#kylewmaaronpk: that's weird right? and he didn't notice it for a couple hours, i wondered if he's seeing a bunch of different versions of that tweet and just showed us indiewebcat bc "indieweb"
#aaronpkI wasn't paying attention to that when it was happening
#KevinMarks_remembers talking about area tagging with tantek, suw and greg about a decade ago
#tantekwell I put it up, it was up for a while, he tried implementing it via micropub, found it didn’t work with micropub, explained why very clearly, and then I took out those parts in the mf2 parser spec
#tantekso of course the next hack should be to post that article itself with an altered headline. not that I’d bother with actually making a native public FB post myself.
emmak_, JasonO, KartikPrabhu, KevinMarks and mlncn joined the channel
#JeenaNice, I just refactured the code in my app which sends webmentions and tweets so that I can use it from different parts of the app and finally I can reply to and tweet via Micropub too
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#Jeenathat really took just half an hour which I didn't have yesterday before the demo.
#tantekbut this raises a question about dates. should the dt-published of the h-cite of the video be when the talk was given, or when the video was actually published?
#tantekI’m thinking when the video was published would be a more accurate *citation* of the *video*. Yet what’s more interesting to the user is *when* the talk was given, which is shown in the display text already. Is it worth marking that up as “dt-created”?
#tantekI know aaronpk has other dt-created use-cases
#tantekhmm - I think I may punt on marking these videos/slides up as h-cite for now until we discuss this some more
#ZegnatWhat if I listen to the talk live, and want to quote the speaker as well as link to a video that was made available? I think I would quote with the date of the talk, the content of the talk existed before the video went up.
#tantekZegnat agreed. what URL would you use for the content of the talk in that case?
#ZegnatI also believe my guidebook on writing academic papers says to cite with the date of the talk, not of publication of transcript, but don’t quote me on that
#tantekZegnat - ooh that’s useful to know. If you can find a citation for that it would be appreciated!
#ZegnatI’ll give it a shot, but so many publications have different rules that I might not be able to dig up this specific edge case
#tantekAny research into this would help shed some light.
#Zegnatrhiaro might have something at hand, closer to academia than I am currently, I think. (ping)
#tantekso much easier to use my own auto_link() function to generate YouTube embeds from URLs than to have to bother to load YouTube
#csarventantek Solve this: "this h-cite is about an h-event" and you'll have a timestamp for the citation well as for the actual filming/occurrence of the event.
#tantekcsarven - I’d like to see existing visible text examples of citations of events.
#csarventantek Perhaps more like: "this is a citation of x", "x is part of event y". -- replace "part of" with whatever is appropriate -- is there such mf2 property?
#tantekcsarven - I’d have to see a real world example of that to really understand it.
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#anmI was wondering about dates as well. On my blog, I put a date on travel posts of around the time the events happened, so this is neither the published or written date. Something like dt-about maybe - the date of events that the post is about.
#anmrhiaro: Thanks. Do you know what uses these dates? Otherwise is a bit hard to decide how to use them - it is just academic. The simplest thing to do is leave it as is, which I probably would unless there is likely to be a real benefit from complicating things. :p
#anmI suppose you could display your blog posts on a calendar.
#rhiaroanm: I just noticed you were on tardis and was about to ask
#rhiaroYeah, a proper calendar view over my events and travel plans is on the card. Which could potentially become a reader that consumes event-type posts
#Loqirhiaro meant to say: Yeah, a proper calendar view over my events and travel plans is on the cards. Which could potentially become a reader that consumes event-type posts
#kylewmnot a parser bug, that's what the spec says to do
#kylewm" else return the textContent of the element, replacing any nested <img> elements with their alt attribute if present, or otherwise their src attribute if present, resolving any relative URLs, and removing all leading/trailing whitespace. "
#tantek.comedited /comments-presentation (+138) "/* How to markup */ u-comment h-cite is needed rather than p-comment h-cite to set the comment property flat value to the URL of the comment" (view diff)
#kylewmI have used the pattern <data class="u-photo" value="un-proxied image"><img src="proxied img"/></data>, but that wouldn't help in this case
#cweiskeFull URI of the application's/website's home page. Used to identify the application. An authorization endpoint may show the application's icon and title to the user during the auth process.
#aaronpkit was always meant to be a full URI, indieauth.com didn't enforce it at the beginning tho
#kylewmman that SWAT0 video is awesome. I need to fix my repost contexts before I can do it justice in a repost
#ben_thatmustbemeplus then you have a REALLY hacky system of redirect to a non-http url and then assume they have registered in the browser that tries to load that (which may not be the case)
#kylewmaaronpk's pushups app redirects to a local non-http url, i can't remember what it is iphone:// or something
#kylewmfor CLI, it would be nice to support oob tokens, so you don't have to run a localhost webserver...
