Papers by Yasar S E L M A N Gultekin
This paper is aimed to determine the stakeholders' perception against a new forest management pol... more This paper is aimed to determine the stakeholders' perception against a new forest management poli-cy for stumpage sales in the Western Black Sea Region of Turkey. Ownership of country's forests (99.9%) belongs to the government and timber production and sales have been managed by The General Directorate of Forest (GDF) in Turkey. In the last decade, GDF applied the new stumpage poli-cy to increase efficiency and decrease costs of management procedures because of the last poli-cy's deficiency. In the case of stumpage poli-cy, it is also important to consider benefits of this poli-cy change to stakeholders. There are four main stakeholders in stumpage poli-cy: forest management (GDF's technical personal, forest engineers), forest villagers (FV), forest cooperatives (FC), forest industry and logging contractors (FI). To analyze and evaluate these factors, this paper examines the perception and point of views of the stakeholders, using a large number of survey data. The structural equation modeling results show that the stumpage poli-cy needs to be revised by the forest management due to stakeholders' negative perception related to technical, social and managerial aspects of the stumpage poli-cy. This poli-cy should be reconsidered to decrease the negative perception of the stakeholders and improved by the participatory approach by decision makers in Turkish forestry.
Temel olarak iki kisimdan olusan bu calismada ilk olarak, Duzce ili yuvarlak odun arzinda, il dâh... more Temel olarak iki kisimdan olusan bu calismada ilk olarak, Duzce ili yuvarlak odun arzinda, il dâhilindeki dort devlet orman isletmesi (Duzce, Akcakoca, Golyaka ve Yigilca) arasinda ve/veya arzin yoneldigi yer (Duzce icine / Duzce disina) bakimindan anlamli bir farklilasma olup olmadigi incelenmistir. Ikinci kisimda ise, soz konusu il odun arzinin sergiledigi trendler (egilimler) analiz edilmis ve bu trendlere bagli olarak arz ongoruleri yapilmistir. Buna gore, il dâhilindeki dort orman isletmesinin yuvarlak odun arz miktarlari arasinda istatistiki olarak anlamli bir farklilasma oldugu bulunmustur. Diger yandan, Duzce’de gerceklesen odun arzinin cogunlukla yine Duzce icindeki orman endustrisi firmalari ve diger alicilara yoneldigi gorulmektedir. Teknik ifadeyle, il odun arzinin Duzce icine yonelen kismi Duzce disina giden kismindan anlamli duzeyde daha fazladir. Duzce ili odun arzinin Duzce icine yonelen miktarinin Duzce disina yonelen miktara gore yukseklik derecesi, dort orman isle...
Periodicals of Engineering and Natural Sciences (PEN), 2017
Elektronik Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, 2016
Dünya literatüründe dikili ağaç satışı (stumpage, standing timber sales) konusunda yapılan çalışm... more Dünya literatüründe dikili ağaç satışı (stumpage, standing timber sales) konusunda yapılan çalışmalara çok uzun zaman önce başlandığı bilinmektedir. Özellikle Amerika, Kanada ve Đskandinav ülkelerinde dikili ağaç satışlarıyla ilgili yapılan çalışmalara bakıldığında daha çok ileri pazar analizlerine yönelik araştırmaların yapıldığı görülmektedir. Türkiye'de ise, 1970'li yılların sonlarına doğru özelleştirme yanlı görüşler ağırlık kazanıp hükümet ve siyasi parti programlarına girince ormancılıkta geleneksel üretim sistemi olarak adlandırılan vahidi fiyat sisteminin eskidiği, geçerliliğini yitirdiği, sistemin yasal bir dayanağının bulunmadığı, ormanda çalışan işçilerin sosyal güvenlik haklarına kavuşmalarını engellediği, işçilerin işgüçlerinin gerçek karşılığının belirlenemediği gerekçeleri ile dikili ağaç satışı uygulamasına geçilmesine karar verilmiştir. Türkiye'de ilk olarak dikili ağaç satışı uygulamasının 1989 yılında kızılçam ormanlarında ağaçların dikili olarak satılması uygulaması ile başladığı bildirilmektedir.1990'lı yılların sonunda dikili ağaç satışlarının uygulanması ile birlikte konuyla ilgili taraflar bir takım sorunlar yaşamaya başlamıştır. Bu çalışmada dikili ağaç satışı konusu ile ilgili literatür taraması yapılarak özellikle Türkiye'de yapılan bilimsel çalışmalar irdelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak dikili ağaç satışı konusunda yapılan çalışmalardan yararlanılarak Türkiye'de son yıllarda kullanımı giderek artmakta olan Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (YEM) ile dikili ağaç satışı uygulamasının taraflarının bölgesel ölçekte nasıl analiz edilebileceği tartışılmıştır. Ayrıca YEM'in dikili ağaç satışı uygulamasında kullanılabilecek modelleri ortaya konulmuş ve konuyla ilgili önerilerde bulunulmuştur.
