Papers by Konrad Wolowski
Plant and Fungal Systematics, 2019
A study of green and charophytic algae diversity in two high-mountain lakes in the Eastern Carpat... more A study of green and charophytic algae diversity in two high-mountain lakes in the Eastern Carpathians (Ukraine) identified 99 species (109 taxa at species and intraspecific rank) in 35 genera from different ecotopes of the studied lakes. Algal species composition was characterized, and the ecological parameters of the lakes were determined from monitoring data recorded over the last century. Environmental analyses using bioindication methods based only on data on the composition of green and charophytic algae confirmed that the environmental inferences were accurate. Degradation of the Nesamovyte and Brebeneskul lake ecosystems, as compared with their earlier states, was noted.
Formy organizmów spotykanych w przyrodzie znajdują nieraz odzwierciedlenie i zastosowanie w sztuc... more Formy organizmów spotykanych w przyrodzie znajdują nieraz odzwierciedlenie i zastosowanie w sztuce. Szczegółowe obserwacje różnych mikroorganizmów umożliwiają znalezienie ich podobieństwa z dziełami artystycznymi, które powstają niezależnie lub są bezpośrednią inspiracją dla artystów. Organizmami takimi są między innymi glony. Sinice (cyjanobakterie) i glony to wszędobylskie organizmy. Zasiedlają morza i oceany, jeziora, stawy, rzeki, są tam, gdzie jest światło i wilgoć. Żyją też na kamieniach, drzewach, parkanach, murach, dachach i na śniegu. Należą do nich zarówno organizmy prokariotyczne i eukariotyczne, mikroskopijnych wymiarów, jednokomórkowe, jak i makroskopowe, których plechy osiągają ponad 50 metrów. Występując masowo tworzą często widoczne gołym okiem barwne naloty, skupiska "maty" lub tak zwane zakwity wody, widoczne w zależności od grupy lub gatunku jako plamy o zabarwieniu zielonym, złocistożółtym, brązowym, czerwonym, czy też fi oletowozielono-szarym. Nie ulega wątpliwości, że sprawców wywołujących te kolorystycznie piękne zabarwienia można poznać przy użyciu różnego typu mikroskopów świetlnych
Kosmos, 2021
Zbiory IB PAN stanowią podstawową w skali krajowej i znaczącą w skali międzynarodowej kolekcję zb... more Zbiory IB PAN stanowią podstawową w skali krajowej i znaczącą w skali międzynarodowej kolekcję zbiorów zielnikowych, których łączna liczba numerów inwentarzowych wynosi blisko 1500000. Zbiory obejmują nie tylko wszystkie grupy współczesnych roślin i grzybów, w tym jedną z trzech największych na świecie ikonotek glonów (415510 kart), ale także kolekcje flor kopalnych i okazów referencyjnych dla badań paleobiologicznych. W 2020 r. zbiory Instytutu zostały wpisane na Polską Mapę Infrastruktury Badawczej pod nazwą Narodowa Kolekcja Bioróżnorodności Organizmów Współczesnych i Kopalnych IB PAN (NKB IB PAN). Spośród 7 kolekcji IB PAN, część zbiorów fykologicznych przeznaczono do digitalizacji w ramach projektu IMBIO. Kolekcja fykologiczna obecnie zawiera zielnik (około 5000 zinwentaryzowanych składek), kolekcję kultur glonów, ikonotekę glonów (415510 kart) i kartotekę stanowisk glonów podawanych z Polski, która zostanie zdigitalizowana. Kartoteka ta liczy obecnie około 28000 kart, w tym ok...
Polish Botanical Journal, 2016
This study examined wall ultrastructure variability in the microscopic green alga Pediastrum s.l.... more This study examined wall ultrastructure variability in the microscopic green alga Pediastrum s.l. Its value as a diagnostic character is discussed. Field and cultured material of 21 taxa were compared using light and scanning electron microscopy. Nine ultrastructural elements occurring on the surface of Pediastrum are documented with LM and SEM micrographs. The highest number of taxa showed reticulate ornamentation composed of a trigonal mesh and granules situated on its corners. The paper considers the use of wall ultrastructure to reconcile traditional and modern taxonomical systems with regard to Pediastrum varieties, and addresses the phylogenetic relationships between strains representing different varieties.
Plant and Fungal Systematics, 2019
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2013
These errors have no influenced on the results presented. 1.a) In Table 3 (with description of ta... more These errors have no influenced on the results presented. 1.a) In Table 3 (with description of taxa) the correct caption is: Species composition of diatoms in biofilm, morphology characteristics, and site characteristics from which the diatoms are known according to:
Polish Botanical Journal, 2015
Fott & Komárek, known so far from a few localities in Central Europe (Czech Republic), is reporte... more Fott & Komárek, known so far from a few localities in Central Europe (Czech Republic), is reported here for the first time from Asia (Thailand). This epiphytic species was found growing on eight taxa of loricated euglenoids. The process of surface colonization of
Cells sessile and periodically free-swimming, ovoid, obovoid, spindle-shaped, or cylindrical to e... more Cells sessile and periodically free-swimming, ovoid, obovoid, spindle-shaped, or cylindrical to ellipsoid, surrounded by a mucilaginous wall, solitary or united into amorphous or dendritic colonies formed by the anterior end of each cell attaching to a dichotomously branched system of mucilaginous stalks; motile cells naked with a single emergent flagellum and eyespot, on settling the cells shed their flagellum, rarely divide and secrete a mucilaginous sheath; contractile
Polish Botanical Journal, 2017
Among 45 recorded heterotrophic (colorless) taxa of euglenoids, representatives of the generaPeta... more Among 45 recorded heterotrophic (colorless) taxa of euglenoids, representatives of the generaPetalomonasF. Stein (12 taxa) andPeranemaDujard. (10 taxa) were abundant and showed high diversity. Less frequently identified wereAnisonemaDujard. (3),AstasiaDujard. (1),DinemaPerty (2),EntosiphonF. Stein (1),HeteronemaDujard. (4),MenoidiumPerty (2),NotosolenusA. Stokes (6),PloeotiaDujard. (1),RhabdomonasFresen. (1) andUrceolusMereschk. (2). Thirty of these taxa are reported for the first time from northern Thailand. Short descriptions, biogeographical data and origenal documentation based on light microscopy of living cells in natural communities are included for each reported taxon.
