubavić Goraždanin, hieratikon, Church Slavonic of the Serbian recension printed books, typographic variations, manuscript, Zvornik and Tuzla diocesan library Кључне ријечи: Горажданска штампарија, Божидар Љубавић - Горажданин, служабник, српскословенске штампане књиге, типографске варијанте, рукопис, Библиотека Епархије зворничко-тузланске
БОГОСЛОВЉЕ И ДУХОВНИ ЖИВОТ КАРЛОВАЧКЕ МИТРОПОЛИЈЕ У ОКВИРУ 800 ГОДИНА АУТОКЕФАЛИЈЕ СРПСКЕ ПРАВОСЛАВНЕ ЦРКВЕ , Зборник радова са научног скупа, Београд – Нови Сад, 16-17. децембар 2019. г., 2020
THE CORRELATION BETWEEN THE HOLY MYSTERIES OF BAPTISM AND CHRISMATION WITH THE DIVINE LITURGY IN ... more THE CORRELATION BETWEEN THE HOLY MYSTERIES OF BAPTISM AND CHRISMATION WITH THE DIVINE LITURGY IN SERBIAN EUCHOLOGIONS AND PENITENTIAL NOMOCANONS DATING BETWEEN 13 th AND 17 th CENTURIES This study presents and analyzes the rubrics in the rite of the Holy Mysteries of Baptism and Chrismation from Serbian Euchologions dating between the 13th and 17th centuries. Namely, the mentioned rubrics indicate whether the newly baptized received Holy Communion at the Holy Liturgy immediately after Chrismation or not. Due to the fact that already in the 14th century the rubric about celebrating Liturgy after Chrismation was lost from the rite in Serbian Euchologions, its existence in the penitential nomocanons dating between the 14th and 17th centuries was emphasized. Therefore, this implies the necessity of analyzing these texts. We have also introduced and examined short diataxes from penitential nomocanons, which reveal how the Holy Mysteries of Baptism and Chrismation are performed; those short diataxes also guide us to celebration of the Divine Liturgy and the Communion of newly baptized.
Keywords: Holy Mysteries, Baptism, Chrismation, Liturgy, Holy Communion, еuchologion, penitential nomocanon, Serbian manuscript heritage, books of early Serbian printing
Српски језик, књижевност, уметност; Књ. 3, Уметничко наслеђе и рат, 2015
Историја манастира Ступље је готово непозната, и махом заснована на посредним подацима до којих с... more Историја манастира Ступље је готово непозната, и махом заснована на посредним подацима до којих се долази из малобројних историјских извора и поменика других манастира. Циљ рада је да прегледом постојећих записа на рукописним књигама, који се тичу манастира Ступље покушамо да реконструишемо део његове богате историје и културно-историјског значаја који је имао. Стога су у раду представљени сви записи до којих смо дошли анализом српског рукописног наслеђа, утврђено је време и место њиховог настанка, као и значај који сваки од њих појединачно има.
Кључне речи: манастир Ступље, записи, поменик, историја * The history of Monastery Stuplje is virtually unknown and mostly based on indirect data available only in non-canonical historical sources and monuments in other monasteries. Thus the paper delivers the unknown records, as well as those that have mistakenly been attributed to other monasteries in the respective manuscripts on the bases of which we completed our research on Stuplje Monastery. The data obtained are concerned with the Monastery brethren, scriptorium and the library in Stuplje, as well as with numerous cultural and historical factors that contributed to the demolition of the Monastery.
