Charles Sturt University
School of Teacher Education
REÍD & MARTIN However she is positioned quite differently from the other itinerants who pass through Tiburón at the start of the Great Depression: young policemen and the unemployed travellers seeking work to sustain their families, on... more
- by Jo-Anne Reid
RESEARCHING RURAL-REGIONAL (TEACHER) EDUCATION IN AUSTRALIA Graeme Lock, Jo-Anne Reid, Bill Green, Wendy Hastings, Maxine Cooper, Simone White Edith Cowan University, Charles Start University, University ofBallarat, Deakin University ...
The late nineteenth-century expansion of public schooling in Australia from an initial focus on the elementary phase to post-primary provision, and then to a more systematic secondary education over the early to mid-twentieth century,... more
Our title refers to TERRAnova – the "new ground" that we are aiming to claim and cultivate in the area of rural teacher education in Australia. Like others in this symposium, we are aiming to understand the role and significance... more
- by Jo-Anne Reid
A new final-year teacher education unit at an Australian university uses action research as a learning process for teacher-interns in rural schools. This year-long unit requires support in the first semester as on-campus students explore... more
This article is based on the findings of a qualitative case study that examined the professional experiences and career pathways of fifty current and former Australian Indigenous teachers. Here, we draw on data obtained from... more
This article problematises representations of professional practice. It investigates assumptions behind received accounts of professional practice, including professional standards that purportedly capture what accomplished English... more
Turning to history - the history of the subject and the profession - is quite a recent phenomenon in English teaching. This may be because all too many English teachers and educators feel older themselves, passing inexorably into what can... more
- by Jo-Anne Reid