Threatened Caribbean Coral Is Able to Mitigate the Adverse Effects of Ocean Acidification on Calcification by Increasing Feeding Rate
Fig 3
Total lipid content of A. cervicornis following 8 week exposure to combinations of temperature, CO2, and feeding.
LT-LCO2 represents control conditions, 26°C, 390ppm, LT-HCO2 represents 26°C, 800ppm, HT-LCO2 represents 30°C, 390 ppm, and HT-HCO2 represents 30°C, 800ppm. Each bar represents the mean lipid content of n = 10 corals, and white bars represent unfed corals, while grey bars represent fed corals. Dissimilar letters indicate means that are significantly different following a post-hoc Tukey’s HSD test. Error bars represent ± one standard error.