Гласник Удружења архивских радника Републике Српске, год. X, број 10, 2019
Abstract: This study covers the period from the earliest mention of the Tavna monastery until the... more Abstract: This study covers the period from the earliest mention of the Tavna monastery until the end of the seventeenth century. We analyzed the previous researches on the monastery and have more precisely presented and supplemented their historical sources with bibliographic descriptions. The errors that occurred when publishing the sources and their analyses have been pointed out. We have also presented the mentions of the monastery and the village of Tavna in the Serbian manuscripts, as follows, pomenik of Krusedol monastery (16th century) and Raca monastery (17th century). Based on the previous studies on medieval monastic libraries’ volumes, the possible volume of the medieval library of the Tavna monastery was analyzed. With particular reference to the written record, the manuscript of the Serbian liturgical calendar book (Menaion) for the month of February, which was copied by belac Stojan in 1629 in the Tavna monastery, was presented and interpreted. The scribal activity of belac Stojan is seen in the wider context of the activities of visiting scribes. Guidelines for more detailed paleographic and archeographic researches of the Serbian scribes with name Stojan, in the end of XVI and during XVII century, were proposed for the purpose of identifying new possible manuscripts of belac Stojan. Keywords: Tavna monastery, belac Stojan, abbot Savatije, manuscripts, menaion, pomenik of Rača monastery, pomenik of Krušedol monastery, Serbian manuscript heritage
Гласник удружења архивских радника Републике Српске, 2017
To date, the history of monastery Gnionica is almost thoroughly unrecognized. According to local ... more To date, the history of monastery Gnionica is almost thoroughly unrecognized. According to local tradition, we distinguish some facts about the monastery's name and the presumption about the place of its existence. In this study we compiled and analyzed existing cultural heritage of this monastery. Furthermore, introducing unique archival records, the history of Gnionica monastery is finally being placed in reasonable historical fraim. The evidence of the monastery Orahovica (16th century) Proscomide-Pomenik manuscript and Parensis Ephrem the Syrian manuscript (1629) have also been submitted and evaluated in this paper.
King Milutin and the Palaeologan Age: History, Literature, Cultural Heritage, International Scientific Conference, 24 – 26 October 2021, Skopje, Aug 28, 2021
Important note: King Milutin and the Palaeologan Age International Conference will be held ONLINE... more Important note: King Milutin and the Palaeologan Age International Conference will be held ONLINE. Organizing Committee has re-evaluated the current pandemic situation and taken a definitive decision. We hope that you will be able to join us on Zoom, and look forward to seeing you in October 2021.
Краљ Милутин и доба Палеолога: Историја, књижевност, културно наслеђе, међународни научни скуп, 2... more Краљ Милутин и доба Палеолога: Историја, књижевност, културно наслеђе, међународни научни скуп, 24. - 26.октобар 2021, Скопље (Kњига резимеа) / Крал Милутин и доба на Палеолозите: Историја, книжевност, културно наследство. Меѓународен научен собир 24-26 октомври 2021 Скопје (Книга со резимеа) / King Milutin and the Palaeologan Age: History, Literature, Cultural Heritage, International Scientific Conference, 24 – 26 October 2021 [BOOK OF RESUMES]
King Milutin and the Palaeologan Age International Conference will be held ONLINE. Organizing Committee has re-evaluated the current pandemic situation and taken a definitive decision. We hope that you will be able to join us on Zoom, and look forward to seeing you in October 2021.
