Charles Sturt University
Demonstrations can be very effective at engaging students, generating interest in a topic, and enhancing student learning. Demonstrations can occur at three different stages of a course topic: as an introduction, as a wrap-up and an aid... more
Demonstrations can be very effective at engaging students, generating interest in a topic, and enhancing student learning. Demonstrations can occur at three different stages of a course topic: as an introduction, as a wrap-up and an aid used throughout the class discussion of a topic. A key component to an effective demonstration is active student engagement throughout the entire process. This means students are involved in discussing the purpose of the demo; predicting what will happen during the demo; discussing who developed theories to help us understand what happens during the demo; and comparing observations to predictions, as opposed to simply passively watching a demonstration. This paper presents a model for infusing demonstrations into an engineering science class and the use of this model during a semester. Demonstrations in this class incorporate both software simulation and physical models of dynamic systems. While physical models provide a concrete example, computer simulations allow the exploration of "what-if" scenarios and greater meta-cognitive activities. Assessment includes components from both faculty and students.
Demonstrations can be very effective at engaging students, generating interest in a topic, and enhancing student learning. A key component to an effective demonstration is active student engagement throughout the entire process. This... more
Demonstrations can be very effective at engaging students, generating interest in a topic, and enhancing student learning. A key component to an effective demonstration is active student engagement throughout the entire process. This means students are involved in discussing the purpose of the demo; predicting what will happen during the demo; discussing who developed theories to help us understand what happens during the demo; and comparing observations to predictions, as opposed to simply passively watching a demonstration. Demonstrations can occur at three different stages of a course topic: as an introduction, as a wrap-up and an aid used throughout the class discussion of a topic. Depending on when they occur, different types of learning outcomes are achieved. This paper presents a model for infusing demonstrations into an engineering science class and the use of this model during a semester. Assessment includes components from both faculty and students, as well as from a faculty development professional who is an instructor in a different discipline.
Demonstrations can be very effective at engaging students, generating interest in a topic, and enhancing student learning. A key component to an effective demonstration is active student engagement throughout the entire process. This... more
Demonstrations can be very effective at engaging students, generating interest in a topic, and enhancing student learning. A key component to an effective demonstration is active student engagement throughout the entire process. This means students are involved in discussing the purpose of the demo; predicting what will happen during the demo; discussing who developed theories to help us understand what happens during the demo; and comparing observations to predictions, as opposed to simply passively watching a demonstration. Demonstrations can occur at three different stages of a course topic: as an introduction, as a wrap-up and an aid used throughout the class discussion of a topic. Depending on when they occur, different types of learning outcomes are achieved. This paper presents a model for infusing demonstrations into an engineering science class and the use of this model during a semester. Assessment includes components from both faculty and students, as well as from a faculty development professional who is an instructor in a different discipline.
Students frequently find their junior year challenging as those courses provide the transition between lower-level courses where fundamentals are emphasized and upper-level design courses where instructors assume prior knowledge.... more
Students frequently find their junior year challenging as those courses provide the transition between lower-level courses where fundamentals are emphasized and upper-level design courses where instructors assume prior knowledge. Project-based learning provides a great instrument for students to enhance their learning and further develop critical engineering skills. However, students still struggle when not given exact procedural steps and want the reassurance they are 'doing the correct thing." This paper presents the implementation of a peer-review cycle into the team course project of a structural analysis course. The peer review process asks students to evaluate and provide feedback on both the analytical content as well as the written presentation of the project. This process allows students to see different approaches, both in analysis and in presentation, to the same problem. Their familiarity with the problem allows them to provide constructive feedback, while reviewing the work of another group allows them an objectivity they cannot yet apply to their own work. The peer review cycle not only enhances the learning of the material for the course, but it is also a critical engineering skill for students.
