Charles Sturt University
Religious studies
Learning takes place in so many ways in a world filled with stimuli, some avenues are more effective and constructive than others. Through life experiences, we very quickly realise that learning through experience adds immense color and... more
One of the challenges for followers of any religion is to understand and internalise metaphysical and spiritual concepts that are often abstract or hard to conceptualise for an ordinary believer. This paper studies at Said Nursi's method... more
The notion that Islam means peace has almost become a cliché in a world where Islam’s relationship with peace is emphasised in an attempt to reclaim it from any association with terrorism. Islam does mean peace. Not only does Islam mean... more
Islam meaning peace becomes an important point in the discussion of inner peace; Muslims believe the religion of Islam is a source of inner peace for them, citing various Qur’ānic verses and ḥadīth in support of this notion.... more
A tawḥīd-centric worldview is imperative for a life of inner peace according to Nursi. The prime focus of a tawḥīd-centric worldview is how life and events are interpreted and the meaning given to those events. This worldview could be... more
The best means to understand inner peace is through the lived experience of individuals, where they share the hardships and calamities they have lived through and the processes they followed to cope with those challenges. Said Nursi, a... more
Islamic literature to date has been focusing on the human role as the vicegerent (caliph) on earth with the duty to look after the environment and other life forms. There is, however, a need to further develop this literature towards... more
Prophet Muhammad is a role model for millions of Muslims today. This makes sīrah, the life of the Prophet, a critical source to understand and contextualise. Muslims interpret the events of his life so that they can replicate them in... more
Islam meaning peace becomes an important point in the discussion of inner peace; Muslims believe the religion of Islam is a source of inner peace, citing various Qur’anic verses and hadith in support of this notion. However, very little... more
The notion that Islam means peace has almost become a cliche in a world where Islam’s relationship with peace is emphasised in an attempt to reclaim it from any association with terrorism. Islam does mean peace. Not only does Islam mean... more
The best means to understand inner peace is through the lived experience of individuals, where they share the hardships and calamities they have lived through and the processes they followed to cope with those challenges. Said Nursi, a 20... more
A God-centric worldview is imperative for a life of inner peace according to Said Nursi (d. 1960), a twentieth century Muslim scholar. The prime focus of a God-centric worldview is how life and events are interpreted and what meaning is... more
Islamism and violent extremism require complete multi-disciplinary analysis to truly understand their causes. Such an analysis necessitates delving into history to appreciate that violent extremism is not a new phenomenon and not... more
When I thank people, I always worry I am going to forget someone, but here I go… I would firstly like to thank my Creator for giving me the strength, direction and ability to complete this task. I can never thank Him enough for all that... more
Prophet Muhammad is a role model for millions of Muslims today. This makes sīrah, the life of the Prophet, a critical source to understand and contextualise. Muslims interpret the events of his life so that they can replicate them in... more