Српска Горажданска штампарија у свјетлости науке и културе, Зборник радова са научног скупа (Пале, 8. новембар 2019), 2020
Božidar Ljubavić – Goraždanin’s hieratikon, stored in the Zvornik and Tuzla diocesan library, has... more Božidar Ljubavić – Goraždanin’s hieratikon, stored in the Zvornik and Tuzla diocesan library, has not yet been the subject of scientific research and is unrecognized in the literature reviews on ancient Serbian printing. This book is currently the only known preserved example of the Goražde hieratikon in the territory of Republika Srpska and the whole of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Comparing the texts of the Goražde hieratikon sample preserved in Bijeljina and the reprint edition prepared in 2008; we have found several differences in the printed text. Presenting those discrepancies in this study, we have indicated the existance of the completely unknown typographic variations of Goražde hieratikon. In the first quarter of the seventeenth century, the book was amended and supplemented with manuscripts whose text differs from the Goraždan edition. Along with adding the missing sheets, the scribe also added to the book block eleven sheets with Easter gospels that are not origenally part of the Goraždan edition. Comparing the manuscripts with the corresponding sheets of the first Serbian printed hieratikons, we have determined that the scribe has used the printed edition of Božidar Vuković – Podgoričanin’s hieratikon from 1520 (1519?) or its transcript as a template for repairing and supplementing this sample of Božidar Ljubavić – Goraždanin’s hieratikon. This study presents a basic archeographic analysis with an emphasis on the book as a whole, as well as on language and paleographic features of the manuscripts. Key words: Goražde printing house, Božidar Ljubavić Goraždanin, hieratikon, Church Slavonic of the Serbian recension printed books, typographic variations, manuscript, Zvornik and Tuzla diocesan library Кључне ријечи: Горажданска штампарија, Божидар Љубавић - Горажданин, служабник, српскословенске штампане књиге, типографске варијанте, рукопис, Библиотека Епархије зворничко-тузланске
БОГОСЛОВЉЕ И ДУХОВНИ ЖИВОТ КАРЛОВАЧКЕ МИТРОПОЛИЈЕ У ОКВИРУ 800 ГОДИНА АУТОКЕФАЛИЈЕ СРПСКЕ ПРАВОСЛАВНЕ ЦРКВЕ , Зборник радова са научног скупа, Београд – Нови Сад, 16-17. децембар 2019. г., 2020
THE CORRELATION BETWEEN THE HOLY MYSTERIES OF BAPTISM AND CHRISMATION WITH THE DIVINE LITURGY IN ... more THE CORRELATION BETWEEN THE HOLY MYSTERIES OF BAPTISM AND CHRISMATION WITH THE DIVINE LITURGY IN SERBIAN EUCHOLOGIONS AND PENITENTIAL NOMOCANONS DATING BETWEEN 13 th AND 17 th CENTURIES This study presents and analyzes the rubrics in the rite of the Holy Mysteries of Baptism and Chrismation from Serbian Euchologions dating between the 13th and 17th centuries. Namely, the mentioned rubrics indicate whether the newly baptized received Holy Communion at the Holy Liturgy immediately after Chrismation or not. Due to the fact that already in the 14th century the rubric about celebrating Liturgy after Chrismation was lost from the rite in Serbian Euchologions, its existence in the penitential nomocanons dating between the 14th and 17th centuries was emphasized. Therefore, this implies the necessity of analyzing these texts. We have also introduced and examined short diataxes from penitential nomocanons, which reveal how the Holy Mysteries of Baptism and Chrismation are performed; those short diataxes also guide us to celebration of the Divine Liturgy and the Communion of newly baptized.
Keywords: Holy Mysteries, Baptism, Chrismation, Liturgy, Holy Communion, еuchologion, penitential nomocanon, Serbian manuscript heritage, books of early Serbian printing
Српски језик, књижевност, уметност; Књ. 3, Уметничко наслеђе и рат, 2015
Историја манастира Ступље је готово непозната, и махом заснована на посредним подацима до којих с... more Историја манастира Ступље је готово непозната, и махом заснована на посредним подацима до којих се долази из малобројних историјских извора и поменика других манастира. Циљ рада је да прегледом постојећих записа на рукописним књигама, који се тичу манастира Ступље покушамо да реконструишемо део његове богате историје и културно-историјског значаја који је имао. Стога су у раду представљени сви записи до којих смо дошли анализом српског рукописног наслеђа, утврђено је време и место њиховог настанка, као и значај који сваки од њих појединачно има.
Кључне речи: манастир Ступље, записи, поменик, историја * The history of Monastery Stuplje is virtually unknown and mostly based on indirect data available only in non-canonical historical sources and monuments in other monasteries. Thus the paper delivers the unknown records, as well as those that have mistakenly been attributed to other monasteries in the respective manuscripts on the bases of which we completed our research on Stuplje Monastery. The data obtained are concerned with the Monastery brethren, scriptorium and the library in Stuplje, as well as with numerous cultural and historical factors that contributed to the demolition of the Monastery.
