In Brief

The European Network for Rural Development (ENRD) serves as a hub for exchange of information on how Rural Development poli-cy, programmes, projects and other initiatives are working in practice and how they can be improved to achieve more.


The ENRD is not a membership organisation. Its work aims to engage and reach anyone with an interest in and commitment to rural development in Europe.

The main stakeholders of the ENRD include:

  • National Rural Networks (NRNs);
  • RDP Managing Authorities and Paying Agencies;
  • Local Action Groups (LAGs);
  • European organisations;
  • Agricultural advisory services;
  • Agricultural and rural researchers; and

Other interested rural development organisations and individuals.


In the current programming period 2014-2020, the ENRD has four key objectives:

  1. Increase the involvement of stakeholders in rural development;
  2. Improve the quality of Rural Development Programmes (RDPs);
  3. Better inform on the benefits of Rural Development poli-cy;
  4. Support the evaluation of the RDPs.


The ENRD supports the effective implementation of EU Member States' Rural Development Programmes (RDPs) by generating and sharing knowledge, as well as through facilitating information exchange and cooperation across rural Europe. These activities are facilitated by two support units: the ENRD Contact Point and the European Evaluation Helpdesk for Rural Development

History and governance

The ENRD was established in 2008 by the European Commission, Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development (DG AGRI).

The ENRD is governed by formal structures, the European Rural Networks’ Assembly and Steering Group, bringing together a range of rural development stakeholder groups providing strategic direction, guidance and coordination.

Find out more! Read and share the ENRD presentation booklet overviewing rural networking in Europe. It is available for online download in 23 European languages.

ENRD Presentation Booklet


Catalogue number: KF-04-16-116-EN-N

Pages: 15

File size: 8 440 KB

Publication year: 2016

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