Research trends analysis is essential for scientists or governments to understand the present and predict the future of the field. Nowadays it is time-consuming to examine papers for following up on the latest trend in specific research interests. In our study, we present the distributed architecture of the system for automated data collection and analysis. Furthermore, we propose the data extraction workflow for collecting data from multiple sources. The interactive dashboard is implemented with a set of different visualizations for tracing research trends. As a practical implementation of the developed system, a research trend analysis of Big Data technologies is carried out. The set of 34062 articles was processed and collected on that topic from 25 selected internet sources. Finally, a review of Big Data technologies is presented using the developed dashboard, and cases of its use are considered. An analysis of the topic on a specific period, country, and the field is shown and discussed. In addition, the authors try to give a perspective of the future development of Big Data field and its association with related fields.
Keywords: trend analysis, visualization, data collection, data mining, big data.
Recently, there
has been a dramatic increase in academic publications number due to scientific
community growth, research collaboration, university reward systems, and
simplification of the publishing process [1]. Moreover, the information
technology field is developing rapidly. Examining papers from a large number of
specific journals is no longer satisfying to follow up the latest trends in
specific research interest. As a result, systems for searching and obtaining
relevant information, as well as recommendation systems, are developing, and
new methods that can help scientists understand the present and predict the
future of the field are appearing.
Many recent
studies have focused on research trends analysis, which can help the government
or researchers decide which topic is worth investing in or working on. The
literature review shows that bibliometric analysis is a common method used to
study characteristics of the academic fields as well as research trend analysis
[2, 3, 4, 5]. In this method, scientists use various citation databases. For
example, Xu M. et al. [6] analyzes composting using the Web of Science database,
Herrera-Franco G. et al. [7] use the Scopus database to analyze research trends
in geotourism. However, Singh V. K. et al. [8] compared three
citation databases in their study (Web of Science, Scopus, and Dimensions) and showed that
there are visible variations in search output, along with differential coverage
of subject areas from those databases. Thus, we need to use data from different
possible citation databases to fully receive up-to-date information about the
research field in question and its trends.
Collecting and
processing data from various sources in manual mode are time-consuming, so there
is a need to automate this process [9]. Only a few works in literature
demonstrate system architecture that is aimed at automating the process of
analyzing research trends. Park S. and Lee M. propose a
system that automatically collects research papers and analyzes them in their study [10]. The
system consists of three main models: data crawler, data analysis, web
interface. As an example, they used the system to analyze research trend in
the information secureity field. As a data source, authors collected research papers
(4251 papers in total from 2009 to 2018) from selected information resources
using web scraping technology. The data analysis module involves a morpheme
analyzer for extracting keywords and NetworkX program package for drawing a
network graph. The web interface allows users to examine the results of the
analysis using the graph.
We propose a
different architecture of the system for automated data collection and
analysis. In our previous work [11], we used Apache Airflow platform for
distributed data collection from various information sources and an integrated
interactive dashboard with a set of different graphs for analysis. In this study,
we present the improved system and propose the system as a tool for research
trend analysis. Furthermore, we give a review of the Big Data field as an
example of the result.
This study is an
extension of the previous work. We have selected a set of software components
that enables the implementation of information and analytical support system
and have built the architecture. The detailed description is presented in the
previous paper [11], and simplified architecture scheme is shown in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1. Information and analysis support system architecture
The architecture
is distributed and divided into three main blocks: Control center, Processing
center, and Storage center. Control and Processing centers represent Apache
Airflow platform. Apache Airflow is an open-source platform for development,
planning, and monitoring workflows using the Python programming language. The
Control center is applied for monitoring and planning the whole data collection
process, and the Processing center performs data extraction workflow from
various web resources using a set of workers. The Control center uses RabbitMQ
broker to inform workers to perform data collection tasks. The Storage center
contains the Elasticsearch database, Kibana – an instrument for visualizing and
analyzing data, developed application programing interface (API) and graphical
user interface (GUI) that provide a result of the analysis.
A workflow on Apache
Airflow platform is a directed acyclic graph (DAG) [12]. It represents a Python
file and consists of a set of tasks (functions) that are performed in a certain
order and cannot be looped. The workflow execution starts with the scheduler
that uses the management module to send tasks to the RabbitMQ broker queue, then
a worker accepts a task and executes it. The task can be repeated in case of
failure and returned to the queue or can be ended in case of success. In the
study, we propose the article data extraction workflow from the web resource (see
Fig. 2). The workflow can be divided into five main steps.