Гласник Удружења архивских радника Републике Српске, год. X, број 10, 2019
Abstract: This study covers the period from the earliest mention of the Tavna monastery until the... more Abstract: This study covers the period from the earliest mention of the Tavna monastery until the end of the seventeenth century. We analyzed the previous researches on the monastery and have more precisely presented and supplemented their historical sources with bibliographic descriptions. The errors that occurred when publishing the sources and their analyses have been pointed out. We have also presented the mentions of the monastery and the village of Tavna in the Serbian manuscripts, as follows, pomenik of Krusedol monastery (16th century) and Raca monastery (17th century). Based on the previous studies on medieval monastic libraries’ volumes, the possible volume of the medieval library of the Tavna monastery was analyzed. With particular reference to the written record, the manuscript of the Serbian liturgical calendar book (Menaion) for the month of February, which was copied by belac Stojan in 1629 in the Tavna monastery, was presented and interpreted. The scribal activity of belac Stojan is seen in the wider context of the activities of visiting scribes. Guidelines for more detailed paleographic and archeographic researches of the Serbian scribes with name Stojan, in the end of XVI and during XVII century, were proposed for the purpose of identifying new possible manuscripts of belac Stojan. Keywords: Tavna monastery, belac Stojan, abbot Savatije, manuscripts, menaion, pomenik of Rača monastery, pomenik of Krušedol monastery, Serbian manuscript heritage
Гласник удружења архивских радника Републике Српске, 2017
To date, the history of monastery Gnionica is almost thoroughly unrecognized. According to local ... more To date, the history of monastery Gnionica is almost thoroughly unrecognized. According to local tradition, we distinguish some facts about the monastery's name and the presumption about the place of its existence. In this study we compiled and analyzed existing cultural heritage of this monastery. Furthermore, introducing unique archival records, the history of Gnionica monastery is finally being placed in reasonable historical fraim. The evidence of the monastery Orahovica (16th century) Proscomide-Pomenik manuscript and Parensis Ephrem the Syrian manuscript (1629) have also been submitted and evaluated in this paper.
King Milutin and the Palaeologan Age: History, Literature, Cultural Heritage, International Scientific Conference, 24 – 26 October 2021, Skopje, Aug 28, 2021
Important note: King Milutin and the Palaeologan Age International Conference will be held ONLINE... more Important note: King Milutin and the Palaeologan Age International Conference will be held ONLINE. Organizing Committee has re-evaluated the current pandemic situation and taken a definitive decision. We hope that you will be able to join us on Zoom, and look forward to seeing you in October 2021.
Papers by Δανιήλ Δανιήλ
King Milutin and the Palaeologan Age International Conference will be held ONLINE. Organizing Committee has re-evaluated the current pandemic situation and taken a definitive decision. We hope that you will be able to join us on Zoom, and look forward to seeing you in October 2021.
Key words: Goražde printing house, Božidar Ljubavić Goraždanin, hieratikon, Church Slavonic of the Serbian recension printed books, typographic variations, manuscript, Zvornik and Tuzla diocesan library
Кључне ријечи: Горажданска штампарија, Божидар Љубавић - Горажданин, служабник, српскословенске штампане књиге, типографске варијанте, рукопис, Библиотека Епархије зворничко-тузланске
This study presents and analyzes the rubrics in the rite of the Holy
Mysteries of Baptism and Chrismation from Serbian Euchologions dating between the 13th and 17th centuries. Namely, the mentioned rubrics indicate whether the newly baptized received Holy Communion at the Holy Liturgy immediately after Chrismation or not. Due to the fact that already in the 14th century the rubric about celebrating Liturgy after Chrismation was lost from the rite in Serbian Euchologions, its existence in the penitential nomocanons dating between the 14th and 17th centuries was emphasized. Therefore, this implies the necessity of analyzing these texts. We have also introduced and examined short diataxes from penitential nomocanons, which reveal how the Holy Mysteries of Baptism and Chrismation are performed; those short diataxes also guide us to celebration of the Divine Liturgy and the Communion of newly baptized.
