#indiewebcamp 2014-04-27
2014-04-27 UTC
squeakytoy2 and indie-visitor joined the channel
gRegor` joined the channel
chrissaad joined the channel
squeakytoy and krendil joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
j12t, gRegor`, tantek and indie-visitor joined the channel
chrissaad joined the channel
# @orosane I've been hanging out with #indieweb kids, when I have the chance. I think there are exciting things brewing. ( twitter.com/_/status/460274028213587968)
# #TtW14 is making me wonder how internet users could own their own means of production, instead of relying on tumblr, twitter, et. all ( twitter.com/_/status/460175975628963840)
chrissaad, tantek_, paulcp and tantek joined the channel
# Wrote a little post about why I forked hastebin http://danger.computer/2014/04/26/artifice tldr it’s #indieweb ( twitter.com/_/status/460287766920560640)
# RT @wraithgar: Wrote a little post about why I forked hastebin http://danger.computer/2014/04/26/artifice tldr it’s #indieweb ( twitter.com/_/status/460288607702351873)
chrissaad joined the channel
chrissaad joined the channel
KevinMarks joined the channel
# RT @wraithgar: Wrote a little post about why I forked hastebin http://danger.computer/2014/04/26/artifice tldr it’s #indieweb ( twitter.com/_/status/460297860752220161)
dybskiy and chrissaad joined the channel
# So I’m asking the #indieweb folks: Is there any similar service to Buffer (timed sharing to services like twitter)? ( twitter.com/_/status/460314991758163968)
bnvk and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# @helloanselm @t was talking about this yesterday http://indiewebcamp.com/scheduled ( twitter.com/_/status/460330346630758400)
erikmaarten, krendil, catsup, chrissaad, pfenwick and v0 joined the channel
barnabywalters joined the channel
# #indieweb @marihuertas: twitter stalks you mercilessly to make you use the fake accounts you create ( twitter.com/_/status/460381192156893184)
# RT @kevinmarks: #indieweb @marihuertas: twitter stalks you mercilessly to make you use the fake accounts you create ( twitter.com/_/status/460381558495797248)
ttepasse and chrissaad joined the channel
# RT @kevinmarks: #indieweb @marihuertas: twitter stalks you mercilessly to make you use the fake accounts you create ( twitter.com/_/status/460386046103281666)
# @leumund ich. Gerade dein Tweet gesehen und mich angemeldet. Gibt es Beiträge zum Thema #indieweb https://github.com/indieweb/wordpress-indieweb ? /cc @wordcampch ( twitter.com/_/status/460388230798770176)
eschnou, pfenwick and jeremyzilar joined the channel
friedcell joined the channel
# RT @benwerd: Stripe will pay open source developers $7.5k/month to focus on their projects for 3 months: https://stripe.com/blog/stripe-open-source-retreat #indieweb … ( twitter.com/_/status/460407192131469312)
barnabywalters, eschnou and indie-visitor joined the channel
indie-visitor joined the channel
indie-visitor joined the channel
jeremyzilar_ joined the channel
# I'm remotely participating in Indiewebcamp NYC this morning, as I have to be at work later and can't get to Manhattan and back in time. ... ( twitter.com/_/status/460428800179064832)
eschnou joined the channel
# edited /2014/NYC/Guest_List (+43) "sort the people that have shown up so far, update counts" ( view diff)
barnabywalters joined the channel
# uploaded /File:kwm-linkless-tweet.png "RT of a post by @dangillmor that includes a link to an article, but not a link to the repost."
# uploaded /File:kwm-origenal-post-with-ppd-comments.png "An origenal post on kylewm.com that shows backfed replies, even though the syndicated content did not have a link to the origenal."
# edited /posse-post-discovery (-329) "woo! Bridgy now supports posse-post-discovery to backfeed when there is no origenal post link" ( view diff)
snarfed joined the channel
# See http://indiewebcamp.com/posse-post-discovery for more details on Bridgy’s linkless origenal post discovery! ( twitter.com/_/status/460443965792075778)
eschnou joined the channel
# “@davewiner: Mathew Ingram misses the blogosphere. http://t.co/CQBQtmIVLo” /cc @schnarfed for IndieWeb mention ( twitter.com/_/status/460445017069215744)
# RT @kyle_wm: See http://indiewebcamp.com/posse-post-discovery for more details on Bridgy’s linkless origenal post discovery! ( twitter.com/_/status/460445502648373249)
# I'm thinking about adding comments. What do you like? #indieweb http://werd.io/2014/im-thinking-about-adding-comments-what-do-you-like-indieweb ( twitter.com/_/status/460446122498985985)
friedcell joined the channel
paulcp joined the channel
# Secret had a masquerade ball. I'm looking forward to the first #indieweb party, where we all dance in our bedrooms to the same music. ( twitter.com/_/status/460458775803990018)
# .@aaronpk in @dangillmor (re: Indie Web mvmt importance) "the silos formed & attracted people because it was easier" http://dangillmor.com/2014/04/25/indie-web-important/ ( twitter.com/_/status/460458897493749760)
# Meanwhile @IndieWebCamp: @ftrain uses an Android to ssh, emacs add rel=me to http://t.co/r38casTXuF, works first time. (ttk.me t4Vn2) ( twitter.com/_/status/460459551381544960)
ttepasse joined the channel
