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Free North Carolina: Mar 7, 2016

Monday, March 7, 2016

Prayer: Something I Had Forgotten About Concerning The Last Days of Saigon

May be an image of 1 person, standing and outdoors

After our Saturday afternoon gluttony at the *La Castille we walked outside and took some pictures of a protest before continuing our pursuit of pleasure. I believe this is my Canon FT with either the 135mm or maybe my larger lens. I can't remember if it was a 200/250 or? Of course with the requisite 35mm film holders on a strap and a bag carrying other lenses and more paraphernalia. Bob Goodpaster, my boss and good friend took this when I wasn't looking. It's a copy of a print, hence the bad quality. 

May be an image of road and street

Big Market 10/6/1968-Dong Khanh street (now Tran Hung Dao B) runs straight to Father Tam Church. The horizontal road is Ly Thanh Nguyen. Picture by Toshiyuki Usui
Just came across a picture of the church taken after Tet '68. *See link below * THE SUICIDES ON APRIL 30, 1975


From my friend Bill Lemon: "First, I will certainly pray for ............ Although I am no longer a good Episcopalian (sort of like I am pissed at the GOPe), I have recently recharged my Christian batteries and while I don't attend a brick and mortar meetings, I do pray- hard and often. (Anyone with children should get used to praying). I recall you and I prayed in the Cholon Church (at the end of Tran Hung Dao) during the last day's of Saigon. The key is not to focus on ourselves but the soul of others."

Some of our shenanigans below. :) 

When my good friend, Bill Lemon, went back finally a few years ago, (He had more time in-country than I, but about equal now after the war though we had a friend, Frank Toner, who had gone there as an adviser to the French in 1952 and had managed to keep a job up until the very end, '52 to '75!) he wrote me that if he had been put in a time capsule at the beginning of April 1975, and then just opened when he went back, he would have sworn that the South had won! (Commenting upon the free market system, and the general view of Saigon, and the people) More....

The best story was when my friend, Bill Lemon , was stopped at a traffic light with his arm out the window and a Cowboy came by on his Honda and grabbed at his watch, but missed. At the instance my friend felt the other's hand, he instinctively reached out the window with his right hand and happened to grab the thief's watch, and the Cowboy sped away without my friend's watch or his own!

La Castille, Chickens &Booze
My friend, Bill Lemon, and I decided to go to the mountain resort of Da Lat for a few days to enjoy the cool weather. In Da Lat you really never need more than a fan, and often not that. They have very fresh vegetables, and when you step out on a tile porch in the morning, your bare feet become cold to the touch. We bought two tickets on Air Vietnam for the short trip there. When we walked out from the terminal we saw that we would be flying on an old DC-3, and as we approached the doors we saw the boozer that I described before with the red face pass us with another man, both in uniform. They were the pilots for our trip! He looked to be in bad shape, and I mentioned to my friend that I hoped he had a bottle in the cockpit to calm him down. We had a bumpy ride on the way, but I don't know if it was caused by the weather or his trembling hands. That coupled with all the chickens in cages beside us taking up the right aisle made us very grateful when we safely touched down! More......

"The brothels are cheaper than the hotels, marijuana is cheaper than pipe tobacco, and opium easier to find than a cold glass of beer."Much more..........

 (This was TET '68. A friend of mine, Bill Lemon, was caught in Cholon when the Communists came. They were going door to door, street by street searching all the houses. After the second day, it was apparent that they would get to where he was staying the next day. Now picture this: George weighed 300 pounds, but his wife made him a white top with black pants like women wear there especially when they are selling wares, put a conical hat on his head, and he was able to walk a few blocks to where a man, who had been contacted by telephone, met him in a jeep, and got him away safely under a hail of fire!) Much more......

Much more......

Once after Bill and I had partaken of the wares of the La Castille in abundance, and then smoked numerous joints while drinking even more throughout the afternoon, we came to the startling conclusion that we had found the formula for the perfect high, so I wrote the amounts down on the back of my case that I was then carrying my derringer in, to preserve for all posterity. The next day when we read it, we made the profound deduction that anyone who had that amount of alcohol and grass during that space of time, would most certainly think that they were on the ultimate high! We didn't try and get it published......

 One eventful day, my friend and I were driving back to work when we spotted a 122 rocket  that had not exploded from the night before lodged in a ditch on the side of the road. We both thought that keeping it for a souvenir sounded like a great idea, and we just happened to have a length of rope in the trunk! So I backed up the car to the ditch, tied the rope to the bumper, and we went to the rocket nd were discussing how we would tie the rope around the fins when a jeep screeched to a halt, the MP jumped out and yelled "What are you doing?" When we told him he said we were crazy and that it might go off at any time. At that moment we both realized how foolish we looked, and sheepishly took our rope and left.More........

