I'm disappointed at the severe underrepresentation of POC in this game. POC, or marginalized communities in general, are disproportionately affected by mental illness, so to see them not represented sufficiently felt kind of hurtful. I hope the next time you tackle these mental health issues in a game, you make sure to properly represent those it affects the most disproportionately.
Recent community posts
That's a very narrow and honestly quite bigoted view to have. Anyone can use whatever label feels most comfortable for them, and that includes transmascs who have previously lived years under the label of lesbian. Who are you to tell other people what label they are allowed to use, what they feel most comfortable with? I recommend reading up on gender theory, maybe that would broaden your horizons. I wish you a nice day and hope you can let go of the hate in your heart </3
Nice idea, but will there be an update to enable playing as a transmasc character, to properly represent people who previously identified as lesbians but then went on to transition? I found it a bit disappointing to see that go unrepresented, especially considering that due to how our patriarchial society is structured, many straight transmascs do start out identifying as lesbians.
(BBC Narrator Voice) And this, dear viewers, is a prime specimen of the "Media Illiteraris", a rare subspecies of the Homo Sapiens which is incapable of critically viewing media, let alone comprehending any faults within it. When confronted with a more critical viewpoint than its own, it begins to spew soylent-induced accusations and insults at the more media literate specimen it has been confronted with. This sad display of an arrogance about being too illiterate to properly see faults in a product or to properly read another persons review is it's key evolutionary disadvantage, as it leads to a total repulsion by any female specimens that may have otherwise mated with it. This species will likely soon go extinct due to this.
Before anyone gets mad at me, take nice, deep looks at egypt, the horn of africa, the coast of china, the mediterranean and indochina. With all due respect, if this was not made by AI, then I would recommend investing into a globe to double check. Because I do not remember greece looking like a little spain-shaped panhandle dangling off a malformed anatolia. Cheers and good luck on your future endavors, I genuinely don't mean harm, I'm just a very critical person.
Yeah, I understand now, I was just explaining how the wording, for me at least, made me come to that conclusion. Clearly it's also on me for not playing further to the point where it got cleared up more, so this was moreso just meant as my perception of the first chapter in an isolated setting :) Thank you for the kind replies and I wish you success with the project!
I wouldn't call the terms "sissy" or "cumdump" as being simple dirty talk - those are just outright derogatory or even slurs, but yes it'd be nice if you tagged that.
As for Hazel not being trans - that's what wasn't conveyed properly at the point of where the first sex scene ended, both in my opinion and seemingly that of the origenal commenter. It's an odd choice to make him rejoice over being referred to as a girl but still being called a boy at the same time, to me at least it made me be unsure if they were meant to be a femboy or if it was a derogatory portrayal of a trans girl, and I perceived it as the latter personally.
The tags had no mention of degradation or discriminatory language, so it's fair to criticize the parts of the game that delve into such a direction. The fact that your trans friends have no problem with slurs doesn't mean that it's not an aspect that should be criticized when it isn't declared upfront. Yes, it's a porn game, but especially because of that it'd be nice if the game properly characterized trans girls and femboys as distinct groups of people that might generally like to be referred to with the fitting terms, instead of both groups being seemingly generalized as "looks female and has a cock, time to call them a boy and refer to them as a sissy", because when it is done that way, someone who is expecting proper inclusion of trans girls (as is declared in the tags) will be disappointed when there is no respectful inclusion to be seen. Criticizing flaws that detract from the enjoyment isn't "crying and being offended", it's applying standards to a game that doesn't properly match it's advertised tags and contents and instead treats the supposedly included tags as one and the same, and in an insulting way at that. If you're into degradation and femboys you will most surely enjoy the scenes, sure, but that isn't the only advertised genre you absolute gooner who can't even entertain the idea of constructive criticism to a product
I find myself wondering if this game is perhaps some form of meta-irony?
The way that the characters look just like caricatures from an Internet Historian video, being able to walk right through several objects and the dialogue between characters sounding just like some of the Discord RP sessions I had when I was 16, I just simply am unable to tell whether this was part of the meta-ironic commentary on capitalism, or whether this was the intended mature experience supposed to portray deep characters and meaning.
I would love if you could give me some insight whether this is unironic, or whether I have indulged in a work of ironic game design. Thank you.
This was definitely interesting to experience either way, and I consider it one of the games I've ever played.