Accommodations are adjustments designed to eliminate or reduce access barriers to the college environment for students with disabilities. They are not intended to provide an academic edge or advantage. Reasonable accommodations are determined through an interactive process with the student and CASS, and are based on a student's functional limitations related to their disability.
Examples of Common Accommodations:
- Extended time and/or breaks on exams
- Adjustments to testing environment
- Assistive technology/software
- Adaptive lab equipment
- Preferred classroom/lab seating
- Notetaking support (audio recording, access to digital notetaking tools)
- Alternative format (Braille, enlarged font, screen reader compatible)
- Additional breaks during class
- Real-time captioning or ASL translation
- Occasional reasonable adjustments for deadlines (typically extensions of less than three days)
- Occasional excused absences
- Reduced courseload (underload)
- First-floor unit, or near elevator
- Room/bathroom/furniture modifications (e.g. grip bars, power doors)
- Uncarpeted room
- Single unit (vs. living with roommates)
- Emotional support animal
- Custom dining menu for medical dietary restrictions
- Mobility service (golf cart rides across campus)
Note: Students may register for accommodations at any time while they are at Caltech, but completed registration requests may take up to 30 days to process. Approved accommodations are not retroactive, meaning that they will not apply to any tests, assignments, or absences, or other situations prior to when the student was approved by CASS.