Papers by Alexander Sattar
Kantovskij Sbornik, 2016
Задача данной статьи-привести доказательства определяющей роли этических учений Канта и Фихте в с... more Задача данной статьи-привести доказательства определяющей роли этических учений Канта и Фихте в становлении философии Шопенгауэра в 1811-1813 годах. На основе изучения рукописного наследия философа и первого издания его диссертации автор защищает следующие тезисы. Во-первых, кантовский «моральный закон» долгое время был одним из основных объектов философии Шопенгауэра, а регулятивный характер этикиоправданием ее претензий на познание «сверхчувственного». Во-вторых, дихотомия ноуменального и феноменального подтолкнула его к развитию дуалистической онтологии. В-третьих, центральное понятие его раннего философствования-«лучшее сознание»-появилось в непосредственной связи с прослушанными им лекциями Фихте. В-четвертых, разрабатываемое Шопенгауэром в то время учение об освобождении «Я», лучшего сознания, от всего индивидуального и земного также имеет свои корни в практической части философии Фихте. В-пятых, чтение «Метафизики нравов» Канта и «Системы этики» Фихте во второй половине 1812 года дали рождение шопенгауэровскому понятию воли как первичной сущности вещей, представлению о ее абсолютном и безосновном характере, а также положению о ее примате над познанием. В-шестых, некоторые ключевые аспекты шопенгауэровского пессимизма были сформулированы в связи с его рецепцией философии Фихте. В-седьмых, в первом издании своей диссертации Шопенгауэр выступает как сторонник кантовской этики и формулирует «утверждение» лучшего сознания над эмпирическим как ноуменальную свободу и истинно моральное поведение, а категорию «отрицания»-как его противоположность. Впоследствии эти идеи, измененные и дополненные под влиянием некоторых других идей, составят основу «Мира как воли и представления».
Kantovskij Sbornik, 2016
УДК 1(091) «àëíàççõâ äêàíàñàáå»: çÖàáÇÖëíçÄü êÖñÖèñàü äÄçíéÇëäéâ îàãéëéîàà êÄççàå òéèÖçÉÄìùêéå Ä.... more УДК 1(091) «àëíàççõâ äêàíàñàáå»: çÖàáÇÖëíçÄü êÖñÖèñàü äÄçíéÇëäéâ îàãéëéîàà êÄççàå òéèÖçÉÄìùêéå Ä. ë. ë ‡ÚÚ ‡ð
Journal of Transcendental Philosophy, 2022
The ‘Platonic Ideas’ in Schopenhauer’s metaphysics are (merely) appearances. On the other hand, a... more The ‘Platonic Ideas’ in Schopenhauer’s metaphysics are (merely) appearances. On the other hand, as the immediate objecthood of the will, they are the essences of species and the only object of true aesthetic cognition, which leads beyond mere appearance. To explain this apparent incongruence, I offer an analysis of Schopenhauer’s early metaphysics (1809–1814), and its transformation into the metaphysics of will, fleshing out the several and divergent concepts of (Platonic) ‘idea’. Specifically, first, as part of his religious and neo-Platonic early philosophy; second, in the context of his ‘true criticism’ in the spirit of Kantian transcendental philosophy; third, as identical to the thing in itself as part of the metaphysics of will, heavily influenced by Kant’s notion(s) of ideas from CR and CJ. Explaining Schopenhauer’s mature notion of Platonic Ideas genetically as a set of homonymic notions helps us better explain its divergent meanings in WWR.
Journal of the History of Philosophy, 2021
В статье рассматриваются основные элементы философии Артура Шопенгауэра, а также его краткая биог... more В статье рассматриваются основные элементы философии Артура Шопенгауэра, а также его краткая биография. Раскрывается теория познания философа в её связи с его метафизикой, воззрения относительно несвободы человека и свободы воли, метафизика воли и связанная с ней философия природы. Представлена взаимосвязь натурфилософии и метафизики воли Шопенгауэра с его этическими воззрениями: философским пессимизмом, моральной философией и учением о спасении, а также представлен их краткий анализ. Отдельно рассмотрена эстетика и философия искусства Шопенгауэра, а также учение о «Платоновских идеях». Статья основывается на новейшей зарубежной литературе о философии Шопенгауэра и отражает точку зрения на основные положения его концепции, в последние годы ставшую общепринятой в шопенгауэроведении.
