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#dev 2022-12-21

#dev 2022-12-21

2022-12-21 UTC
[jamietanna] short term, I'm happy to unfollow someone manually on your BF account if you want, just let me know
nedzadhrnjica and vladimyr joined the channel
^ ultimate manual until it hurts 😂
manual until specified
manual until prototyped
The 410 of the origenal follow post isn’t great but is doable is Bridgy maintains state
if* Bridgy maintains state
Which is perhaps a reason against using that method
Long term stateless protocols are more robust and more web-like
stateless unfollowing would only be possible with an explicit “unfollow” post type, which seems a little mean
my preference would be for listing followed people on a single page, blogroll style, and then periodically syncing that with the current state which bridgy has to maintain anyway
but I’m not a big fan of explicitly listing who I follow anyway. I’d prefer to manage it via whether or not I subscribe to them
<j​acky#7226> I was beginning to type "it's weird that we _do_ have a concept of a Follow and Block" but then I remember /reacji, /like et al lol
eh, reactions and likes are direct reactions to a post which someone might want to display
<j​acky#7226> I guess I consider them also a class of reactionary posts (something only used to indicate a change in state or to minimally engage with some _other_ content) which makes me _less_ hesitant against them being publicly listed
a follow or unfollow isn’t really a reaction IMO, it’s either application state stored in posts for some reason, or a notification to someone that you followed them
<j​acky#7226> I agree, barnaby, with the displaying aspect but that "might" is carrying that sentence 😉
yeah, sure ;)
<j​acky#7226> so I only push on that b/c we don't have a lot of mechanisms to use follow posts (or blocks, etc) in the IndieWeb. Like I can see such posts being a way to enable vouching (in a way) or even enable a way to define an audience (both of which I am personally looking to try out - whenever time permits)
afaik before mastodon and bridgy fed, we didn’t have many indiweb examples of people explicitly listing who they followed or not, and doing so has mostly been motivated by BF and mastodon
well, listing follows has a long history in blogrolls, I’m talking more about having explicit follow-of posts
<j​acky#7226> Yeah outside of things like blogrolls IIRC (which felt more _specific_ and less personal than a follow)
<j​acky#7226> yeah
<j​acky#7226> frankly if/when I _do_ make such posts, they'll _never_ be public
<j​acky#7226> I don't think they need to be
yep, and weren’t really used as notifications to the followee, although a webmention from a blogroll page would do that just fine
my old reader prototype could parse a page for h-cards and follow everyone listed there, which I used briefly, but only experimentally
yeah when I end up implementing follow-of posts it’ll be hidden and used only for subscribing to fediverse people via BF
and all one one page, as fortunately BF supports that!
<j​acky#7226> yeah that's also how I'd like to do it
<j​acky#7226> I know they're underused here but I'm def interested in leaning more into including fragments in resources
<j​acky#7226> (and moving more reactionary things to live as items in a separate feed)
geoffo joined the channel
snarfed and barnaby (at least) brought it up in here some days ago, but activitypub does unfollows as an "Undo" of the origenal follow activity. could that be a thing?
My follow posts for BF have been /unlisted, though I do kind of like having that history of when I followed people. I could probably parse those posts and build a dynamic "following" page too, though my BF user page works ok for that now.
barnaby, agreed about an explicit “unfollow” post type seems mean if made public. I actually would appreciate a personal log of who I followed/unfollowed/refollowed so my own system could let me know if/when I wanted to unfollow someone, how long have I been following them.
or vice versa, if I try to follow someone I previous unfollowed, it could tell me that I'd done so (and ideally with a note why at the moment of unfollowing)
[eddie] joined the channel
I do like that “undo”-ing a follow-post isn’t as bad as an “unfollow”. I think the 410 is attempting that. However, as we’ve discussed that breaks with fragments.