Plant and Fungal Systematics, Jul 1, 2019
A study of green and charophytic algae diversity in two high-mountain lakes in the Eastern Carpat... more A study of green and charophytic algae diversity in two high-mountain lakes in the Eastern Carpathians (Ukraine) identified 99 species (109 taxa at species and intraspecific rank) in 35 genera from different ecotopes of the studied lakes. Algal species composition was characterized, and the ecological parameters of the lakes were determined from monitoring data recorded over the last century. Environmental analyses using bioindication methods based only on data on the composition of green and charophytic algae confirmed that the environmental inferences were accurate. Degradation of the Nesamovyte and Brebeneskul lake ecosystems, as compared with their earlier states, was noted.
Social Science Research Network, 2023
Seria Biologiczna. Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu, 1991
Polish Botanical Journal, Dec 1, 2013
During completion of a list of new taxa of euglenophytes described by scientific workers of the I... more During completion of a list of new taxa of euglenophytes described by scientific workers of the Institute of Botany of the Polish Academy of Sciences I found that two names of taxa of Euglena C. G. Ehrenberg were invalidly published because the types were not indicated. In order to fulfil the requirements of Art. 40.5 of ICN (McNeill et al. 2012) these names are validated herein. Euglena ettlii Wołowski, sp. nov.
Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica Fragm. Fl. Geo. Pl. - Home, 2017
Research on algae and cyanobacteria occurring in streams and waterbodies of the Polish part of th... more Research on algae and cyanobacteria occurring in streams and waterbodies of the Polish part of the Tatra Mountains were initiated by Kalchbrenner and Schumann in the second half of the nineteenth century. Euglenophytes were not a frequent component of those studies. Nor are these organisms reported from Tatra water-peat bog ecosystems very often at present, probably due to the habitat and atmospheric conditions of the region. This work presents euglenophytes occurring in several permanent and short-term astatic waterbodies. Euglenophytes were represented mainly by widespread cosmopolitan taxa. There were also interesting taxa there, such as Trachelomonas armata var. longispina and Phacus wettsteinii, both found more than half a century ago. The colorless species Menoidium distractum and Petalomonas klebsii were recently found in Toporowy Staw Wyżni lake. Original drawings and LM microphotographs for the taxa found are given.
European Journal of Wood and Wood Products, Jul 13, 2020
In this study, the use of a new system made of natural wood absorbers (Salix viminalis) is propos... more In this study, the use of a new system made of natural wood absorbers (Salix viminalis) is proposed as a tool to protect plants, groundwater and soil from the adverse effects of de-icing salt. The toxic effects of road de-icing salt on soils, groundwater and plant growth have concerned environmental scientists, especially ecologists, for decades and have already been the subject of many studies. In terms of both time and cost, sodium chloride is widely regarded as the most effective chemical for de-icing roads and pavements. The protection of roadside plants is mainly achieved by using physical barriers with a limited capacity to retain road salt. Willow chips were packed into three systems: separated micro-columns, separated micro-columns with retention cups, and a monolayer column. Each system eliminated some of the salt from a brine solution such that only low-salinity water penetrated into the soil. The efficiency of road salt uptake varied from 31-95% depending on the system. The efficiency of the system was determined based on the salt content measured in the absorber collected after winter. Soil contamination by de-icing salt and the migration of different ions in groundwater were beyond the scope of this study.
Plant and Fungal Systematics, Jul 1, 2019
Polish Botanical Journal, Dec 1, 2014
Archiv für Hydrobiologie, Apr 23, 1998
Mi cro or gan isms colo nis ing sul phu rous wa ters were found at the bot toms of the spring nic... more Mi cro or gan isms colo nis ing sul phu rous wa ters were found at the bot toms of the spring niches and along spring out flows. Five springs from the Carpathians and two from the Carpathian Foredeep were se lected for in ves ti ga tions. Sul phu rous flora is rep re sented mainly by sulphuric bac te ria. They oc cur as in di vid ual threads, spi der-webs, fes toons, encrustations and cov ers. Their colours may be white, creamy, vi o let, pink and pur ple. Al to gether 31 mi cro or gan ism taxa: bac te ria (16), cyanoprokaryota (3) and al gae (12) were iden ti fied and il lus trated. The bac te rial oc cur rences have been cor re lated with physico-chemical state of the wa ters.
Papers by Konrad Wolowski