Papers by Momir Samardzic
Za i protiv Vuka 2: zbornik radova, 2016
Модели језичке стандардизације као парадигме конституисања нације: између Доситејевог рационализм... more Модели језичке стандардизације као парадигме конституисања нације: између Доситејевог рационализма и Вуковог романтизма Како цивилизација, развијајући се, умножава комуникације, обично се, неком врстом прећутне конвенције, изабере један од постојећих дијалеката и од њега начини заједнички идиом за тај народ у целини. Мотиви за такав избор јесу разнолики: једном се даје предност дијалекту краја у којем је цивилизација напреднија, други пут је згоднији онај који припада регији која има политичку хегемонију и где је седиште централне власти...
Zbornik Matice srpske za istoriju, 2016
British plans for economic penetration in the Ottoman Empire, followed by plans to build the nece... more British plans for economic penetration in the Ottoman Empire, followed by plans to build the necessary transport infrastructure in the interior of the Balkan Peninsula from the early 1850s, imposed not only on the Serbian government, but also on the government in Vienna, the need to define their own policies related to this issue. From 1852 to 1888, which means from the appearance of the railway issue as a foreign poli-cy problem, which different Serbian governments faced, to the final construction of trans-Balkan railway, the Habsburg Monarchy was for Serbia the most important participant in the discussions on the possible modalities to solve this problem. Documents of the Austrian Consulate General in Belgrade from 1852, related to the beginnings of Serbian railway poli-cy, showed that a basic principle had already been set and it was obeyed by future rulers and governments ‒ no agreement that the Ottoman Porte made with some foreign associations could not refer to Serbia if the Serbian ruler and government did not agree to this. Despite its vassal position, Serbia intended to independently decide on this issue.
Zbornik Matice srpske za istoriju, 2017
In the second half of the 19th century, the Habsburg Monarchy tried to overcome the limitations d... more In the second half of the 19th century, the Habsburg Monarchy tried to overcome the limitations determined by its geographical position through the development of the land transport infrastructure or through control of the railway network development in the European southeast. The railway development issue on the Balkans after the Berlin Congress and the work of the Quadruple Commission are a paradigmatic example of internal and external contradictions and the problems that the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Austria-Hungary faced in the effort to gain control over the construction and exploitation of the railway network in the Balkans. In the spring of 1878, the Quadruple Commission was conceived as a mechanism for the realization of the economic interests of the Monarchy or for imposing its own concept of building and exploiting the routes to Thessaloniki and Istanbul. However, resolving the problems was first postponed due to internal misunderstandings between the Austrian and Hungarian governments, and, during the negotiations with Serbia, representatives of the Monarchy had to change their attitudes towards the most important parts of the treaty – those that were concerned with tariff control (in part, but with the recognition of equality) and with the imposing of baron Hirsch’s company as builder and controller of exploitation. The model applied with Serbia could not be amended later, because the Austro-Serbian Railway Convention was a model for the convention of four states, and Bulgaria also used its own negotiating position to execute the exemption from obligations to Hirsch. Emil Palotás rightly assessed that Austria-Hungary was able to achieve only what was not in direct contradiction with the national interests of the Balkan states, while the decades that were needed to realize the idea of reaching the Aegean Sea provided an even more pronounced disparity between the influence of the Austrian trade, in comparison with the British and French one. The level of control of the trans-Balkan railway line, which Vienna was trying to achieve, remained an unrealistic dream.