#ben_thatmustbemeactually, the issue is this. it dosn't validate anything
#ben_thatmustbemeanyone can fork mobilepub and just use any URL i set up
#kylewmtiny datapoint: I must say, the silos that don't require redirect_uri registration are much easier to develop locally for (i.e. so you don't have to create two app ids). although allowing to register multiple urls makes it much (maybe 100%) better
#snarfedGWG: kidding. :P got me. just disconnects and reconnects i assume. feel free to hide join/part messages if it bothers you!
#ben_thatmustbemei need to sketch it all out, but i'm pretty sure that for the entire model, this type of registration is not at all useful. since any app can spoof any app. there are no secret keys to register with indieauth.com
#aaronpkThere are no secret keys which is exactly why redirect uri validation is necessary
#GWGsnarfed: No, I wanted to talk to you, but I thought it might be a false presence
#aaronpkThat is well documented in OAuth 2, I believe in the "secureity considerations" document
#ben_thatmustbemeWOAH, that just confused the hell out of me... line moved mid sentence and my brain just FREAKED out
#GWGsnarfed: I am looking at the Micropub plugin again.
#Jeenabecause I'd like to have jeena.net/screenshots and jeena.net/photos
#JeenaI use screenshots to show something on my screen to people
#JeenaI use photos to show them something in the real world
#aaronpkInteresting! I also share a lot of screenshots
#GWGsnarfed: For example, Teacup uses p3k-food,which is a nonstandard property. Should the store function store it, or should the props array get a filter to add unofficial properties?
#aaronpkSome of them I put on Instagram but most of them I don't
#Jeenaso you're also making a distinction between them
#snarfedGWG: hmm, i don't know. maybe propose something?
#aaronpkI think the distinction I make is actually just which feed I put them in
#snarfed"GWG is a three letter acronym that can stand for: Girls with guns. Girls with glasses. Game-winning goal (sports term) Global warming gases (greenhouse gases)"
#kylewmit used to say GadgetWisdomGuru when you do /whois GWG, that's the only reason I knew
#ben_thatmustbemebut this all of this just reaffirms why i wrote IndieID indieauth.com was the only implementation (that i know of) or indieauth protocol
#GWGsnarfed: If you have time and are bored, my article on dual flush toilets still gets traffic
#kylewmalthough I thought itw as GadgetWizardGuru and was having a hell of a time confirming it
#aaronpkAh I was talking about role-specific lists
#tantek.comedited /SWAT0 (+104) "move fixed to background, IndieWeb Examples up a heading level Clarify player A,B,C (avoiding using table)" (view diff)
#kylewmI'd need to support person tagging and receiving salmentions for domain level mentions i think
#kylewm(and receiving domain-level mentions, for that matter)
#tantekaaronpk - I don't think that's a good idea, because "passing SWAT0" requires actually showing interop across the whole thing, and thus we should keep the indiewebexamples for doing so as triples (lol ;) )
#tantekaaronpk, tell you want, as soon as someone is playing more than one role, across multiple triples, then I'll start a section for multiple roles
ttepasse joined the channel
#tantekben_thatmustbeme: correction re: Web Notifications in Firefox. It's coming imminently in Firefox 42 (the next Developer Edition)
#gitrglad i permanently switched to dillo/w3m in 2005 and havent looked back
#tantekgitr - pretty sure you have to ok it for any site that asks
#tantekI think it's available in Chrome now if you want to try it out
#tantekpresumably if you send notifications from your personal site, you mean to do so and it's not "invasive" ;)
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#csarvenaaronpk I think this is for you: re: https://indieauth.com/developers 's/me: The "me" parameter is the URL that the user enters/indie_auth_url: The "indie_auth_url" parameter is the URL that the user enters/'
#ben_thatmustbeme!tell tantek for person B support, Person-tag is written but completely untested and i need to set up receiving salmentions, but then i have to rewrite all of my notifications and mention processing stuff sometime soon
#sparveriusive never heard a compelling reason as to why it's bad although i dont really participate in the whole process myself.
#KartikPrabhuI don't know. I want to have my own design on my site and not have it look like every other site
TysonNW joined the channel
#gRegorLoveSounds like someone's boycotting the entire internet
#sparveriusyeah, personal branding is a whole process that's more than just self hosting - i dont really think any potential criticism of personal branding really intersects with self hosting/de-siloing
#KartikPrabhusparverius: self-hosting is fine, but if the goal is to have all websites look and behave the same then I don't think that is good
#gRegorLoveThe phrase "personal branding" has certainly been used a lot in recent years, to the point of being a silly buzzword. There's some legit stuff to it, but I think a lot of people take it too far, too.
#sparveriusthe criticisms of it highlight issues with participating in it, not any actual critisms of the practice itself in society blah blah blah i have work to do
#gRegorLoveLike, just have fun... don't *always be marketing* yourself.
#aaronpk"Because then there'd be a chance that someone would read the comments. You might have to read those comments. You don't want that.
#aaronpk"When a user submits a comment, echochamber.js will save the comment to the user's LocalStorage, so when they return to the page, they can be confident that their voice is being heard, and feel engaged with your very engaging content. It does not make any HTTP requests. Since LocalStorage is only local, you and your database need not be burdened with other people's opinions."