Optimisation of Bioluminescent Reporters for Use with Mycobacteria
Figure 7
Light production from FFluc and Lux is stable, whereas the signal from Gluc rapidly dissipates.
Luminescence (given as relative light units [RLUs]) was measured every 10 s for gluc-expressing M. smegmatis and every 30 s for ffluc- or lux-expressing M. smegmatis, over a 30 min period. The integration times used were 0.1 s, 5 s and 10 s for Gluc, FFluc and Lux respectively. At time point 0 min, 470 µM luciferin or 40 µM coelenterazine were added to FFluc- and Gluc-producing M. smegmatis respectively. Two independent cultures were used for FFluc and Lux, and three for Gluc. Each culture was measured in duplicate and the means and standard deviations (smaller than symbols) are plotted.