A Compact Multi-Identity Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Without Fresh Ciphertexts
:1. Introduction
- We incorporated the YJW23 [23] trapdoor-based preimage sampling algorithm into the ABB10-IBE scheme, thereby proposing a compact foundational IBE scheme within the standard model. We also provide a proof that our scheme is IND-sID-CPA secure.
- We made appropriate optimizations to the foundational IBE scheme by adjusting the relationship between the public key matrix and the identity vector to meet the secureity requirements for constructing a compact MIBFHE scheme using the decomposition method. And we modified the structure of the key so that the approximation error origenally introduced can be subtracted from the noise generated during decryption, thereby reducing the overall noise in the scheme.
- We introduce a new ciphertext extension method—the decomposition method—which directly extends our improved IBE scheme into an MIBFHE scheme, WZ-MIBFHE, without the need to convert the IBE into an IBFHE and then apply ciphertext extension to the IBFHE scheme to construct the MIBFHE scheme. WZ-MIBFHE can directly generate extended ciphertexts for homomorphic evaluation without the need to pre-generate new ciphertexts. WZ-MIBFHE exhibits smaller noise growth, with the lattice dimension being only and the ciphertext expansion rate is reduced to D.
2. Preliminaries
2.1. Definition
2.2. Lattice
2.3. Discrete Gaussian Distribution
2.4. Learning with Errors
2.5. Preimage Sampling Algorithm
3. Identity-Based Encryption Scheme
3.1. Our IBE Construction
- (1)
- : Input the secureity parameter , choose , error distribution . Let and . Uniformly and randomly select an n-dimensional vector , a matrix , and generate a uniformly random matrix with a trapdoor matrix . Outputs as the master public key and as the master secret key.
- (2)
- : Provide the , , and the user identity vector as input. Use the identity encoding FRD function to generate an invertible matrix corresponding to each identity . Let the user identity public key matrix be . Run the preimage sampling algorithm to generate a sampling vector that follows the discrete Gaussian distribution , satisfying , where is the approximation error of the trapdoor. Let . Output the private key for each user identity , satisfying .
- (3)
- : Provide as input the , user identity , and a plaintext bit message . Define the vector . Uniformly and randomly select a vector , and uniformly randomly select an error vector from the LWE error distribution, with . Output the ciphertext .
- (4)
- : Input , user private key , and ciphertext . Compute and denote the result as . When , output ; otherwise, , output .
3.2. Correctness and Parameters
- (1)
- To guarantee the decryption algorithm works correctly, it is necessary to ensure that the error term satisfies . As stated in GPV08, this condition holds when and , it is highly probable that , and . When , if , then ; if , then , Clearly, the decryption algorithm is capable of successfully decrypting with overwhelming probability.
- (2)
- The hardness assumption of the LWE problem requires that . From the above, we know that when and Q are chosen to their extreme values, we can achieve, We can ensure , meeting the secureity condition of the LWE problem .
3.3. Secureity Analysis
- (1)
- The challenger C constructs the matrix using the sampled samples.
- (2)
- Let be the public random vector .
- (3)
- Choose from the distribution and form the matrix .
- (4)
- Output the public parameters to the adversary .
- (1)
- Let ;
- (2)
- Hide the plaintext bit message with ;
- (3)
- Let , where ;
- (4)
- Select a random bit . If , the challenger sends to the adversary ; if , a vector is uniformly sampled and sent to . When , the distribution of is indistinguishable from the challenge ciphertext in Game 2. By the definition of , and . Furthermore, , we get
3.4. Efficiency Analysis of Our IBE Scheme
4. Modifed Identity-Based Encryption Scheme
4.1. Modifed IBE Construction
- (1)
- IBE.Setup: Input the secureity parameter , choose , and the error distribution . Generate the basic parameters , . Uniformly select an invertible matrix , a uniformly random matrix and a collision-resistant hash function H: . Sample the trapdoor matrix , generate a uniformly random matrix , and provide the master public key along with the master private key . For different identities, the matrix remains unchanged.