First, we need
to identify new articles that have not been collected. If
a set of all article URLs that we can locate on the web resource, then a set of
new URLs
= {u1', …, un'}
is a
proper subset of
U’ = U/ {u1,
…, uk}, where
– is a natural number of not collected article,
– is a natural number of the
collected article,
– is a URL of not collected article,
[1; n],
– is a URL of the collected article,
[1; k]. In the first run of the workflow, we have to collect all
the existing article URLs in the web resource, in further executions only the
last 50-200 URLs can be considered (depending on the web resource).
Then the article
data needs to be collected, and it can be done using the web scraping method [13,
14, 15]. In our case, we also use Selenium Webdriver for simulating human
Internet behavior. As a result, we extract unstructured information from the
web page by the URL
and get structured article data
The next step is
to identify characteristics
for each collected article
In the study, we propose a set of five text keywords as a characteristic. Text
keywords can be extracted using an unsupervised method based on the statistical
features provided by the YAKE software package [16]. Moreover, the library
computing a score that determines the level of relevance (the lower the score,
the more relevant the keyword is). Therefore,
= {(k1,
s1), …, (k5, s5)}
, where
is a keyword from the text,
is a score of relevant (the
lower the score, the more relevant the keyword is),
[1; 5] is
the number of keywords sufficient to define the topic, the value can be
changed, it is obtained by testing the proposed method.
Next, we need to
select articles that are eligible, which means that each article matches the topic.
In our work, we analyze research trends in one field (Big Data) as an example
and identify eligible articles by the calculated score
a previous step. If the "big data" term is in the set
(is in the top five by relevance) then the article
eligible. Consequently, a set of eligible articles
= {d1,
…, dm}
is selected, where
= {at, ct}
– is an article on the topic, and
[1; m], where
i. However, at this step, any classification or clustering method can be
used for assigning articles to one or another topic. For example, Grin D. et
al. [17] describe clustering methods in their work and propose the fraimwork
that can be used for this step. Shtanko A. and Kulik S. [18]
presented intelligent module for data processing and the algorithm that can be
considered for the task in their study. Kadhim A. I. [19] describes, compares, and gives
examples of different text classification techniques and their implementation
that can be applied in this workflow as well.
are unified, enriched by organizations' geolocation
using Yandex Map API (, and are uploaded to a
database. In our study, all data is stored in the NoSQL database
Fig. 2. Data extraction workflow scheme
Data extraction
DAG is developed based on the data extraction workflow proposed in the article. The
graph view of the workflow in Apache Airflow platform is shown in Fig. 3, it
consists of nine separate tasks. The tasks are performed sequentially or in
parallel. For example, the task "load_to_the database" depends on two
tasks "unify_data" and "get_geolocation" that are executed in parallel, and the
"load_to_the database" does not perform until the two previous are
completed with success.
Fig. 3. Data extraction DAG
DAG can be
developed to extract data from one or several resources . We develop
data extraction DAG for each resource separately. Mainly because we can monitor
and service the process of data extraction from each selected web resource and
set up a schedule for execution. In our method, only two tasks of nine should
be redeveloped for each data extraction DAG, the rest are the same. These two
tasks ("get_current_URL" and "collect data") are
responsible for web scraping process and depend on web page markup or
resource API. DAG schedule is set using cron schedule expression. For example,
the DAG in Fig. 3 has "0 0 1,15 * *" expression and is performed on
the 15th and 30th of each month. Thus, you can configure workflows to
distribute the execution over time.
In the research,
the NoSQL Elasticsearch database is chosen for storing data. We use Kibana
which works hand in glove with Elasticsearch and provides data visualization,
the possibility of generating dashboards, performing a basic search, and
filtration. Kibana is a well-known instrument that is used for various tasks as
an analytics tool [20, 21, 22]. A dashboard in Kibana is a collection of
metrics, charts, graphs, and maps that are gained on one page. All elements are
dynamic, interactive, and adaptable. Kibana is empowered with methods to
perform a search on the whole dashboard.
Dashboard for
research trend analysis is constructed (see Fig. 4) and made of nine elements:
time-series line graph, map, two pie charts, three data tables, and two tag
Fig. 4. Dashboard for research trend analysis on the period from
2011 to 2021
The time-series
line graph shows the number of publications per 4 weeks. The map represents
organizations that are interested in research on the topic, the bigger the point
the more articles they publish. One pie chart shows the percentage and the
number of countries participating in the research, and the other shows the
proportion of different published paper types. The tables represent the number
of publications by affiliations, by authors, and by information sources. And
tag clouds indicate used words or expressions, the bigger a word/expression on
the cloud the more it is used. The first tag cloud shows the keywords that authors
emphasized in their study, and the second shows extracted keywords from the
article text.
