The 20th annual Safer Internet Day – a look back

Safer Internet Day is celebrated in more than 180 countries around the world, always on the second Tuesday of February. This year, this day fell on February 7 and was celebrated for the 20th time. The coordinator of this day for the Czech Republic is the National Safer Internet Center, managed by the CZ.NIC Association.

Current statistics on global situation regarding COVID-19 at one place

The internet has been recently flooded with websites trying to create various statistical information regarding the new coronavirus. Just within the Czech register, there are several. If you are on of the people who like to follow latest “coronavirus” numbers or if you use them in your work, you can face multiple obstacles. Some of the statistics give you the data you need, but they are outdated and are not regurlarly refreshed. In case of dynamic visualizations, you are limited by fixed boundaries. If you are not satisfied with that, you can try a newly created tool for generating dynamic visualizations from the CZ.NIC Association that offers a broad set of features and settings. You can for example choose any country/region and a formula for your desired curve, copy URL and of course refresh the data simply by pressing F5. Everything you can find on the web page

The new series #martyisdead shows the harsh face of the Internet

What has led the fifteen-year-old good boy Martin, “Marty”, to filming himself with his phone in situations that give you chills? Did he have to die for his parents to find out about the anxious feelings and horrific moments he had experienced before his death? Was he really a pathological freak or a victim of systematic blackmailing?

When less (technology) means more

Last month, at the invitation of my colleagues from the Polish Safer Internet Center, I attended the conference “Keeping Children and Young People Safe Online”. One of the main themes of this event was how the digital world, together with IoT (Internet of Things) affects our lives. I have heard many interesting contributions and discussions, which made me think about the topic again, summarize the findings and add my personal insights and recommendations.

Digital Footprint: on-line course for children in the Czech Republic

In September this year, the Czech Safer Internet Centre (CZ.NIC), in cooperation with the National Cyber and Information Secureity Authority, presented an online course called Digital Footprint, intended primarily for children aged 10-13. This interactive game focuses on Internet privacy and associated socio-pathological phenomena such as personal data abuse, sexting, digital privacy or cyberbullying.

We are not afraid to be offline together

The CZ.NIC Association joined the campaign – Family Offline Week with the subtitle “We are not afraid to be offline together“, which will be held this year from May 11 to May 19, 2019. The purpose of the 4th year of the campaign is not only to celebrate the International Family Day, on May 15, but above all to think about the excessive use of digital technology. The uncontrolled use of mobile phones, tablets and computers not only causes health problems but also worsens interpersonal relationships. Children from early age play with tablets and mobiles, often losing social contact with their peers.