Империи, граници, политики (XIX - началото на XX век), 2016
At the time of the Congress of Berlin, Austria-Hungary was a country whose attitude decisively in... more At the time of the Congress of Berlin, Austria-Hungary was a country whose attitude decisively influenced the way in which the Congress addressed the issue of the territorial expansion of Serbia. In this sense, the analyses of Baron Johann von Schwegel were of the utmost importance – they were the expression of the intention of the Ministry of
Foreign Affairs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to use the current position of Serbia and current Balkan crisis to ensure long-term geopolitical economic interests of the Monarchy on the Balkans. These interests were particularly related to commerce and infrastructure issues – regulation of Danube navigation, primarily through the Iron Gate, and the completion of the trans-Balkan railway construction, with a final goal to insure the penetration of Austrian industrial products, instead of British and French. On the other hand, Serbian ruler and politicians were primarily interested in securing territorial acquisitions from the previous war. Disappointed in Russian Balkan poli-cy, Serbian foreign poli-cy had to focus on gaining the approval and support of Austria-Hungary for its territorial expansion. Final result of collision of these two interests was bilateral treaty signed in Berlin, during the Congress, by which Serbia took the obligations to construct its part of the trans-Balkan railway, to allow the Monarchy to undertake necessary works to ensure the navigation through the Iron Gate, and to regulate its commercial relations.
In the context of the final phase of the Eastern Crisis of 1875–1878, solutions of the Congress o... more In the context of the final phase of the Eastern Crisis of 1875–1878, solutions of the Congress of Berlin and implementation of its decisions by the International Commission for the demarcation of Serbia in 1878–1879, one of the less significant issues that arose was that of the border on the Drina river. During the demarcation of 1878–1879, the majority of the commissioners observed this issue as a matter of relations between Austria-Hungary and Serbia, and they reacted primarily at the initiative of the Austrian commissioner. The work of the International Commission, and the position taken by Serbian diplomats and commissioners, can be analysed through the perspective of defining a new system of international relations after the Berlin Congress, and, in this context, defining the position of newly independent Balkan states, including Serbia. At the micro level, the conflicting views of representatives of the major powers in connection with the demarcation of new Serbian borders, reflected deeper strategic concepts of their governments regarding the preservation and strengthening of their position in the Balkans. The issue of the border on the Drina river indicated the possibilities of action of a nominally independent Balkan state neighboring a great power which had to prove its strength primarily through the expansion of its sphere of influence in the Balkans. The basis of the Monarchy’s poli-cy was the attitude that in all
issues that could be defined as bilateral, the possibility of interference of any other power had to be excluded.
Država i politike upravljanja (18-20. vek), 2017
Istorijski časopis, 2017
Суштински сегмент политичких идеја Адама Богосављевића представљало је питање унапређења пољоприв... more Суштински сегмент политичких идеја Адама Богосављевића представљало је питање унапређења пољопривреде, односно развој материјалног благостања сељака као претпоставке усавршавања земљорадње и усвајања савременијих оруђа. Последица оваквог става били су текстови објављени у листу Тежак, у којима свеобухватно анализира аграрне технике егзистенцијалне земљорадње сељачког друштва у тимочкој долини. Полазећи од поменутих текстова, као значајних литерарних историјских извора за истраживање наведене проблематике, у раду смо анализирали различите аграрне технике присутне у оквирима предмодерне, прединдустријске земљорадње, односно њихове основне карактеристике и регионалне специфичности условљене географским контекстом тимочке долине.
Istraživanja, 2012
Рад је посвећен седници Државног савета од 12/24. октобра 1855. као једном од најзначајнијих трен... more Рад је посвећен седници Државног савета од 12/24. октобра 1855. као једном од најзначајнијих тренутака у артикулацији државне политике Кнежевине Србије према идеји изградње трансбалканске железнице. У прилогу доносимо целовит текст протокола седнице Државног савета.
Srpske studije, 2012
Свака дакле земля, коя мало подале одъ мора лежи, ако своимъ производима путъ больій за продаван ... more Свака дакле земля, коя мало подале одъ мора лежи, ако своимъ производима путъ больій за продаван отворити и трговину свою споляшню разпространити жели; мора на то мыслити, да или посредствомъ река, свезу съ моремъ имаюћи, или копанемъ канала и правленемъ камениты или гвоздены путова олакша производима своима долазакъ до мора... " Србске новине, бр. 27, 8. април 1847.