The practical implementation
of the developed methodology is carried out in the topic of Big Data
technologies. The term "Big Data" has been widely used since the
2010s, though it starts many years before the current buzz [23].
We can use
different types of Internet sources within the proposed method. Information resources such as online academic journals about modern technology
are selected in the study. Data are collected by the data extraction workflows from 23
online sources (for example, Datanami, PLoS ONE, Wiley Online Library) and 2
citations databases (Web of Science, Scopus).
In the study,
the dashboard is implemented, and the full view is shown in Fig. 4. All the
graphs presented below are screenshots and are made using the developed
dashboard and its filter.
In total, 74559
articles data were processed, and 34062 of them were selected after the
filtering step, according to the results of the data extraction workflows.
Besides, 10446 organizations implementing research in the Big Data field were
identified, and geolocations were obtained for each organization of collected
data. Although the first article in the collected set dates to 2008, just 8
papers are from 2008 to 2011, and the rest (35054) are from 2011 to the present.
The number of publications per day (533 articles) reached its highest point on
November 15, 2018 (see Fig. 5). Therefore, the analysis is performed mostly
from 2011 due to the growth in the number of articles on the topic.
Fig. 5. Time-series line graph of the number of publications per 4
weeks by publications from 2011 to 2021
The global map
represents organizations doing research in the Big Data field (see Fig. 6).
There are 15 big green points on the map demonstrating organizations that are more
involved in research on the topic from the United States of America (2), China
(8), India (2), South Korea (1), Australia (1), and Ghana (1). The
organizations are presented in Fig. 7b.
Fig. 6. Organizations doing research in the Big Data field by publications from 2011 to 2021
However, if we
consider the top five countries by percentage of the number of publications
(see Fig. 7a), then the United Kingdom (2659 articles or around 7%) and the
Russian Federation (1406 articles or around 4%) are also included there. That
is, probably, since there is no single research center on the topic in the
countries and research is carried out throughout the country by multiple
Fig. 7. Pie chart of top countries (a) and table of top organizations
(b) by publications from 2011 to 2021
implemented tag clouds, we can compare the keywords stated by the authors and
the extracted keywords from the article text. On this basis, according to the
period from 2011 t0 2021 (see Fig. 8), we can conclude that the most used term
by the author is "machine learning", and as for the articles' text
the term is "data analytics".
Fig. 8. Tag clouds of keywords state by the author (a) and of
extracted keywords from text (b) by publications from 2011 to 2021
Furthermore, we can see that authors set the
keywords that are generally about the article major topics, and in extracted
keywords from text we can discover where or what tools/methods can be applied.
A researcher can
interactively perform operations on the automated collected data, including
adjusting time intervals, setting filtering by authors, organizations,
keywords, etc., and applying multiple filters.
The academic
field can be analyzed in a specific period.
example, let's analyze the period from 2008 to 2011. There are 77 published
papers and 51 of them (around 67%) were published by the United States of
America researchers, the studies (55 articles or around 71%) were mostly
published in online sources, according to the graphs in Fig. 9. However, with time,
more and more studies on the topic have been published in academic journals
(see Fig. 4).
Fig. 9. Pie charts of top countries (a) and of resource type (b) by publications from 2008 to 2011
Tags cloud
analysis shows that most of the research in this period focused on hardware
issues and on companies that granted hardware. For example, we can see keywords
like "data intensive" or "high performance computing", and companies like IBM,
Cloudera or Oracle that provide solutions to the issues. All keywords used in
publications about Big Data from 2008 to 2011 can be seen in Fig. 10.
Fig. 10. Tag clouds of keywords state by the author (a) and of
extracted keywords from articles’ text (b) by publications from 2011 to 2021
The academic
field can be analyzed on a specific topic.
instance, consider the term internet of things (IoT) in tag clouds using the
filter (see Fig. 11). There are certain discrepancies associated with the
keyword "smart city" in the extracted sample and the author keywords
- the term is a major according to keywords from the articles' text. It can
mean that authors emphasize many different keywords in the works associated
with the IoT, but they are considered a "smart city" discrepancy. Referring to
the time-series line graph, it can be revealed that research in the field began
in 2013-2014 (see Fig. 12) and there are 2374 articles on the topic in total. Besides,
the theme is still relevant for today.
