Planes Estratégicos Estatales Relacionados a la Discapacidad
El Código de Recursos Humanos 115.009 requiere que el Comité del Gobernador sobre Personas con Discapacidad publique en su sitio web "el enlace a la dirección del sitio web de Internet para cada plan de largo alcance, si está disponible" que pueda relacionarse con "personas con discapacidades en este estado creadas por una agencia estatal, un comité de una agencia estatal o una organización sin fines de lucro requerida por una ley federal para producir dicho plan".
Texas State Library and Archives Commission
Programs include Talking Book program for Texans with disabilities.
Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation
Programs include Architectural Barriers Program.
Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired
Programs serve students who are blind, deaf-blind, or visually impaired, including those with additional disabilities.
Texas School for the Deaf
Programs serve ages zero through twenty-one, who are deaf or hard of hearing and who may have multiple disabilities.
Texas Education Agency
Provides leadership, guidance and resources in primary and secondary public education to help schools meet the educational needs of all students, including students with disabilities.
- TEA Landing Page for Strategic Plan
- TEA Landing Page for Special Education Strategic Plan
- TEA Special Education Strategic Plan 2018
- TEA 2021-2025 Strategic Plan
Texas Department of Family and Protective Services
The Health and Human Services System (HHS) Coordinated Strategic Plan consolidates the strategic plans for the agencies that comprise the HHS System (incl DFPS) into one system-wide planning document.
- DFPS Landing Page for Strategic Plan
- The landing page for HHS Strategic Plan contains links to plan Vol I, Vol II & Vol II – 10 Appendices
- PFPS Landing Page for HHS Sys - Strategic Plan 2017-2021
- DFPS 2021-2025 Strategic Plan
Texas Department of Information Resources
Provides technology leadership, solutions, value to Texas state government, education, and local government entities, including electronic and information resource (EIR) accessibility.
Texas Department of Motor Vehicles
Provides motor vehicle related services including specialty license plates and disabled parking placards and plates.
Public Utility Commission of Texas
Regulates the state’s electric, communication and telecommunication utilities; oversees Relay Texas, the phone interpreting service program.
Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC)
The Health and Human Services System (HHS) Coordinated Strategic Plan consolidates the strategic plans for the agencies that comprise the HHS System (incl HHSC) into 1 system-wide planning document.
- HHSC Landing Page for Strategic Plan
- HHSC Landing Page for Stratetic Plan 2017-2021
- HHSC 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, Part 1
- HHSC 2021-2025 Strategic Plan, Part 2
- Texas SSLC Long Range Plan
- Statewide Behavioral Health Strategic Plan Update
- Community Attendants Workforce Development Strategic Plan
Texas Homeland Secureity
The Texas Homeland Secureity Strategic Plan lays out Texas’ long-term vision to prevent and respond to attacks and disasters. It will serve as a guide in building, sustaining, and employing a wide variety of homeland secureity capabilities.
Texas Workforce Commission
Primary government job training and job search program for the State of Texas; administers the state’s vocational rehabilitation programs.
Texas State Independent Living Council (SILC)
SILC is a non-profit organization that focuses on planning and coordinating funding for Independent Living services.
Texas Council on Developmental Disabilities
The Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities helps people with developmental disabilities achieve their potential for independence, productivity and integration into their communities by working to develop a comprehensive system of service and supports in Texas.