This week marks the 45th anniversary of President Ford’s trip to People’s Republic of China on December 1-5, 1975. It was his second trip there, as he had previously visited as part of a Congressional delegation in 1972. Ford and his family met with political officials and took in a number of cultural experiences, including an athletic exhibition and a visit to the Temple of Heaven.
On December 4, the last evening of trip, President Fold gave a toast in which he summed up the results and hopes of the trip:
The wide-ranging talks which I have held with Chairman Mao and with Vice Premier Teng have been friendly, candid, substantial and constructive. We discussed our differences, which are natural in a relationship between two countries whose ideologies, societies, and circumstances diverge. But we also confirmed that we have important common points.
We reviewed our bilateral relationship. The visit confirmed that although our relations are not yet normalized, they are good; they will be gradually improved because we both believe that a strengthening of our ties benefits our two peoples. I am confident that through our mutual efforts we can continue to build a relationship which advances the national interests of the United States and the People’s Republic of China.
Learn more about Gerald Ford’s trips to the People’s Republic of China.
Images: Escorted by Deng Xiao Ping, President Gerald Ford Inspects the Honor Guard at Peking Capital Airport upon His Arrival in China, 12/1/1975 (National Archives Identifier 7062604)
President Ford and Staff Hold Bilateral Talks with Vice-Premier Teng Hsiao-P’ing and Other Officials, 12/2/1975 (National Archives Identifier 7062600)
Susan Ford Tours the Great Wall while Accompanying Her Parents on a State Visit to the People’s Republic of China, 12/2/1975 (National Archives Identifier 7062602)
First Lady Betty Ford Shares a Dance Move with One of the Students while Touring the Central May 7th College of Art in Peking, People’s Republic of China, 12/3/1975 (National Archives Identifier 7062593)
President Gerald R. Ford, First Lady Betty Ford, Vice Premier Deng Xiao Ping, and Deng’s Interpreter having a Conversation during an Informal Meeting in Peking, China, 12/3/1975 (National Archives Identifier 7141303)
President Gerald Ford Makes Remarks at a Reciprocal Dinner in Honor of the People’s Republic of China Official Party, 12/4/1975 (National Archives Identifier 7062599)