Aggie STEM serves K-12 teachers and students by providing professional development (PD) over a wide range of STEM educational topics in a variety of formats and settings. The goal of the PD is to provide teachers with the tools they need... more
Aggie STEM serves K-12 teachers and students by providing professional development (PD) over a wide range of STEM educational topics in a variety of formats and settings. The goal of the PD is to provide teachers with the tools they need for effective classroom instruction, with the objective of increasing the STEM pipeline by providing students with more engaging instruction in formal and informal settings. This paper describes Aggie STEM's role in improving STEM instruction and experiences through PD for teachers and summer camp for students. By supporting teachers to improve classroom instruction, Aggie STEM impacted more students than was possible by teaching secondary students in the classroom. In a single year, through PD to more than 800 teachers, the number of students whose STEM knowledge was enriched exceeded 24,000.
- by Jim Morgan and +2
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Niyazi Erdogan was awarded with a B.A. degree in science education by Hacettepe University, which is one of the top universities located in Ankara, Turkey. After a period of working as a science teacher, he began to study science... more
Niyazi Erdogan was awarded with a B.A. degree in science education by Hacettepe University, which is one of the top universities located in Ankara, Turkey. After a period of working as a science teacher, he began to study science education as a M.Ed. student at Texas A&M University in Fall 2009. He is currently a Graduate Research Assistant and a Ph.D. student in Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture at Texas A&M University. His research interests are STEM education with an emphasis on science, project-based learning, and engineering education. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012
- by Jim Morgan and +1
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A survey study design was employed to examine the relationship between enrollment in com- puter and Advanced Placement courses during high school, SAT scores and subsequent selec- tion of a STEM major in post-secondary education. Study... more
A survey study design was employed to examine the relationship between enrollment in com- puter and Advanced Placement courses during high school, SAT scores and subsequent selec- tion of a STEM major in post-secondary education. Study data were collected through an on- line survey from a multi-school charter school system in which a variety of computer courses are offered to 9-12 grade students. The study showed that students’ scores on the SAT reading section and, total composite score (reading + mathematics) had a statistically significant rela- tionship with students’ selection of a science, engineering, technology, and mathematics [STEM] major. Although there was not a statistically significant relationship between stu- dents’ SAT mathematics scores, there was a pattern showing that students with higher SAT mathematics scores were more likely to choose a STEM major. We also found that there was a statistically significant relationship between the number of AP science courses an...
- This paper discusses implementation of the projects into a junior level introductory structural analysis course. The goals of the projects, and the changes made to make room for the projects are also discussed in detail. Assessment and... more
- This paper discusses implementation of the projects into a junior level introductory structural analysis course. The goals of the projects, and the changes made to make room for the projects are also discussed in detail. Assessment and evaluation of the impact of ...
- This paper discusses implementation of the projects into a junior level introductory structural analysis course. The goals of the projects, and the changes made to make,room for the projects are also discussed in detail. Assessment and... more
- This paper discusses implementation of the projects into a junior level introductory structural analysis course. The goals of the projects, and the changes made to make,room for the projects are also discussed in detail. Assessment and evaluation of the impact of these projects include an evaluation on how,the courses and projects address specific department and Accreditation Board for
Practicing engineers review work products done by peers on a regular basis. While peer review of team members and peer review of classmate’s writing and presentation has been extensively researched in academic settings, the use of student... more
Practicing engineers review work products done by peers on a regular basis. While peer review of team members and peer review of classmate’s writing and presentation has been extensively researched in academic settings, the use of student technical peer review of engineering work products has not been similarly explored in engineering education. This paper presents the implementation of a technical peer-review cycle into course projects in a range of courses from junior through graduate levels. The review process asks students to evaluate and provide feedback on both the analytical content as well as the written communication of the project. It allows students to see
different approaches to the same problem and their familiarity with the problem allows them to provide constructive feedback. The review cycle not only enhances the learning of the material for the course, but it is also a critical engineering skill for students. This paper presents a model for classroom practice, which is based on the peer review, tutoring, and teaching literature, to develop both knowledge and skills in students.
different approaches to the same problem and their familiarity with the problem allows them to provide constructive feedback. The review cycle not only enhances the learning of the material for the course, but it is also a critical engineering skill for students. This paper presents a model for classroom practice, which is based on the peer review, tutoring, and teaching literature, to develop both knowledge and skills in students.