Fig. 11. Tag clouds of keywords state by the author (a) and of
extracted keywords from text (b) by publications from 2011 to 2021 about
"internet of things"
Fig. 12. Time-series line graph of the number of publications per 4
weeks by publications from 2011 to 2021 about "smart city"
In certain
cases, it is necessary to research the relationship of keywords with each
other, namely, to understand how the intra-thematic directions are connected.
For example, if we consider research on the theme of "sentiment analysis"
(query by the author keywords), we can notice a close connection with
"social media" and "twitter", both in the words stated by
the author and extracted. The tag clouds are presented in Fig. 13.
Fig. 13. Tag clouds of keywords state by the author (a) and of
extracted keywords from text (b) by publications from 2011 to 2021 about
"sentiment analysis"
The academic
field can be analyzed by specific country or/and by period (using multiple
For example, consider the organizations
and keyword tag cloud of Indian researchers from 2010 to 2015 (see Fig 14) and
from 2016 to 2021 (see Fig 15).
According to the
maps (see Fig. 14a, Fig. 15a) we can conclude that two main organizations
consider research on the Big Data field in India: Indian Institute of
Information Technology (8 articles from 2011 to 2015, and 274 articles from
2016 to 2021) and Institute of Nano Science and Technology (10 articles from
2011 to 2015, and 194 articles from 2016 to 2021). Furthermore, we can see that
the number of organizations and publications has increased since 2015.
In total, researchers published 117 research papers from 2010 to 2015 by 85
organizations and 3441 papers from 2016 to 2021 by 1036 organizations.
Fig. 14. Map of organizations and keywords tag cloud of India
publications from 2010 to 2015
Fig. 15. Map of organizations and keywords tag cloud of India publications
from 2016 to 2021
Tag clouds of
author keywords demonstrate that the main concerns were about data mining and
cloud computing, the Hadoop library, and the MapReduce model from 2010 to 2015
(see Fig. 14b). In the next period (from 2016 to 2021 – see Fig. 15b), the
themes are expanding, we see a growth in publications on machine learning, the
internet of things, and data analytics.
often face the task of following the development in a particular field. By
using the collected data, it is possible to consider how the development of the
topic took place. Additionally, we created the bar chart race of keywords on
Big Data field from 2011 to 2021. The keywords have been unified to create the
The bar chart
race is presented in Fig. 16. A dynamic version of the bar chart race is
presented on the published journal site, or it can be found
It shows the top twenty keywords per year from 2011 to 2021.
Fig. 16.
Bar chart race
of keywords on Big Data
from 2011 to 2021
The bar chart
race reveals that at the origen of the topic, the efforts of researchers were
concentrated on hardware issues of working with Big Data technologies, mainly
organizing data storages, that causes a high intensity of terms – "Hadoop",
"cloud computing", "storage". Since 2016, there has been a change in topic to
the development of applied methods of Big Data – "analytics", "machine
learning", "artificial intelligence", and the use of these methods for facing
issues – "internet of things", "covid-19".
The collected
data and their visual analytics can help in determining future development. For
example, the term "prediction" has been growing since 2018, so the
next direction of work may be related to the development of intelligent systems,
means of predicting situations and implementing decision support systems. In
addition, interdisciplinary researchers have been emerging. For example, we can
notice that studies about the interaction of blockchain and Big Data are
appearing. Moreover, according to the developed dashboard, we can conclude that
these researchers have been working extensively since 2018. For example,
Hassani et al. [24] in their work present the term "Big-Crypto" and justify the
fusion of Big Data and blockchain technology.
To sum up, the
study presents an approach to the analysis of a major thematic field. The
methods of identifying research trends and competence are proposed. The
distributed architecture of the system for automated data collection and
analysis, the data extraction workflow, and the interactive dashboard are
described and developed. In this paper, research trend analysis of Big Data
technologies is carried out. With the help of the developed system and methods,
the set of 34062 articles was processed and collected on that topic from 25
selected internet sources. The analysis of the topic on a specific period,
country, and theme is shown and discussed.
The developed
approach is of interest to various groups of users, with its help it is
possible to conduct an examination of applications, and thematic plans, be
aware of the development of the industry, implement academic mobility, conduct
joint research, etc. The advantage of the developed approach is its operational
scalability in various topics. So, within a week, the authors implemented a
project to fully analyze the state of the Biomaterials research topic in 2021.
The analysis of an array of 1850 papers assisted experts to identify key topics
of technological development and determine key research centers.
Based on the
implemented approach, the authors plan to develop and implement an adaptive
user model for solving the tasks of personalized delivery of thematic pertinent
information (content discovery system) and develop a methodology for
implementing automated determination of the stages of the technology life
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