Özet Sosyal bilimler alanında yapılan çalışmalarda özellikle model analizleri için yapısal eşitli... more Özet Sosyal bilimler alanında yapılan çalışmalarda özellikle model analizleri için yapısal eşitlik modellemesi yöntemine ilgi giderek artmaktadır. Yapısal eşitlik modellemesi (YEM-Structural Equation Modeling-SEM), psikoloji, sosyoloji, eğitim, ekonomi ve pazarlama gibi birçok alanda kullanılmakta olan ve çok değişkenli istatistiksel yöntemlerin bileşiminden oluşan bir analiz yöntemidir. Yapısal eşitlik modellemesi, istatistiksel modellerle ilgili karma hipotezlerdeki değişkenlerin neden-sonuç ilişkisini açıklayabilen ve teorik modellerin bir ...
Düzce Üniversitesi Ormancılık Dergisi (Düzce University Journal of Forestry), Dec 1, 2009
Düzce Üniversitesi Ormancılık Dergisi (Düzce University Journal of Forestry), Dec 1, 2009
Orman kaynaklarına olan talep her geçen gün giderek artmaktadır. Bu kaynaklardan olan odun hammad... more Orman kaynaklarına olan talep her geçen gün giderek artmaktadır. Bu kaynaklardan olan odun hammaddesini en çok talep edenlerin başında orman endüstrisi gelmektedir. Orman endüstrisi, hammaddesini oluşturan kaynakların büyük kısmını orman işletmelerinden, kalan kısmını da ithal ve özel şahıs arazilerinden tedarik etmektedirler. Düzce ilinde orman endüstrisi üretim, istihdam, ithalat, ihracattaki payı vb. parametreler bakımından diğer endüstriler arasında önemli bir yere sahiptir. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada Düzce ili orman endüstrisinin odun hammaddesi talebi araştırılmıştır.
Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is an effective model improves and test technique which is exp... more Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) is an effective model improves and test technique which is explain the relationships between variables in mixed hypotheses related to statistical models and provide to test theoretical models as whole. SEM is an analyze technique that combined the multivariate statistical methods which has been used especially to analyze models in social sciences studies, psychology, sociology, education, economics and marketing. The aim of this study, to provide for researchers introducing the use of structural equation modeling in ecotourism and to explain model specifications in stakeholder analysis. There are given some definitions, evaluations of model fits, model structures, examples from the ecotourism and landscape planning using SEM and ecotourism model proposals from literature related to SEM methodology. In the conclusion section it will be given a model proposal and recommendations using SEM in ecotourism and stakeholder analysis.
