Donors List

SpaceWest PlazaLinda K. Amos
Room1400Big-D Construction
Room1007David A. Bull, M.D. and Leigh A. Neumayer, M.D.
Room1741Department of Dermatology
SpaceEngland Hub BistroBill and Fern England
Room1700In memory of Dr. Claudius Y. and Catherine B. Gates
Room1750In memory of Jody Quiney Shrontz by her mother, Janet Quinney Lawson
SpaceHospital TrainingUniversity Hospital
SpaceWaiting area and South PlazaUtah Medical Association Foundation
SpaceNorth PlazaJ. Russell Wherritt, M.D.
Level 2
Room2908Ann C. and A. Lorris Betz, M.D., Ph.D.
Room2600Helen Bamburger Colby
Room2958, 2962, 2968Department of Anesthesiology
Room2948Department of Pediatrics
Room2080Department of Radiation Oncology Faculty
Room2010, 2938Department of Radiology
Room2929Division of Cardiology Faculty and Staff
Room2957DeVon C. Hale., M.D. and Dianne F. Hale
Room2949In honor of Alice M. Eppert
Room2912Thomas N. Parks
Room2971Stanley B. and Joyce M. Parrish
Room2200Suzanne S. Stensaas, Ph.D.
Room2928Reannette J. Townsend, M.D.
Level 3
Room3000Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library
Room3010Utah Medical Association Foundation
Room3095Ronny L. and Lindsay Cutshall
Room3100Stephen G. and Susan E. Denkers
Room3100aThe Walgreen Company
Room3100bDepartment of Neurosurgery
Room3100cThe Henry W. & Leslie M. Eskuche Foundation, the Walgreen Co.
Room3100dThe Walgreen Company
Room3200College of Pharmacy Faculty, College of Nursing
Room3210Dean John and Karen Mauger
Room3400Dr. David and Kaye Bjorkman
Room3420Harriett M. and Raymond F. Gesteland Family
Room3430Department of Internal Medicine
Room3515AUtah Medical Association Foundation
Room3515BDepartment of Surgery
Room3515DUtah Medical Association Foundation
Room3550Charlene J. Davis
Room3550aJohn W. Callister, M.D.
Room3550bLarry G. Reimer, M.D.
Room3550cMartin C. Gregory, M.D.
Room3550dBetty and Otto Shill, Jr., M.D.
Room3550eBetty and Otto Shill, Jr., M.D.
Room3550fDr. Eric V. and Patti Smart
Room3550gDepartment of Psychiatry
Room3550jThe Walgreen Company
Room3550kA. Dean Clark, M.D.
Room3550IThe Brinton Family and Friends
Room3550mDivision of Hematology, Blood and Marrow
Room3550nThe Walgreen Company
Room3550pIn memory of John J. and Peggy Kaufman by their children
Room3550qThe Walgreen Company
Room3550rThe Walgreen Company
Room3550sDivision of General Internal Medicine
Room3550tMaureen R. Keefe and Michael Gaviglia
Room3600In honor of Delia Marriott Branch
Room3650Maxwell M. Wintrobe, M.D.
Level 4
Room4350ARUP Laboratories
Room4100bIn memory of Dr. Kenneth Bitner and Heloise Snow Castleton
Room4100cEducational Resource Development Council
Room4600In memory of Elsie A. and William W. Kanner by Ricard E. Kanned, M.D.
Room4100dJack Lunt
Room4095In honor of Julian Maack
Room4000Jay and Teri Olsen
Room4200Utah Medical Association Foundation
Level 5
Room5901Jay A. Aldous, D.D.S.
Room5900Friends of Dental Education
Room5515In memory of Jacquelyn M. Erbin, M.D. by Richard R. Steiner
Room5100AReed M. Gardner, Ph.D.
Room5200Carole Anne Gasssert, R.N., Ph.D.
Room5100B-CJack Jarman and Helen Brown Jarman
Room5600Wayne J. Peay
Room5750CThe Pincetl Family
Room5900CDr. Dan J. Swindle
Room5750BDr. Homer R. and Katherine R. Warner
Room5000Marty and Christy Watkins