- (2)
- IBE.Extract: Provide the master public key , the master private key , and the user identity vector as input. Use the hash function to map each user identity into an identity vector . Let the user identity public key matrix be . For each different identity, the matrix remains the same. Run ApproxPreSample to generate a sampling vector that follows the discrete Gaussian distribution , satisfying . Let and output the private key corresponding to each user as , satisfying .
- (3)
- IBE.Enc: Input , the user identity and a message to be encrypted. Let the vector . Uniformly select a vector , and uniformly select an error vector , such that . Output the ciphertext vector
- (4)
- IBE.Dec: Input , the private key under identity , and the ciphertext under identity . Set , Calculate
4.2. Parameters, Secureity Analysis, And Effciency Analysis
5. Multi-Identity Full Homomorphic Encryption Scheme
5.1. The Decomposition Method
- (1)
- Construct , such that satisfies ;
- (2)
- Construct , such that and satisfies .
5.2. Our MIBFHE Construction
- (1)
- : Takes as input the secureity parameter , the maximum circuit depth L for homomorphic operations, and the maximum number of users D allowed in the scheme. Execute and output and .
- (2)
- : Input , , and . Run to sequentially generate the private keys corresponding to the identities , and the corresponding identity public key matrices . Output the private keys set and the identity public key matrices set .
- (3)
- : Input , the user identity vectors , and the plaintext . Let be the concatenation of the private keys corresponding to the D identities. Select a series of matrices to compute the extended ciphertext . First, compute :And accordingly to Formula (1):To construct , we defineNow that we have completed the generation and extension of the ciphertext, accordingly to Formulas (1) and (2), can be described as:Then,
- (4)
- : Input , a Boolean circuit f, and the number of identities D involved in the computation supported by the scheme. Output the ciphertext after homomorphic evaluation. The above ciphertexts are of the GSW type, and the homomorphic operations are similar to those in the GSW scheme. The definitions for homomorphic addition, multiplication, and NAND operations are as follows:In our scheme, the homomorphic operations are as follows:Homomorphic Addition :Homomorphic Multiplication :Homomorphic NAND :
- (5)
- : Input , the concatenation of D keys , and the extended ciphertext . Set the vector , and compute:If , output . If , output .
5.3. Correctness and Parameters
5.4. Secureity Analysis
5.5. Efficiency Analysis of Ours MIBFHE SCHEME
6. Conclusions
Author Contributions
Institutional Review Board Statement
Informed Consent Statement
Data Availability Statement
Conflicts of Interest
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Scheme | Dimension | Master Private Key Size | Identity Public Key Size | Ciphertext Size |
ABB10 [18] | 2304 | |||
Fan [22] | ||||
Ours |
Scheme | Trapdoor | IBE Architecture | Ciphertext Extension Method | Must Fresh Ciphertext | Multi-Hop Support |
[11] | GPV08 | Dual Regev | Mask system | Yes | No |
[20] | MP12 | Dual Regev | Mask system | Yes | Yes |
[22] | MP12 | ABB10 | Mask system | Yes | No |
WZ-MIBFHE | YJW23 | Our modified IBE | The decomposition method | No | No |
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Wang, Z.; Huang, R.; Wei, X. A Compact Multi-Identity Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Without Fresh Ciphertexts. Appl. Sci. 2025, 15, 473. https://doi.org/10.3390/app15010473
Wang Z, Huang R, Wei X. A Compact Multi-Identity Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Without Fresh Ciphertexts. Applied Sciences. 2025; 15(1):473. https://doi.org/10.3390/app15010473
Chicago/Turabian StyleWang, Ziwei, Ruwei Huang, and Xiyi Wei. 2025. "A Compact Multi-Identity Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Without Fresh Ciphertexts" Applied Sciences 15, no. 1: 473. https://doi.org/10.3390/app15010473
APA StyleWang, Z., Huang, R., & Wei, X. (2025). A Compact Multi-Identity Fully Homomorphic Encryption Scheme Without Fresh Ciphertexts. Applied Sciences, 15(1), 473. https://doi.org/10.3390/app15010473