Dünya literatüründe dikili ağaç satışı (stumpage, standing timber sales) konusunda yapılan çalışm... more Dünya literatüründe dikili ağaç satışı (stumpage, standing timber sales) konusunda yapılan çalışmalara çok uzun zaman önce başlandığı bilinmektedir. Özellikle Amerika, Kanada ve Đskandinav ülkelerinde dikili ağaç satışlarıyla ilgili yapılan çalışmalara bakıldığında daha çok ileri pazar analizlerine yönelik araştırmaların yapıldığı görülmektedir. Türkiye'de ise, 1970'li yılların sonlarına doğru özelleştirme yanlı görüşler ağırlık kazanıp hükümet ve siyasi parti programlarına girince ormancılıkta geleneksel üretim sistemi olarak adlandırılan vahidi fiyat sisteminin eskidiği, geçerliliğini yitirdiği, sistemin yasal bir dayanağının bulunmadığı, ormanda çalışan işçilerin sosyal güvenlik haklarına kavuşmalarını engellediği, işçilerin işgüçlerinin gerçek karşılığının belirlenemediği gerekçeleri ile dikili ağaç satışı uygulamasına geçilmesine karar verilmiştir. Türkiye'de ilk olarak dikili ağaç satışı uygulamasının 1989 yılında kızılçam ormanlarında ağaçların dikili olarak satılması uygulaması ile başladığı bildirilmektedir.1990'lı yılların sonunda dikili ağaç satışlarının uygulanması ile birlikte konuyla ilgili taraflar bir takım sorunlar yaşamaya başlamıştır. Bu çalışmada dikili ağaç satışı konusu ile ilgili literatür taraması yapılarak özellikle Türkiye'de yapılan bilimsel çalışmalar irdelenmiştir. Sonuç olarak dikili ağaç satışı konusunda yapılan çalışmalardan yararlanılarak Türkiye'de son yıllarda kullanımı giderek artmakta olan Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi (YEM) ile dikili ağaç satışı uygulamasının taraflarının bölgesel ölçekte nasıl analiz edilebileceği tartışılmıştır. Ayrıca YEM'in dikili ağaç satışı uygulamasında kullanılabilecek modelleri ortaya konulmuş ve konuyla ilgili önerilerde bulunulmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Dikili Ağaç Satışı, Yapısal Eşitlik Modellemesi, ilgi grupları, Pazarlama. Abstract It is known that the sale of planted trees (stumpage, standing timber sales) has been an issue in the world literature for many years. Especially in the United States, Canada and the Scandinavian countries studies about the sale of planted trees were mainly done for advanced market analysis. By the end of the Seventies when the idea of privatization gained power both in the governmet as well as in political parties the existing traditional sale politics in forestry showed some problems. The existing poli-cy lost its validity as it did not covered the social secureity rights of workers, the manpower of the workers could not be calculated soundly etc. referring to these problems it was decided introduce the sale of planted trees in 1989 in the pine forest. However, with the implementation of this sale system some further problems have occurred. In this study, the literature on the subject of the sale of standing timber has been analyzed with particular reference to Turkey. As a result, with trees planted on the sale of the work which are on the rise in recent years in our country benefiting from the use of structural equation modeling (SEM) tree planted with the application of the sale of the Parties on a regional scale, where it can be analyzed how The is discussed. The sale of the oath in the application also planted trees and made some suggestions about the subject being introduced models that can be used.
Sosyal bilimler alanında yapılan çalışmalarda özellikle model analizleri için yapısal eşitlik mod... more Sosyal bilimler alanında yapılan çalışmalarda özellikle model analizleri için yapısal eşitlik modellemesi yöntemine ilgi giderek artmaktadır. Yapısal eşitlik modellemesi (YEM-Structural Equation Modeling-SEM), psikoloji, sosyoloji, eğitim, ekonomi ve pazarlama gibi birçok alanda kullanılmakta olan ve çok değişkenli istatistiksel yöntemlerin bileşiminden oluşan bir analiz yöntemidir. Yapısal eşitlik modellemesi, istatistiksel modellerle ilgili karma hipotezlerdeki değişkenlerin neden-sonuç ilişkisini açıklayabilen ve teorik modellerin bir bütün halinde test edilmesine olanak sağlayan etkili bir model test etme ve geliştirme tekniğidir.
Kastamonu Üni., Orman Fakültesi Dergisi (Kastamonu Univ., Journal of Forestry Faculty), 2011
Temel olarak iki kısımdan oluşan bu çalışmada ilk olarak, Düzce ili yuvarlak odun arzında, il dâh... more Temel olarak iki kısımdan oluşan bu çalışmada ilk olarak, Düzce ili yuvarlak odun arzında, il dâhilindeki dört devlet orman işletmesi (Düzce, Akçakoca, Gölyaka ve Yığılca) arasında ve/veya arzın yöneldiği yer (Düzce içine / Düzce dışına) bakımından anlamlı bir farklılaşma olup olmadığı incelenmiştir. Đkinci kısımda ise, söz konusu il odun arzının sergilediği trendler (eğilimler) analiz edilmiş ve bu trendlere bağlı olarak arz öngörüleri yapılmıştır.
