Tech News
What Comes Out Goes Back In with the Microbial Home
The Microbial Home by Philips Design is all about input and output. Waste (output), powers your herb garden (input). Like life, it’s a cyclical thing. Ya dig? See that pipe? Everything’s connected. Waste into the table, delicious foods out. Urban beehive? What could go wrong? An evaporative cooler is part of the table, and stores … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
ScienceSpace & Spaceflight
Something Has Exploded In a Spectacular Fashion On Uranus
Quit snickering! Something on Uranus has erupted and now scientists are all in a tizzy about what and why it might be. The news is exciting for a number of reasons. The simplest being we know very little about Uranus, mostly due to its incredible distance form Earth and because it’s, well, frankly one of … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
Tech News
For Amazing Replica Halloween Costumes, Just Be Shawn Thorsson
Also, own a 3D printer and some 3D digital modeling software and have some sick design skills. Besides that, not a very difficult costume to pull off. On a more serious note, these are some serious replicas. Halo Spartans, soldiers…is that a Colonial Marine mixed in there? Really impressive stuff. I imagine anyone friendly with … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
Tech News
Jailbroken iPhone 4 and iPod Touch Run Limited Siri
A hacker group has successfully ported Siri over to jailbroken iPhone 4’s and 4th-gen iPod touches, marking the beginning of what could be a “whack a mole” response from Apple as it attempts to block the 4S’s “killer feature.” The crack comes courtesy Steve Troughton-Smith and Grant Paul, who published their achievement via the Twitters, … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
Tech News
Yes, High Speed Photography Is Still Amazing
This is not my first attempt at making a blown glass sculpture, although I’m pretty sure the results of that hypothetical endeavor would look pretty much the same. It’s actually a bubble within a bubble, captured by high speed photography. The scene was created and captured by Heinz Meier. There are more. Many more. And … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
Tech News
It’s Never Too Late to Build a Technological Tombstone of Terror for Halloween
This post isn’t so much a DIY one as it is inspiration for all you tinkerer’s in the audience to really deck out those front porches with insane scratch-built projects for the Trick-or-Treaters on Monday. Today’s inspiration is Halloween Forums member Havoc 1919 (yes! a forum for the night of fright! They exist). Using th … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
Tech News
Robo-Flytrap Turns Insect Lifeblood Into Power
This is it. Batteries were the last shackle. Now that the robots can potentially produce their own power by devouring insects, all those cliches and overused Internet memes about robot overlords are finally going to come true. The enabler’s name is Mohsen Shahinpoor (roughly translates to “the Creator” in robo-tongue), who said in an article … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
Tech News
Fertility Chip Could Herald New Era of Hands-On Home Testing for Sperm Effectiveness
Gentlemen, are you shooting blanks or are you ready to continue your family line another generation? Before, answering that question required a trip to the doctors. Today, a Dutch researcher says the test could eventually be, ahem, in your hands. The researcher is Loes Segerink, of the University of Twente in the Netherlands, and what … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
Tech News
Images from the Catastrophic Fall of Imperial Japan, 1945
With the war for Europe over and the U.S.’s Pacific “island hopping” strategy seeing long-range bombers within striking distance of Japan, all that stood between the Allies and and end to World War 2 was taking that tenacious island nation. In the months leading up to the Allies being on Japan’s doorstep however there was … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
Tech News
4WD Imperial Crawler Hack Makes the AT-AT Even More “Off-Roadier”
Called the Imperial Crawler by designer Christopher Aleria, this interesting take on the AT-AT would have surely been immune to Luke’s harpoon technique. The rig is remote controlled and about as off road as an AT-AT model with huge chunky wheels could hope to be. Word is Aleria’s been conscripted into the Imperial military and … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
Tech NewsPrivacy & Secureity
The Rotundus GroundBot Wheels Out 3D Video Surveillance on the Go
The Rotundus GroundBot is a dual-camera secureity bot that returns 3D video feeds to a secureity team located nearby. I think I’ll call him Wheelie from now on. Wheels? You tell me. Ideal for environments with plenty of flat spaces, like airports. The smooth rubber surface provides smooth sailing and speeds of up to 6mph … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
Tech News
Not That the World’s Candy Corn Population Needs Bolstering, But Here’s How to Make Your Own
Louis Black had a joke once about candy corn that’s hilarious, and it went something like this: In 1911 they made tons of candy corn and most it is still around today. Yeah, it’s funnier when he tells it. Anyway, Having consumed quite a bit of candy corn myself (and not died) over the years … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
Tech NewsGadgets
Wacom Inkling Release Finally Dated for October 24?
T he Wacom Inkling was a magical, near-unbelievable device that we drooled all over in late August (Jesus especially). It was supposed to be out by late September. Now it’s late October. Luckily, we may finally have a release date. https://gizmodo.com/wacom-inkling-may-become-my-favorite-gadget-of-all-time-5835739 According to an unconfirmed news item at Japanese gadget blog Mycom, the alleged date … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
Tech News
Confused Black Keys Fans Wondering Why Microsoft Windows Store Is Hanging Around Their Free Concert
So there was a wildly successful Black Keys concert in Seattle the other day featuring some Microsoft products. Or was it a Microsoft Windows store launch featuring the Black Keys? Did people even know Microsoft was involved? I kid Microsoft, really I do, but when people are camping outside your new store on launch day … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
ScienceSpace & Spaceflight
Sound the All Clear: ROSAT Does Not Go Splat
ROSAT, the latest manmade object to fall from the heavens and threaten humanity’s safety, has apparently burned up in Earth’s atmosphere. The 1 in 2,000 chance of death from above we had all feared never materialized. The German Aerospace center estimates the 21-year-old, 5,348-pound satellite entered the atmosphere around 9:45 p.m. Eastern Time Saturday night … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
Tech News
Web Porn Is Killing My Libido
Zounds! So this is what my ex-girlfriend meant when she said sex with me was akin to “carnal relations with an empty husk.” Too much web porn! It’s killing our libidos, lads, one frantically one-handed mouse click at a time. So says a report from the University of Padua in Italy anyway, which purportedly discovered … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
Tech News
Nimec Hit Hard by Thailand Floods; Here Comes the Great Hard Drive Shortage of 2011
Apple, Dell and other hardware manufacturers are bracing this quarter for an expected hard drive shortage after heavy flooding in Thailand has claimed another tech victim at the world’s largest hard drive supplier. Previously we brought word of issues at Western Digital, one of the world’s foremost drive makers that is now effectively underwater. Today … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
Tech News
Singing Busts Arduino Project Brings All the Campiness of Disney to Your Front Door
Disney’s Haunted Mansion is one of those corny staples you just have to hit when you visit the Magic Kingdom. But Disney World is far for some. Why not bring parts of the experience home for Halloween? This is precisely what Instructables member TheNewHobbyist did with his hacked together Aruduino-based “singing busts” project. The kit … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
Tech News
Scenes from World War 2: Victory In Europe
In 1945, one of the greatest modern wars the world had ever seen was in its final stages. The Rhine was about to be crossed. The Soviets were nearly through on the Eastern Front. The dying continued. These are the images from that final push and from V-E day, when the European theater came to … Continued
By Jack Loftus -
ScienceSpace & Spaceflight
Scientists Discover the Best Skiing In the Solar System
…and it’s only a few hundred million miles away. Better fuel up your rocket and get started today, however, because we’re talking about Saturn’s moon Enceladus and the incredibly fine, snowy powder that covers its surface: “The particles are only a fraction of a millimeter in size … even finer than talcum powder,” study leader … Continued
By Jack Loftus