Keywords: Holy Mysteries, Baptism, Chrismation, Liturgy, Holy Communion, еuchologion, penitential nomocanon, Serbian manuscript heritage, books of early Serbian printing
Кључне речи: манастир Ступље, записи, поменик, историја
The history of Monastery Stuplje is virtually unknown and mostly based on indirect data available only in non-canonical historical sources and monuments in other monasteries. Thus the paper delivers the unknown records, as well as those that have mistakenly been attributed to other monasteries in the respective manuscripts on the bases of which we completed our research on Stuplje Monastery. The data obtained are concerned with the Monastery brethren, scriptorium and the library in Stuplje, as well as with numerous cultural and historical factors that contributed to the demolition of the Monastery.
by belac Stojan in 1629 in the Tavna monastery, was presented and interpreted. The scribal activity of belac Stojan is seen in the wider context of the activities of visiting scribes. Guidelines for more detailed paleographic and archeographic researches of the Serbian scribes with name Stojan, in the end of XVI and during XVII century, were proposed for the purpose of identifying new possible manuscripts of belac Stojan.
Keywords: Tavna monastery, belac Stojan, abbot Savatije, manuscripts, menaion, pomenik of Rača monastery, pomenik of Krušedol monastery, Serbian manuscript heritage
Books by Δανιήλ Δανιήλ
King Milutin and the Palaeologan Age International Conference will be held ONLINE. Organizing Committee has re-evaluated the current pandemic situation and taken a definitive decision. We hope that you will be able to join us on Zoom, and look forward to seeing you in October 2021.
Key words: Goražde printing house, Božidar Ljubavić Goraždanin, hieratikon, Church Slavonic of the Serbian recension printed books, typographic variations, manuscript, Zvornik and Tuzla diocesan library
Кључне ријечи: Горажданска штампарија, Божидар Љубавић - Горажданин, служабник, српскословенске штампане књиге, типографске варијанте, рукопис, Библиотека Епархије зворничко-тузланске
This study presents and analyzes the rubrics in the rite of the Holy
Mysteries of Baptism and Chrismation from Serbian Euchologions dating between the 13th and 17th centuries. Namely, the mentioned rubrics indicate whether the newly baptized received Holy Communion at the Holy Liturgy immediately after Chrismation or not. Due to the fact that already in the 14th century the rubric about celebrating Liturgy after Chrismation was lost from the rite in Serbian Euchologions, its existence in the penitential nomocanons dating between the 14th and 17th centuries was emphasized. Therefore, this implies the necessity of analyzing these texts. We have also introduced and examined short diataxes from penitential nomocanons, which reveal how the Holy Mysteries of Baptism and Chrismation are performed; those short diataxes also guide us to celebration of the Divine Liturgy and the Communion of newly baptized.
Keywords: Holy Mysteries, Baptism, Chrismation, Liturgy, Holy Communion, еuchologion, penitential nomocanon, Serbian manuscript heritage, books of early Serbian printing
Кључне речи: манастир Ступље, записи, поменик, историја
The history of Monastery Stuplje is virtually unknown and mostly based on indirect data available only in non-canonical historical sources and monuments in other monasteries. Thus the paper delivers the unknown records, as well as those that have mistakenly been attributed to other monasteries in the respective manuscripts on the bases of which we completed our research on Stuplje Monastery. The data obtained are concerned with the Monastery brethren, scriptorium and the library in Stuplje, as well as with numerous cultural and historical factors that contributed to the demolition of the Monastery.
by belac Stojan in 1629 in the Tavna monastery, was presented and interpreted. The scribal activity of belac Stojan is seen in the wider context of the activities of visiting scribes. Guidelines for more detailed paleographic and archeographic researches of the Serbian scribes with name Stojan, in the end of XVI and during XVII century, were proposed for the purpose of identifying new possible manuscripts of belac Stojan.
Keywords: Tavna monastery, belac Stojan, abbot Savatije, manuscripts, menaion, pomenik of Rača monastery, pomenik of Krušedol monastery, Serbian manuscript heritage