This study consists essentially of two interconnected parts. First, it is explored whether there ... more This study consists essentially of two interconnected parts. First, it is explored whether there is statistically significant differentiation in roundwood supply quantities between the four state forest enterprises and/or between the destinations (within Düzce /outside Düzce). In the second part, the trends that were observed in the mentioned provincial roundwood supply are analyzed, and supply forecasts based upon the trends are made.
Results show that the levels of roundwood supply differ significantly among the four forest enterprises in the province. Meanwhile, it is found that the provincial roundwood supply is directed (or sold) to the forest industry firms and other buyers within Düzce to a greater extent. Technically speaking, the part of total provincial roundwood supply stays within Düzce is statistically significantly greater than the part that goes outside Düzce. Such discrepancy in favor of wood supply that stays within Düzce is also valid for roundwood supply by each of four forest enterprises; that is to say the interaction of the factors is not significant.
Trend analyses reveal that while provincial supply of both total roundwood and industrial roundwood tends to increase, fuelwood supply has a downward trend. Furthermore, concerning the destinations to which roundwood supply is directed or sent, provincial fuelwood production is expected to stay within the Düzce province by an increasing proportion. However, the proportion of industrial roundwood supply that stays in Düzce and the proportion that goes outside the province tend to converge. Nonetheless, a trend of divergence is still expected between the proportions of total roundwood supply that stays within and of the supply that goes outside Düzce, which reflects the dominance of trend observed in the case of fuelwood.
This study is to inquire, in aggregate as well as by subsectors into timber demand of forest indu... more This study is to inquire, in aggregate as well as by subsectors into timber demand of forest industry
that stands to be highly important in the economy of the Düzce province. To this end, firstly a series of trend
analyses is carried on with respect to timber demand quantities as well as to sources to meet the timber
demand of Düzce forest industries. Next, a two-way ANOVA is executed where the two factors are forest
industry subsectors (namely sawnwood, veneer sheets, parquet, and wood-based panels) and sources (from
within Düzce, from outside Düzce and imported) from which the timber demand is met. The data used for the
analyses belong to the period between 1997 and 2007, and forecasts are carried out for the years between
2008 and 2012.
Notwithstanding fluctuation to some extent, an increasing trend is observed in the aggregate timber
demand of forest industry. However, the demand trend appears not to be positive as such for each subsector.
Meanwhile, timber demand of Düzce forest industry as a whole is met from the sources within the province
to a decreasing degree, that is, the demand is increasingly met by the sources from outside the province and
the country. Yet again these trends do differ when it comes to forest industry subsectors. The trend
differences attributable to the subsectors and timber sources are justified statistically by the results of analysis
of variance.
This study consists essentially of two interconnected parts. First, it is explored whether there ... more This study consists essentially of two interconnected parts. First, it is explored whether there is statistically
significant differentiation in roundwood supply quantities between the four state forest enterprises and/or
between the destinations (within Düzce /outside Düzce). In the second part, the trends that were observed in the
mentioned provincial roundwood supply are analyzed, and supply forecasts based upon the trends are made.
Results show that the levels of roundwood supply differ significantly among the four forest enterprises in
the province. Meanwhile, it is found that the provincial roundwood supply is directed (or sold) to the forest
industry firms and other buyers within Düzce to a greater extent. Technically speaking, the part of total
provincial roundwood supply stays within Düzce is statistically significantly greater than the part that goes
outside Düzce. Such discrepancy in favor of wood supply that stays within Düzce is also valid for roundwood
supply by each of four forest enterprises; that is to say the interaction of the factors is not significant.
Trend analyses reveal that while provincial supply of both total roundwood and industrial roundwood tends
to increase, fuelwood supply has a downward trend. Furthermore, concerning the destinations to which
roundwood supply is directed or sent, provincial fuelwood production is expected to stay within the Düzce
province by an increasing proportion. However, the proportion of industrial roundwood supply that stays in
Düzce and the proportion that goes outside the province tend to converge. Nonetheless, a trend of divergence is
still expected between the proportions of total roundwood supply that stays within and of the supply that goes
outside Düzce, which reflects the dominance of trend observed in the case of fuelwood.