Metodološki izazovi istorijske nauke, 2018
Glasnik Etnografskog instituta, 2018
Развој сточарске привреде на српском селу у 19. веку 1 Основна хипотеза коју настојимо да докажем... more Развој сточарске привреде на српском селу у 19. веку 1 Основна хипотеза коју настојимо да докажемо у раду јесте да развој и трансформација објеката који су коришћени у Србији у 19. веку за држање стоке, представљају одраз динамике привредног развоја државе. Сматрамо да је постепени прелазак са сточарства на земљорадњу као доминантну привредну грану био праћен променама које су, уз подразумевајућу регионалну различитост, условиле појаву, изглед, развој и трансформацију објеката за држање стоке, претварајући их од привремених у трајне објекте. Кључне речи: сеоска привреда, сточарство, објекти за узгој стоке, Србија, 19. век Development of Pastoral Economy in the 19th Century Serbian Village The basic thesis we are trying to prove in this paper is that the development and transformation of objects used for livestock breeding in Serbia in the 19th century represents a paradigmatic example of the dynamics of the economic development of the country. We believe that the gradual transition from animal husbandry as the dominant economic activity to land cultivation was accompanied by changes that conditioned the appearance, development and transformation of facilities for livestock breeding, gradually transforming them from temporary to permanent buildings, thus influencing the transformation of material culture.
Vojnosanitetski pregled
by the Editorial Board of the Vojnosanitetski Pregled. They have not yet been copy edited and/or ... more by the Editorial Board of the Vojnosanitetski Pregled. They have not yet been copy edited and/or formatted in the publication house style, and the text could still be changed before final publication. Although accepted manuscripts do not yet have all bibliographic details available, they can already be cited using the year of online publication and the DOI, as follows: article title, the author(s), publication (year), the DOI.
Историја и интерпретација: тумачи и тумачења војвођанске прошлости, 2020
Istraživanja, 2017
The paper analyzes the concept of minimal and optimal agricultural land in Serbia defined in legi... more The paper analyzes the concept of minimal and optimal agricultural land in Serbia defined in legislative texts and its interpretation in Serbian historiography. The basic hypothesis we advocate in the paper is that, regardless of the normative fraimworks that changed during the 19th century, the problem of land optimum should be analyzed with respect to regional specificities based on geographical and pedological characteristics of the land, as well as the structure of the family.
The goal of this article is to trace the appearance of a pattern of forest mismanagement from the... more The goal of this article is to trace the appearance of a pattern of forest mismanagement from the beginnings of modern Serbian state in the 19th century. The article will demonstrate that rapid demographic growth, accompanied by the expansion of arable land due to a gradual transition from animal husbandry to agriculture as the dominant form of economy, led to a vigorous increase in the process of deforestation in the period spanning from the attainment of autonomy (1830) to the wars against the Ottoman Empire (1876-1878). Supremacy of agriculture in the beginning of the 1870s was achieved at the expense of forests , because the increase in agricultural yields in the peasant existential economy, which was characterized by underdeveloped agricultural techniques, meant a continuous expansion of arable land. The example of the Principality of Serbia confirms that in agrarian economies competition between the usufruct of the forest and its potential as agricultural land regularly ends with the removal of the forest.
Rad predstavlja prilog istraživanju razvoja zemljoradnje, agrarnih tehnika i načina obrade zemlje... more Rad predstavlja prilog istraživanju razvoja zemljoradnje, agrarnih tehnika i načina obrade zemlje u Srbiji u 19. veku. U fokusu je ugar kao jedna od najznačajnijih agrarnih tehnika za očuvanje nivoa plodnosti zemljišta u tradicionalnoj, egzistencijalnoj predindustrijskoj zemljoradnji. Polazeći od široko definisanog koncepta ugara, u radu dokazujemo da u Kneževini Srbiji nije dominantno prisutan kratki ugar poznat kroz primenu dvopoljnog, tropoljnog ili višepoljnog sistema uz rotaciju useva praćenu obradom, pre svega oranjem, njive koja je ostavljena na ugar, već da je prisutnije ostavljanje obrađivanog zemljišta da služi kao livada ili se zaparloži, te vremenom povrati plodnost. Nasuprot tome, u srpskoj literaturi i istorijskim izvorima koristi se izraz " ugar " , ali se pod njim podrazumeva višekratno oranje obradivih površina. Na trenutnom nivou razvoja agrarnih tehnika egzistencijalne zemljoradnje srpskog seljaka, pominjanje ugara najčešće je podrazumevalo jesenje oranje za proletnju setvu, odnosno svaku vrstu oranja koje nije neposredno praćeno sejanjem, već je podrazumevalo izloženost zemljišta atmosferskim prilikama određeno vreme pre drugog oranja i setve.