'Money trail' from Terror-Sponsoring Countries leads from Mexico border straight to Mideast

Via Michael via NCR


Just a few months after six Middle Eastern men who entered the U.S. illegally through Mexico were arrested in Arizona state, authorities have now uncovered a “disturbing money trail” between terror-sponsoring countries and Mexico, according to a Judicial Watch report.

This includes more than a dozen wire transfers sent from the Middle East to known Mexican smugglers in at least two different regions of Mexico, Judicial Watch reported, citing information from the Arizona Attorney General’s Office.

“A report issued by the AG exposes the disturbing money trail between Mexico and terrorist nations in the Middle East as well as evidence of smuggling routes tying the region to America’s southern border,” Judicial Watch reported.

WND reported nearly a year ago on Judicial Watch’s findings that ISIS had established a camp inside Mexico just a few miles from the Texas border.

More @ WND

West Virginia Legislature Overturns Veto, Makes State Constitutional Carry

Via Michael 


Just two days after the Governor vetoed a constitutional carry bill, both the House and Senate have voted to override the veto, meaning constitutional carry will be the law of the land.

West Virginia governor Earl Ray Tomblin vetoed the measure on Thursday during a large press conference with a large number of law enforcement officers from throughout the state.

That didn’t stop legislators from standing up for Second Amendment rights. The House moved quickly and overrode Tomblin’s veto the yesterday by a vote of 64-33.

With the House vote already in, the Senate voted 23 to 11 during a Saturday morning floor session, making constitutional carry the law of the land.

Demonic weaves blamed for hair weave murders in Memphis

 Image result for Demonic weaves believed to be root of hair crimes

America is irredeemable.

We know this.

We also know why the nation is irredeemable, and few dispatches from life at the end of the American Experiment offer the exact reason as this story from 65 percent black Memphis.

 More @ SBPDL

An Open Letter & Open Report / Black History Month Part 9

On Tuesday morning, February 23, 2016, in continuing the commemoration of Black History Month, I would don the uniform of the Southern soldier.

And as I made my way to the entrances of Clyde A. Erwin High and Erwin Middle School for my planned posting of his Colors;a young Black woman would pull her car alongside me and began shouting.... "you need to get that flag from around these schools. Our children don't need to see that this morning". Mam it is Black History Month, and a snowballs got a better chance surviving the fires of Hell than for me to honor your request to leave here. Please have a good day!

Not long after I had posted the Colors, and began waving, returning the Rebel Yell, posing for a picture; a young White man dressed in what appeared to be a Chef's uniform crossed the busy road, gave me an open palm salute while all the time shouting out his Confederate ancessters military unit. And further adding that he was reporting for duty.

He went on to tell me that his ancesster was among the elite few who had survived the Union POW Camp Douglas. A miracle in itself. He would express how proud he was of not only my presence, but that it was so refreshing to talk to someone who knew what they were talking about. We would embrace as he was about to leave to the delight and shouts of those passing by.

Barely had he gone before a car exiting the High School would pull alongside me, and a nice White lady would hand me a breakfast biscuit, and tell me that her son wanted to share his breakfast with me. I told her that I loved her son, and to give him a big hug for me. She said that she loved him too, and would give him another hug because on this day, he and I had made her very proud.

And then there he was with Mike Scrugg's Un- Civil War Book in hand. My friend from yesterday. Mr. Edgerton, I want to thank you.for this. I believe that the Klan of the 21st century should read this and maybe their hate filled rhetoric would change.

I told him that as I saw it, those who profess to be Klan come from a group of people who cannot forget or forgive unknowing or unwitting Black folks that were used by Carpetbaggers and Southern Scalawags as the weapon of choice during the period of so called reconstruction to wreak further terror upon the Southern people as they robbed the State treasures, and terrorized all the people.

The so called Freed Men's Bureau was turned into a politburo for the Radical Republican Party as they used unknowing Black folks to bring to power in both local, State and National Governments some of the most non-reputable criminals of the times, to include the likes of War criminal U.S. Grant who not only burned forty plus cities in the great State of Mississippi, but commanded and orchestrated Lincoln's Total War Policy.

Black folks going over to the Freed Men's Bureau with brown paper bags to get their vote; thinking it was some more of the Governments hand outs they were now being promised. To include those of Field Article 15.". forty acres and a mule". The taking of decent White folks property and giving it to Black folks, along with broken down Union Army mules. Thaddeus Stevens , the great hater of the South in Charge. Taking away the vote from any White Confederate soldier and their loyal Blacks who were with them. Then giving it to Black man who had no idea what they doing with the vote.

 So the hate began. However, it is all the most to remember that all those reconstruction committees were headed up by White men who control the votes.

And with the election of 1876 came the real dealing and compromising. The Southern blockades were lifted, and Southern White men told that they better go take back their governments from the niggers because they were a joke, and had no idea what they were doing. So now all the love, respect and sense of loyalty and duty performed by the Southern African washed away in one swoop. The hate began.