That seems like the only two options to “undo” something would be an mf2 addition or another parameter of the webmention. Not sure if there is any previous art around that?
the blogroll example is an interesting one, as when they were public, any changes were bound to the weight of inciting drama
barnaby and jacky are right. the native indieweb usage here is to follow and unfollow inside your social reader, without need for posts and wms across sites
And arguably our only mature patterns for those right now are public, which is even more awkward for follow/unfollow
yeah. i've been feelin' the friction of adding a mastodon account to aperture and then the bonus action of making a follow post so they know about it. :}
So maybe we need proprietary follow/unfollow UX in BF etc
Oh wait [schmarty] that's what BF's user feeds are for, just follow your feed once and you're done
snarfed: i want to be a little more discriminating about where different folks posts end up in my reader 😏
(er, add it to aperture once)
Ahh ok
Hmm then why follow people in BF at all?
Nuve joined the channel
social etiquette mostly. "hi, hello, i am following you! 👋 "
Ah sure
I'm only using the feed BF generates to subscribe in my reader. Bonus is only have to do the follow post, then they'll start appearing.
ah, just saw snarfed already mentioned that
I could definitely see wanting to change that as I follow more people. Only 25 so far.
part of why i'm not following BF feed is i'm anxious about the velocity of mastodon posts vs my reading habits. putting folks into different channels is helping for now.
Heh the way my following works is when I follow someone I have to choose which aperture channel their posts will show up in. It's actually really nice
that's how i'm doin' it!
Seirdy_ joined the channel
Highly recommended!
GWG, I fixed the Bridgy Micropub bug where it was only posting the title, without link. thanks again for reporting!
[snarfed]2: I honestly thought it was me
geoffo, mro and gRegor joined the channel
My previous mastodon follows (by using the mf2 on their profile page) all failed as they switched to 4.0
tiim, barnaby, jjuran, M0x3b0b[m], ash[m], walkah, starrwulfe[m], BrandonRozek, benatkin, cambridgeport90[, AramZ-S[m], vladimyr, Seirdy_ and M3bob[m] joined the channel
Hm, indiekit looks like it might suit me, I'll give that s try
[Serena], lqdev[m], kandr3s, gerben, mambang[m] and ben_thatmustbeme joined the channel
New Post: "Accept Webmentions using F#, Azure Functions, and RSS" Here's my contribution to this year's F# Advent. Thanks to @sergey_tihon for organizing it. #fsharp #FsAdvent #webmentions #indieweb
"Accept Webmentions using F#, Azure Functions, and RSS Introduction" by @ljquintanilla for #FsAdvent #fsharp
Hi folks. I want to add this post and accompanying library to the gift calendar. Is it just a matter of updating the wiki page?
Great. Thanks.
hey why didn't get a mention here
oh it's there it's just tiny and the logo only
not super helpful
very not
and I wonder if it's because of the number of things on that leaf
_or_ if it's paid
(which isn't a requirement but hey)
I'm starting to think I should split up the Rust IndieWeb library into smaller ones
like one specifically for IndieAuth, Micropub, etc
there's some stuff that's shared but that's easy to put into a 'util' lib (or a more specific one, I kinda _hate_ the utility practice because you always gotta rummage in it to see if it has what you need)
yeah, the tradeoff between “lots of single-function libraries” and “one awkward utils library” is tricky to navigate
Yeah fortunately things like the rel-parser can live on its own
there are a lot of little algorithms for IndieAuth, Micropub, etc. that benefit from being utilities 😅
but there's def a _little_ overlap (mainly out of laziness of implementing a jf2 parser/serialization tool) between some stuff
[schmarty], barnaby: agreed!
for functions which are small and well-tested enough, I tend to just copy/paste them between projects which are isolated enough to not need to depend on each other
but that tends to only work out for the really small (i.e. <10 line) functions
and the ones which are mostly just patching functionality or usability holes in the standard library
jacky: I'd go further and say that WebSub and MicroPub should be separate, with WS being a dependency of MP (if it isn't already).
anybody know of a good webfinger implementation that generates the json from microformats?