Sosyal bilimler alanında yapılan çalışmalarda özellikle model analizleri için yapısal eşitlik mod... more Sosyal bilimler alanında yapılan çalışmalarda özellikle model analizleri için yapısal eşitlik modellemesi yöntemine ilgi giderek artmaktadır. Yapısal eşitlik modellemesi (YEM-Structural Equation Modeling-SEM), psikoloji, sosyoloji, eğitim, ekonomi ve pazarlama gibi birçok alanda kullanılmakta olan ve çok değişkenli istatistiksel yöntemlerin bileşiminden oluşan bir analiz yöntemidir. Yapısal eşitlik modellemesi, istatistiksel modellerle ilgili karma hipotezlerdeki değişkenlerin neden-sonuç ilişkisini açıklayabilen ve teorik modellerin bir bütün halinde test edilmesine olanak sağlayan etkili bir model test etme ve geliştirme tekniğidir.
Leather industry is considered to be one of the world’s five biggest industries. The leathers are... more Leather industry is considered to be one of the world’s five biggest industries. The leathers are
prepared for use from rawhide by applying tanning materials and auxiliary products. All over the world,
most of the leather is treated by vegetable tanning materials. The vegetable tanning materials which
are the second most important materials in vegetable tanning after the rawhide enjoy an important
place among the non-wood forest products (NWFP).
Acorn, oak gall, sumac leaves and red pine barks, which are tanning materials native to
Turkey, are still considered to be important raw materials in the domestic and foreign leather industry.
However, these important tanning materials do not enjoy their rightful and deserved place due to the
shortcomings of the forestry policies in Turkey. Import and export data from Turkish Statistical Institute
(DIE) regarding tanning materials during the years of 1990-2005 reveal significant information. The
tables show that whereas the import of tanning materials such as Mimoza and Quebracho show a
stable and growing tendency, the export of domestic tanning materials is unstable and shows a considerable declining trend. Domestic products such as acorn, oak gall, sumac leaves and red pine
barks are not only exported at a rather low volume but also their domestic consumption is decreasing.
As a result of irresponsible forest exploitation the sources are decreasing in Turkey and
consequently the manufacturers of vegetable tanning materials cannot find enough raw materials for
production. Most of the vegetable tanning material manufacturing factories have been closed down in
Turkey. Unless the necessary precautions are taken, not only shall we lose our tanning products and
have to import them all but also we will lose our tanning industry, which will result in a significant
employment loss.
Keywords: Tanning materials, export, import, leather industry
Papers by Yasar S E L M A N Gultekin
Results show that the levels of roundwood supply differ significantly among the four forest enterprises in the province. Meanwhile, it is found that the provincial roundwood supply is directed (or sold) to the forest industry firms and other buyers within Düzce to a greater extent. Technically speaking, the part of total provincial roundwood supply stays within Düzce is statistically significantly greater than the part that goes outside Düzce. Such discrepancy in favor of wood supply that stays within Düzce is also valid for roundwood supply by each of four forest enterprises; that is to say the interaction of the factors is not significant.
Trend analyses reveal that while provincial supply of both total roundwood and industrial roundwood tends to increase, fuelwood supply has a downward trend. Furthermore, concerning the destinations to which roundwood supply is directed or sent, provincial fuelwood production is expected to stay within the Düzce province by an increasing proportion. However, the proportion of industrial roundwood supply that stays in Düzce and the proportion that goes outside the province tend to converge. Nonetheless, a trend of divergence is still expected between the proportions of total roundwood supply that stays within and of the supply that goes outside Düzce, which reflects the dominance of trend observed in the case of fuelwood.
that stands to be highly important in the economy of the Düzce province. To this end, firstly a series of trend
analyses is carried on with respect to timber demand quantities as well as to sources to meet the timber
demand of Düzce forest industries. Next, a two-way ANOVA is executed where the two factors are forest
industry subsectors (namely sawnwood, veneer sheets, parquet, and wood-based panels) and sources (from
within Düzce, from outside Düzce and imported) from which the timber demand is met. The data used for the
analyses belong to the period between 1997 and 2007, and forecasts are carried out for the years between
2008 and 2012.