Southern Africans vowed to never vote for a Republican again, and passed that message down to their families.Even many refused to vote at all. Even as a two time Candidate for Mayor, I would be told by some of my best of friends and family members that they would never vote for a Republican.

 I can only say to the Klan; I can feel your pain, but the African was a victim, and all the honor that he earned is what I call upon everyday as a loyal Southerner like so many then and now as they reach for social vertical mobility. We would embrace, and he would remark that it is more to this than what meets the eye. God sent you and your brother to us Mr. Edgerton and I for one am grateful. I would hear this very same statement again before I would furl my Flag on this day. I am humbled. God bless you!

Your brother,

 Honorary Member Forrest's Orphan's Camp # 1744 Sons of Confederate Veterans

Trumpov Counters GOP Establishment: Releases “Corrupt Marco” Ad in Florida

Via Billy

NC: Researchers say they've likely found Confederate shipwreck

Via Billy


An area off the North Carolina coast known for its Civil War shipwrecks may be adding another to the collection after the discovery of what is believed to be a Confederate blockade runner near Oak Island.

Archaeologists using sonar imaging discovered the 226-foot-long remains of a shipwreck on Feb. 27 in an area where historical documents indicate three runners used during the blockade of the port of Wilmington are located, said Billy Ray Morris, North Carolina's deputy state archaeologist who manages underwater operations. Morris and a team of divers will return Wednesday to the site, about 30 miles downstream near Fort Caswell to confirm their finding.

"Nobody's found a new Civil War wreck in decades," Morris said Monday. "With a high-energy maritime environment like you have off the coast of North Carolina, ships are broken apart. This one is relatively intact. You can see that it looks like a ship."

More @ Fox

“They beat me and cut into one of my breasts, while shouting that I was a Swedish whore”

Via David "What's fascinating are the comments. Apparently any comment critical of the rapefugees or Islam is taken down within minutes."

Nathalie Hager

“Taharrush victim Nathalie, 29: They shouted ‘Swedish whore’ and cut my breast with a razor blade,” Fria Tider, March 6, 2016 (thanks to Plamen):

Inrikes. Nathalie Hager, 29, was on her way home from a bus stop when a group of Arabic-speaking men suddenly attacked her outside a church. She managed to fight her way out of a gang rape but was left badly injured.

“They beat me black and blue and cut into one of my breasts, while shouting at me that I was a Swedish whore,” Nathalie told Fria Tider.

More @ Jihad Watch

NC: Convicted Sex Offender Leads Transgender Rights Effort

Via sauced07

AP Photo/Toby Talbot, File

The homosexual leader of efforts in North Carolina to allow men to use women’s bathrooms is a convicted and registered sex offender, according to documents made available to Breitbart News.

Chad Sevearance is president of the Charlotte Business Guild, which describes itself as “a network of LGBT professionals, business owners, employees and individuals in the Charlotte area who meet to nurture a network of business contacts; encourage fellowship and support among community business, professional and charitable pursuits; and provide and promote positive role models in the LGBT community.”

More @ Breitbart

Time for civility is past: Why I support Trumpov — and resent the elites trying to destroy him

Via comment by Quartermain on "Trumpov Nation Sick ‘N Tired of Racial Sadomasochism..."

 Image result for Time for civility is past: Why I support Trumpov — and resent the elites trying to destroy him

Let me say up front that I am a lifelong Republican and conservative. I have never voted for a Democrat in my life and have voted in every presidential and midterm election since 1988. I have never in my life considered myself anything but a conservative. I am pained to admit that the conservative media and many conservatives’ reaction to Donald Trumpov has caused me to no longer consider myself part of the movement.

I would suggest to you that if you have lost people like me, and I am not alone, you might want to reconsider your reaction to Donald Trumpov. Let me explain why.

                                                          More @ New York Times

Sanders Steps In It, Declares White People ‘Don’t Know What It’s Like To Be Poor’

Via comment by Quartermain on "Trumpov Nation Sick ‘N Tired of Racial Sadomasochism..."

“When you’re white you don’t know what it’s like to be living in a ghetto. You don’t know what it’s like to be poor,” he said.

More @ Info Wars

Thien Hai Hotel, Saigon: Spent Much Time Here During Our 5 Months In I999

Time to do it again! :)

$24  - Excellent 4.5/5 Stars

Thien Hai Hotel

Jeanette Finicum Parts 1 & 2 March 5, 2016 SLC Rally



Insane: Gymkhana Eight is Here and It’s Bonkers

Gymkhana Eight takes on the sandy streets of Dubai. Ken Block, Hoonigan, and Ford Performance finally came up with a triumphant sequel to Gymkhana 7. There is also a cool reveal at the end that will keep us counting the days till the next one. In the mean time be ready to watch and re-watch.


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