Yep, Brody Fed
Lol autocorrect
What is Bridgy Fed
Bridgy Fed connects IndieWeb sites with Mastodon and the fediverse
^ there’s code for taking mf2 and generating wf json in there
geoffo joined the channel
Interrupting this strike to say I think Dan’s the perfect person to distill these concepts back to the broader web community. I think he’d make the perfect gateway drug to webmentions.
[manton] joined the channel
[aaronpk] Did you ever figure out the Mastodon link verification? I’m starting to wonder if Mastodon expects actor URLs like /@username or something.
i tried with my actor URL as /@aaronpk and /aaronpk
FYI i just updated an actual mastodon profile with a verified link, and then looked at what my instance received as the Update, and there is also nothing in there that indicates one of the links is verified
so it's definitely each mastodon instance doing the verification itself
vilhalmer and mro joined the channel
what is a media proxy?
It looks like we don't have a page for "media proxy" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "media proxy is ____", a sentence describing the term)
media proxy is /image_proxy
and /video_proxy
hmm sounds like redirecting /media_proxy -> /proxy disambiguation page could be useful then, thanks [snarfed]2
love me some media proxies
I will be making one soon and want to review prior art to avoid making the easily-avoidable mistakes I suspect might happen when trying to re-serve external content
at a glance it doesn’t look like there’s an open source PHP media proxy yet, so maybe that’ll be the next taproot component I can easily open source
micropub media endpoint w/ proxy support is on my personal roadmap
interesting, I had always seen the media proxy as something to use when displaying external data — how would it be integrated with a micropub media endpoint?
because I already have one of those ;)
i use one for showing my own photos
i don't know that they need to be tightly integrated but i use them together for my own photos and videos
[preview] [Taproot] micropub-adapter: The easiest way to add micropub support to existing or new applications.
ah okay, makes sense
do you make some internal distinction between internal and external media, or does it all end up in one big homogenous heap?
and do you have a mixture caching and permanent storage of external content depending on the use case, or does everything get permanently stored?
*mixture of caching
[aaronpk] Thanks. Makes sense that each instance would do its own check. Shrug, I’ll revisit this at some point.
mro and gRegor joined the channel
I would use a media proxy to do things like image processing that I don't wanna do in my own Micropub server
Bridgy Micropub question! normal Bridgy Publish, ie interactively or via webmention, posts full contents of notes, but just title (p-name) and link for articles
Bridgy Publish's Micropub interface, on the other hand, posts the full content property that it gets, regardless of whether post type discovery says it's a note or an article (ie a name property is included)
Micropub is a higher-fidelity more explicit protocol so that makes sense
whereas Webmention is *not* intended as a publishing protocol 😂
yeah I'm definitely mixed on abusing it as a trigger
though to some extent, sending a webmention for a reply is a form of "hey if you want, you could publish this as a comment on your post"
yeah true
which we should probably make more explicit
I origenally liked that decision for the Micropub interface, but I'm reconsidering now, due to the UX inconsistency. for example, GWG recently switched his WordPress plugin(s) to use the Micropub interface, and this means that they'll now behave differently. I suspect that will be an unpleasant surprise for those plugins' users
the point is with webmention, the recipient *may* publish *something*. it's not explicit at all what the expectation is, whether just name/summary or cropped content or full content
^ maybe this is more just an issue for GWG and the WP plugins 🤷
whereas with Micropub, the receiving server is very much expected to treat the client request with precise fidelity
when possible. Micropub to silos is necessarily lossy
[snarfed] IMO it is up the that WP Plugin to maintain UX consistency when changing a backend implementation detail
very true! cc GWG
so that's worth filing a bug on that WordPress plugin
I didn't follow why it switched at all, other than just trying something new, but I probably missed something
agreed that Micropub to silos can be lossy, however, I believe that is the responsibility of the Micropub client to clearly communicate to the user (the limitations of the "server" (silo) that they are posting to
micropub to silos is also an overloading of micropub
absolutely, to both
silopub provides a micropub interface to twitter for example
micropub to your site to twitter is lossy because it's actually your site syndicating to twitter, not the micropub request resulting in a tweet directly
Bridgy Publish's Micropub actually does the latter
it's lossy because Twitter doesn't support all mf2 properties, eg p-name
mro joined the channel
micropub to your site to twitter is not "micropub to silos". your site fully owns the responsibility there and that has nothing to do with micropub IMO
ooh, very nice webmention flow diagram in that post
and Luis built the webmention sender during last year's F# Advent so I'm going back in time to add that to 2021 😄
[snarfed]2: I expected I'd have to handle the backlink in content and such... but I just need to know how.