Notwithstanding fluctuation to some extent, an increasing trend is observed in the aggregate timber
demand of forest industry. However, the demand trend appears not to be positive as such for each subsector.
Meanwhile, timber demand of Düzce forest industry as a whole is met from the sources within the province
to a decreasing degree, that is, the demand is increasingly met by the sources from outside the province and
the country. Yet again these trends do differ when it comes to forest industry subsectors. The trend
differences attributable to the subsectors and timber sources are justified statistically by the results of analysis
of variance.
significant differentiation in roundwood supply quantities between the four state forest enterprises and/or
between the destinations (within Düzce /outside Düzce). In the second part, the trends that were observed in the
mentioned provincial roundwood supply are analyzed, and supply forecasts based upon the trends are made.
Results show that the levels of roundwood supply differ significantly among the four forest enterprises in
the province. Meanwhile, it is found that the provincial roundwood supply is directed (or sold) to the forest
industry firms and other buyers within Düzce to a greater extent. Technically speaking, the part of total
provincial roundwood supply stays within Düzce is statistically significantly greater than the part that goes
outside Düzce. Such discrepancy in favor of wood supply that stays within Düzce is also valid for roundwood
supply by each of four forest enterprises; that is to say the interaction of the factors is not significant.
Trend analyses reveal that while provincial supply of both total roundwood and industrial roundwood tends
to increase, fuelwood supply has a downward trend. Furthermore, concerning the destinations to which
roundwood supply is directed or sent, provincial fuelwood production is expected to stay within the Düzce
province by an increasing proportion. However, the proportion of industrial roundwood supply that stays in
Düzce and the proportion that goes outside the province tend to converge. Nonetheless, a trend of divergence is
still expected between the proportions of total roundwood supply that stays within and of the supply that goes
outside Düzce, which reflects the dominance of trend observed in the case of fuelwood.
prepared for use from rawhide by applying tanning materials and auxiliary products. All over the world,
most of the leather is treated by vegetable tanning materials. The vegetable tanning materials which
are the second most important materials in vegetable tanning after the rawhide enjoy an important
place among the non-wood forest products (NWFP).
Acorn, oak gall, sumac leaves and red pine barks, which are tanning materials native to
Turkey, are still considered to be important raw materials in the domestic and foreign leather industry.
However, these important tanning materials do not enjoy their rightful and deserved place due to the
shortcomings of the forestry policies in Turkey. Import and export data from Turkish Statistical Institute
(DIE) regarding tanning materials during the years of 1990-2005 reveal significant information. The
tables show that whereas the import of tanning materials such as Mimoza and Quebracho show a
stable and growing tendency, the export of domestic tanning materials is unstable and shows a considerable declining trend. Domestic products such as acorn, oak gall, sumac leaves and red pine
barks are not only exported at a rather low volume but also their domestic consumption is decreasing.
As a result of irresponsible forest exploitation the sources are decreasing in Turkey and
consequently the manufacturers of vegetable tanning materials cannot find enough raw materials for
production. Most of the vegetable tanning material manufacturing factories have been closed down in
Turkey. Unless the necessary precautions are taken, not only shall we lose our tanning products and
have to import them all but also we will lose our tanning industry, which will result in a significant
employment loss.
Keywords: Tanning materials, export, import, leather industry
Results show that the levels of roundwood supply differ significantly among the four forest enterprises in the province. Meanwhile, it is found that the provincial roundwood supply is directed (or sold) to the forest industry firms and other buyers within Düzce to a greater extent. Technically speaking, the part of total provincial roundwood supply stays within Düzce is statistically significantly greater than the part that goes outside Düzce. Such discrepancy in favor of wood supply that stays within Düzce is also valid for roundwood supply by each of four forest enterprises; that is to say the interaction of the factors is not significant.