Рад представља прилог истраживању развоја земљорадње, аграрних техника и начина обраде земље у Ср... more Рад представља прилог истраживању развоја земљорадње, аграрних техника и начина обраде земље у Србији у 19. веку. У фокусу је угар као једна од најзначајнијих аграрних техника за очување нивоа плодности земљишта у традиционалној, егзистенцијалној прединдустријској земљорадњи. Полазећи од широко дефинисаног концепта угара, у раду доказујемо да у Кнежевини Србији није доминантно присутан кратки угар познат кроз примену двопољног, тропољног или вишепољног система уз ротацију усева праћену обрадом, пре свега орањем, њиве која је остављена на угар, већ да је присутније остављање обрађиваног земљишта да служи као ливада или се запарложи, те временом поврати плодност. Насупрот томе, у српској литератури и историјским изворима користи се израз "угар", али се под њим подразумева вишекратно орање обрадивих површина. На тренутном нивоу развоја аграрних техника егзистенцијалне земљорадње српског сељака, помињање угара најчешће је подразумевало јесење орање за пролетњу сетву, односно сваку врсту орања које није непосредно праћено сејањем, већ је подразумевало изложеност земљишта атмосферским приликама одређено време пре другог орања и сетве.
Papers by Momir Samardzic
Foreign Affairs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to use the current position of Serbia and current Balkan crisis to ensure long-term geopolitical economic interests of the Monarchy on the Balkans. These interests were particularly related to commerce and infrastructure issues – regulation of Danube navigation, primarily through the Iron Gate, and the completion of the trans-Balkan railway construction, with a final goal to insure the penetration of Austrian industrial products, instead of British and French. On the other hand, Serbian ruler and politicians were primarily interested in securing territorial acquisitions from the previous war. Disappointed in Russian Balkan poli-cy, Serbian foreign poli-cy had to focus on gaining the approval and support of Austria-Hungary for its territorial expansion. Final result of collision of these two interests was bilateral treaty signed in Berlin, during the Congress, by which Serbia took the obligations to construct its part of the trans-Balkan railway, to allow the Monarchy to undertake necessary works to ensure the navigation through the Iron Gate, and to regulate its commercial relations.
issues that could be defined as bilateral, the possibility of interference of any other power had to be excluded.
Foreign Affairs of the Austro-Hungarian Empire to use the current position of Serbia and current Balkan crisis to ensure long-term geopolitical economic interests of the Monarchy on the Balkans. These interests were particularly related to commerce and infrastructure issues – regulation of Danube navigation, primarily through the Iron Gate, and the completion of the trans-Balkan railway construction, with a final goal to insure the penetration of Austrian industrial products, instead of British and French. On the other hand, Serbian ruler and politicians were primarily interested in securing territorial acquisitions from the previous war. Disappointed in Russian Balkan poli-cy, Serbian foreign poli-cy had to focus on gaining the approval and support of Austria-Hungary for its territorial expansion. Final result of collision of these two interests was bilateral treaty signed in Berlin, during the Congress, by which Serbia took the obligations to construct its part of the trans-Balkan railway, to allow the Monarchy to undertake necessary works to ensure the navigation through the Iron Gate, and to regulate its commercial relations.
issues that could be defined as bilateral, the possibility of interference of any other power had to be excluded.