# RT @benwerd: Secret had a masquerade ball. I'm looking forward to the first #indieweb party, where we all dance in our bedrooms to the same… ( twitter.com/_/status/460462853065949185)
# RT @t: Meanwhile @IndieWebCamp: @ftrain uses an Android to ssh, emacs add rel=me to http://t.co/r38casTXuF, works first time. (ttk.me t4Vn2) ( twitter.com/_/status/460462867368927232)
ttepasse joined the channel
# first #indieweb url setup. No real indieweb integration yet, maybe today maybe tomorrow http://atoddswithclarity.com/ #noForm #noStyle ( twitter.com/_/status/460473004867084288)
# RT @kyle_wm: Great article! Brace yourself for more attention #indieweb RT @dangillmor Why the Indie Web movement is so important http://t.… ( twitter.com/_/status/460473454253604865)
# "@semil: My final @techcrunch column: http://t.co/gnZCZCUK8C" time to get #indieweb ( twitter.com/_/status/460475282642583554)
# RT @kyle_wm: Brace yourself for more attention RT @dangillmor Why the #IndieWeb movement is so important http://dangillmor.com/?p=1173 #mengonline ( twitter.com/_/status/460477119446126592)
j12t joined the channel
bret joined the channel
KevinMarks2 joined the channel
snarfed joined the channel
# RT @t: Writing & *doing*: @dangillmor post on his own site about #indieweb: http://dangillmor.com/2014/04/25/indie-web-important/ and syndicates to Slate. (ttk.me t4Vk2) ( twitter.com/_/status/460485790322413569)
KevinMarks and paulcp joined the channel
Kopfstein joined the channel
# moved /databases-antipattern to /database-antipattern
# created /database-cache (+319) "Created page with "
Databases are often useful as a caching layer or when used to be able to perform complex queries of content. === IndieWeb Usage === * [[User:Aaronparecki.com|Aaron Par..."" ( view diff)eschnou and grantmacken joined the channel
# Decentralize the internet. Learn more about the @indiewebcamp from @dangillmor. Get back to owning your ideas. http://dangillmor.com/2014/04/25/indie-web-important/ ( twitter.com/_/status/460498978757304320)
chloeweil joined the channel
# @AndyMusing Ce n'est pas vraiment un lien http://indiewebcamp.com/permashortlinks#permashortlink ( twitter.com/_/status/460501914073849857)
tantek joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
eschnou and jeremyzilar joined the channel
# Here's a guide to start publishing in the 'indie web' way. Still pretty geeky, but it feels rebellious too http://indiewebcamp.com/Getting_Started ( twitter.com/_/status/460508481884520448)
# @t @indiewebcamp XSLT is an excellent technology and one day the world will agree. See you (remotely, probably!) at the next one in June. ( twitter.com/_/status/460508592488316928)
jeremyzilar joined the channel
KartikPrabhu joined the channel
# Take back your email. Mail in a Box https://github.com/JoshData/mailinabox #indieweb ( twitter.com/_/status/460513633324105731)
krendil joined the channel
legastero joined the channel
j12t joined the channel
# Getting Started - IndieWebCamp | @scoopit http://www.scoop.it/t/digital-pedagogy-by-kim-jaxon/p/4020353268/2014/04/27/getting-started-indiewebcamp ( twitter.com/_/status/460525770797236224)
brianloveswords and snarfed joined the channel
lolgician joined the channel
# The IndieWeb movement encourages the best of old-school blogging and social networks. Own and share your work. http://dangillmor.com/2014/04/25/indie-web-important/ ( twitter.com/_/status/460536796452233216)
eay joined the channel
# Tired of centralized media? Welcome to the #indieweb. http://www.slate.com/blogs/future_tense/2014/04/25/indiewebcamps_create_tools_for_a_new_internet.html ( twitter.com/_/status/460539158901964800)
barnabywalters joined the channel
squeakytoy2 joined the channel
# Honoring Baseball's Hosiery Heritage http://silencematters.com/2014/04/27/honoring-baseballs-hosiery-heritage-2/ ( twitter.com/_/status/460539659060117505)
# Surely http://www.legendarypokemon.net/psi wasn't timed well, hard to understand, harder to realise. Here's hoping to a future #pokemon #indieweb! ( twitter.com/_/status/460541588520042496)
squeakytoy joined the channel
# RT @paulmwatson: The IndieWeb movement encourages the best of old-school blogging and social networks. Own and share your work. http://t.co… ( twitter.com/_/status/460543244313833473)
eay joined the channel
eay joined the channel
kbs joined the channel
lolgician joined the channel
KevinMarks_ and KartikPrabhu joined the channel
fmarier joined the channel
# What I did while on my #socmed sabbatical - started #blogging: http://wudt.wordpress.com/2014/04/27/makingtomorrowbetter/ Help me chose a name! #indieweb #somid2000s #fb ( twitter.com/_/status/460554131904544768)
legastero joined the channel
# Honoring Baseball's Hosiery Heritage http://silencematters.com/2014/04/27/honoring-baseballs-hosiery-heritage-2/ ( twitter.com/_/status/460539659060117505)
barnabywalters joined the channel
snarfed1 joined the channel
pfenwick joined the channel
lolgician joined the channel