- by Jim Morgan and +1
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Students frequently find their junior year challenging as those courses provide the transition between lower-level courses where fundamentals are emphasized and upper-level design courses where instructors assume prior knowledge.... more
Students frequently find their junior year challenging as those courses provide the transition between lower-level courses where fundamentals are emphasized and upper-level design courses where instructors assume prior knowledge. Project-based learning provides a great instrument for students to enhance their learning and further develop critical engineering skills. However, students still struggle when not given exact procedural steps and want the reassurance they are 'doing the correct thing." This paper presents the implementation of a peer-review cycle into the team course project of a structural analysis course. The peer review process asks students to evaluate and provide feedback on both the analytical content as well as the written presentation of the project. This process allows students to see different approaches, both in analysis and in presentation, to the same problem. Their familiarity with the problem allows them to provide constructive feedback, while reviewing the work of another group allows them an objectivity they cannot yet apply to their own work. The peer review cycle not only enhances the learning of the material for the course, but it is also a critical engineering skill for students.
Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution ,... more
Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution , reselling , loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
This paper focuses on the freshman year of the Foundation Coalition program at Texas A&M University. The curriculum includes chemistry, English, engineering, math and physics taught in an integrated just in time fashion using technology... more
This paper focuses on the freshman year of the Foundation Coalition program at Texas A&M University. The curriculum includes chemistry, English, engineering, math and physics taught in an integrated just in time fashion using technology and delivered in an active-collaborative environment to students working in teams of four. Through our thrusts of integration, teaming, active learning and technology we hope
Niyazi Erdogan was awarded with a B.A. degree in science education by Hacettepe University, which is one of the top universities located in Ankara, Turkey. After a period of working as a science teacher, he began to study science... more
Niyazi Erdogan was awarded with a B.A. degree in science education by Hacettepe University, which is one of the top universities located in Ankara, Turkey. After a period of working as a science teacher, he began to study science education as a M.Ed. student at Texas A&M University in Fall 2009. He is currently a Graduate Research Assistant and a Ph.D. student in Department of Teaching, Learning, and Culture at Texas A&M University. His research interests are STEM education with an emphasis on science, project-based learning, and engineering education. c American Society for Engineering Education, 2012
- by Jim Morgan
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An emergency opening system (EOS) for an authorized vehicle lane was developed and crash tested. The design consisted of two steel box tubes mounted on top of each other. The beams were supported by pins at the ends connected to modified... more
An emergency opening system (EOS) for an authorized vehicle lane was developed and crash tested. The design consisted of two steel box tubes mounted on top of each other. The beams were supported by pins at the ends connected to modified concrete median barrier sections. Factors considered in the development of the system were ease of operation and ability to redirect errant vehicles. Three full-scale crash tests were conducted to evaluate the impact behavior of the design. All the occupant risk values as well as the vehicle trajectory hazard were below recommended values for all the crash tests. In addition, the EOS was still operational after the first two tests. In the third test, the anchorage system for the downstream concrete median barrier failed, however, damage to the EOS was slight. A $52 million project is under way in Houston to install an authorized vehicle lane (lWL) down the center of I nterstate 45. This AVL will prov i d e buses , vanpools, and other authorized traf...
- by Jim Morgan
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We propose a sequence of activities to be programmed to improve the learning of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Secondary Education. This proposal consists on generate and transform images and figures programming in... more
We propose a sequence of activities to be programmed to improve the learning of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics in Secondary Education. This proposal consists on generate and transform images and figures programming in Octave. This enables the students to use basic and iterative instructions to construct a complex program, understand and structure problems, logic reformulation of problems, design of systematic processes for the resolution, generalization and comparison of solutions. Initial analyses of the implementation of the activities will be presented.
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly... more
This article may be used for research, teaching, and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, redistribution, reselling, loan, sub-licensing, systematic supply, or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden.