Threatened Caribbean Coral Is Able to Mitigate the Adverse Effects of Ocean Acidification on Calcification by Increasing Feeding Rate
Fig 5
Symbiont density in A. cervicornis following 8 week exposure to combinations of temperature, CO2, and feeding.
Mean symbiont density of corals (n = 10) in each individual tank, not pooled by treatment due to a significant tank effect. Therefore each treatment is shown twice, representing each replicate tank, i.e. two LT-LCO2, two LT-HCO2, two HT-LCO2, and two HT-HCO2, from left to right. Dissimilar letters indicate means that are significantly different following post-hoc Tukey’s HSD test. Mean chlorophyll a of corals (each bar represents n = 40) depicting the main effects of temperature (B) and feeding (C). Dissimilar letters indicate means that are significantly different following post-hoc student’s t-test. Error bars represent ± one standard error.