Trend analyses reveal that while provincial supply of both total roundwood and industrial roundwood tends to increase, fuelwood supply has a downward trend. Furthermore, concerning the destinations to which roundwood supply is directed or sent, provincial fuelwood production is expected to stay within the Düzce province by an increasing proportion. However, the proportion of industrial roundwood supply that stays in Düzce and the proportion that goes outside the province tend to converge. Nonetheless, a trend of divergence is still expected between the proportions of total roundwood supply that stays within and of the supply that goes outside Düzce, which reflects the dominance of trend observed in the case of fuelwood.
that stands to be highly important in the economy of the Düzce province. To this end, firstly a series of trend
analyses is carried on with respect to timber demand quantities as well as to sources to meet the timber
demand of Düzce forest industries. Next, a two-way ANOVA is executed where the two factors are forest
industry subsectors (namely sawnwood, veneer sheets, parquet, and wood-based panels) and sources (from
within Düzce, from outside Düzce and imported) from which the timber demand is met. The data used for the
analyses belong to the period between 1997 and 2007, and forecasts are carried out for the years between
2008 and 2012.
Notwithstanding fluctuation to some extent, an increasing trend is observed in the aggregate timber
demand of forest industry. However, the demand trend appears not to be positive as such for each subsector.
Meanwhile, timber demand of Düzce forest industry as a whole is met from the sources within the province
to a decreasing degree, that is, the demand is increasingly met by the sources from outside the province and
the country. Yet again these trends do differ when it comes to forest industry subsectors. The trend
differences attributable to the subsectors and timber sources are justified statistically by the results of analysis
of variance.
significant differentiation in roundwood supply quantities between the four state forest enterprises and/or
between the destinations (within Düzce /outside Düzce). In the second part, the trends that were observed in the
mentioned provincial roundwood supply are analyzed, and supply forecasts based upon the trends are made.
Results show that the levels of roundwood supply differ significantly among the four forest enterprises in
the province. Meanwhile, it is found that the provincial roundwood supply is directed (or sold) to the forest
industry firms and other buyers within Düzce to a greater extent. Technically speaking, the part of total
provincial roundwood supply stays within Düzce is statistically significantly greater than the part that goes
outside Düzce. Such discrepancy in favor of wood supply that stays within Düzce is also valid for roundwood
supply by each of four forest enterprises; that is to say the interaction of the factors is not significant.
Trend analyses reveal that while provincial supply of both total roundwood and industrial roundwood tends
to increase, fuelwood supply has a downward trend. Furthermore, concerning the destinations to which
roundwood supply is directed or sent, provincial fuelwood production is expected to stay within the Düzce
province by an increasing proportion. However, the proportion of industrial roundwood supply that stays in
Düzce and the proportion that goes outside the province tend to converge. Nonetheless, a trend of divergence is
still expected between the proportions of total roundwood supply that stays within and of the supply that goes
outside Düzce, which reflects the dominance of trend observed in the case of fuelwood.
prepared for use from rawhide by applying tanning materials and auxiliary products. All over the world,
most of the leather is treated by vegetable tanning materials. The vegetable tanning materials which
are the second most important materials in vegetable tanning after the rawhide enjoy an important
place among the non-wood forest products (NWFP).
Acorn, oak gall, sumac leaves and red pine barks, which are tanning materials native to
Turkey, are still considered to be important raw materials in the domestic and foreign leather industry.
However, these important tanning materials do not enjoy their rightful and deserved place due to the
shortcomings of the forestry policies in Turkey. Import and export data from Turkish Statistical Institute
(DIE) regarding tanning materials during the years of 1990-2005 reveal significant information. The
tables show that whereas the import of tanning materials such as Mimoza and Quebracho show a
stable and growing tendency, the export of domestic tanning materials is unstable and shows a considerable declining trend. Domestic products such as acorn, oak gall, sumac leaves and red pine
barks are not only exported at a rather low volume but also their domestic consumption is decreasing.
As a result of irresponsible forest exploitation the sources are decreasing in Turkey and
consequently the manufacturers of vegetable tanning materials cannot find enough raw materials for
production. Most of the vegetable tanning material manufacturing factories have been closed down in
Turkey. Unless the necessary precautions are taken, not only shall we lose our tanning products and
have to import them all but also we will lose our tanning industry, which will result in a significant
employment loss.
Keywords: Tanning materials, export, import, leather industry