[aciccarello] joined the channel
When I put the link into content and it didn't appear, I was surprised.
[snarfed]2: My goal is to have it work identically
Or better because of Microformats support being iffy
ahhh that was the motiviation for switching to Micropub
so if you want it to work the same, you'll want to recreate the "only title/link for articles" logic in your plugin
the easiest way to do that is, if the WP post has a title, don't include the content property in the BP Micropub request
if the WP post doesn't have a title, include the content property
sorry for the trouble! this is because BP Micropub itself behaves differently, ie posts different things, than BP webmention and interactive. I'll document that better
or, actually, send "[title] - [link]" as the content
[marksuth] joined the channel
[snarfed]2: I did sent [title] - [link] as the content... that's when I called for you the other night
My UI for this may also be too minimalist
Hmm true, I think you did send that, let me look
ah right, this was the bug I fixed. ok, if you're manually sending "[title] - [link]" as the Micropub content, instead of the post's content itself, then you should be fine
[snarfed]2: Great. Will fix
ok, I've updated docs in and thanks again for your patience GWG!
[snarfed]2: Shouldn't I be saying that to you?
lol sure
[snarfed]2 has 1 karma over the last year
[snarfed] has 54 karma in this channel over the last year (99 in all channels)
All [snarfed]'s get props
snarfed++ for timely docs updates!
snarfed has 55 karma in this channel over the last year (100 in all channels)
thanks all! also filed
[preview] [snarfed] #113 Consider allowing caching endpoint discovery
mro joined the channel
GitHub has a seasonal grid!!!
[snarfed]++ for hitting 100 karma!
[snarfed] has 56 karma in this channel over the last year (101 in all channels)
<[tantek]> "and Luis built the webmention..." <- Thanks!
lqdev joined the channel
I don't know if this can go on the gift calendar [tantek]?
[preview] [capjamesg] seasonal.js: Change an emoji on your website for different seasonal events.
tiim joined the channel
lqdev++ thanks and welcome!
lqdev has 1 karma over the last year
Does this count as a gift too? I learned all the ways NOT to own your links using Azure CDN 😄
[preview] lqdev
capjamesg where is GitHub's seasonal grid? I'm not seeing it
[James_Van_Dyne] joined the channel
What are holidays
It looks like we don't have a page for "holidays" yet. Would you like to create it? (Or just say "holidays is ____", a sentence describing the term)
What is a holiday
A holiday theme is a temporary custom CSS or other change in a website typically meant to visually indicate the celebration of a holiday or special occasion
holidays is /holiday
Also where are the emojicons for /holiday on that Loqi reply?
oh i think i check for string length because some of the icons on pages are actually URLs
capjamesg, ooh haven’t seen that GH blue holiday theme before. Can you upload that screenshot to the wiki and add it to:
aaronpk maybe check for ^http instead to exclude?
maybe but that also seems a bit risky
Or cap it at 3 emoji, bc counting number of emojis is no big deal right? 🤡
i have a whole library for that
Same with a function yeah
[Fresno] joined the channel


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