Hello stranger! I am a Full Stack Developer, passionate about building digital products that improve everyday experience for people. I love to work on exciting projects that test what I've learnt. Working with MERN stack and programming languages like JavaScript for web development. Looking forward to some interesting and challenging opportunities.
You can find some of my work on GitHub, and be sure to check out my website for more information about my projects and experience.
Connect with me on LinkedIn to learn more about my professional background and skills. Thanks for visiting!
🔭 I’m currently working on Frontend & Backend
🌱 I’m currently learning MERN stack
👯 I’m looking to collaborate on LinkedIn & GitHub
📫 Reach me on **asinha27072002@gmail.com **
💬 ask me about anything, i am happy to help
😄 Pronouns: she/Her
⚡ Fun Fact: Imagination is more important than knowledge
All my project are available are at https://Coders6754.github.io/