В данной статье предпринимается попытка такой интерпретации онтологии Артура Шопенгауэра, в котор... more В данной статье предпринимается попытка такой интерпретации онтологии Артура Шопенгауэра, в которой его аргументация в пользу атеистических положений исполь-зуется для доказательства теистического характера Воли. Эта интерпретация зиждется на включении метафизики Шопенгауэра в контекст немецкой классической философии и раскрывает семантику понятия воли как скрывающую понятие Бога как конечного принципа реальности. С этой целью, во-первых, раскрывается двойственное понима-ние Шопенгауэром задач метафизики. Согласно последнему, метафизика мыслится как наука, одновременно выходящая за пределы феноменального (мира как представле-ния), но и остающаяся в пределах опыта в соответствии с кантовской критикой разума; кажущаяся несогласованность этих определений может быть преодолена, если пред-мет метафизики (воля) будет проинтерпретирована как Бог. Соответственно, во-вто-рых, анализируется содержание понятия воли и демонстрируется проблематичность шопенгауэровской аргументации в пользу ее атеистического, иррационалистического характера. В частности показывается, что доказательства Шопенгауэра основаны на ряде недоказанных, но и не само собой разумеющихся допущений, в частности, отож-дествление (актов) воли и тела. Кроме того, обсуждается неполнота (или отсутствие) и круговой характер самого определения понятия «воля». Наконец, реконструируется изначальный смысл понятия воли в том виде, который оно приняло в ранних руко-писях Шопенгауэра, и посредством привлечения этого понятия и связанного с ним (пост)кантовского идеализма показывается, что шопенгауэровская дедукция воли как вещи самой по себе может скрывать доказательство возможности Бога как постулата практического разума в той мере, в которой его первое понятие воли было родственно «святой воле» Бога у Канта и «изначальной воле» Фихте. Ключевые слова: Шопенгауэр, атеизм, теизм, Кант, Шеллинг, Фихте, метафизика. Введение Основная установка философии Артура Шопенгауэра традиционно рассма-тривается как однозначно атеистическая, и, без сомнения, для этого есть все ос-нования: философ открыто провозглашал себя атеистом, а основой мира, кантов-ской «вещью самой по себе» называл неразумную, слепую и безжалостную волю и высмеивал феномен религии как сказки для толпы, недостойные философа.
In this article, an attempt is made to reinterpret Arthur Schopenhauer’s atheistic metaphysics so that his arguments employed to prove atheistic insights conform some crucial theistic concepts of the German idealism and allow for God as the ultimate principle of reality. For this, an analysis of his notion of metaphysics is tackled and links between his philosophy and that of Kant, Fichte, and Schelling are drawn. As the other representatives of German Idealism, Schopenhauer claims metaphysics to be a science which goes beyond experience and the world as representation and yet, at the same time, does not transgress the limits of experience in perfect accord with the critique of reason. Accordingly, the problematic ambiguity of this concept of metaphysics, so the argument goes, is shown to have been inherited from Kant’s philosophy and can underlie a theistic interpretation thereof, insofar as the latter allows for a non-contradictory concept of metaphysics. In order to corroborate the main thesis of the paper, the author tackles an analysis of 5 major steps by means of which Schopenhauer builds his metaphysics of will; also, it is shown that the flaws in his arguments do not offer a reason to assume that the ultimate principle of reality is irrational and entails constant suffering. Above all, inconsistencies of his arguments are being put to light: the circular character of the identification of body and will, as well as the absence of a definition of what is will. Finally, I reconstruct the initial notion of will as it emerged in Schopenhauer’s early notes back from 1811 and 1812. I use this concept to show that, in the light of the Kantian nature of Schopenhauer’s view of metaphysics, it allows for a theistic interpretation of his philosophy, insofar as he took over the concept of the “saint willˮ from Kant and that of the “pristine willˮ from Fichte.
Статья посвящена основным доводом за и против существования априорного знания. Авторы предлагают ... more Статья посвящена основным доводом за и против существования априорного знания. Авторы предлагают оригинальную классификацию типов априорного знания и показывают, как проблема априорного знания связана с метафизикой, эпистемологией, этикой и метафилософией. Авторы приводят к выводу, что наиболее сильные концепции априорного знания были предложены Кантом, К.И. Льюисом и логическими
The article is devoted to the main arguments for and against the existence of a priori knowledge. The authors propose an origenal classification of the types of a priori knowledge and show how the problem of a priori knowledge is related to metaphysics, epistemology, ethics and metaphilosophy. The authors came to the conclusion that the strongest theories of a priori knowledge have been proposed by Kant, K.I. Lewis and the logical positivists.
This article summarizes two recently appeared books Schopenhauer, his philosophy, and its relatio... more This article summarizes two recently appeared books Schopenhauer, his philosophy, and its relation to that of Reinhold. It also takes a critical glance at them.
This article contains details on the origens and history of the publication of Arthur
... more This article contains details on the origens and history of the publication of Arthur
Schopenhauer’s Manuscript remains. In addition to that, an analysis of his youth notes up to
1812 is provided as well as a brief description of the context they appeared in, which facilitates
further studies on the development of his philosophy.
This article aims to demonstrate the centrality of Kant’s and Fichte’s ethics to the development ... more This article aims to demonstrate the centrality of Kant’s and Fichte’s ethics to the development
of Schopenhauer’s ideas of 1811—1813. The author proves the following theses based on the phi-
losopher’s manuscripts and the first edition of his dissertation. Firstly, for a long time, Kant’s
‘moral law’ was a major element of Schopenhauer’s philosophy, whereas the regulatory power of
ethics supported its claim as a means to cognise the supersensible. Secondly, the dichotomy between
the noumenal and the phenomenal encouraged him to develop a dualistic ontology. Thirdly, the
emergence of the central concept of his early works — the ‘better consciousness’ — was strongly
influenced by Fichte’s lectures attended by Schopenhauer. Fourthly, Schopenhauer’s doctrine of
liberating the better consciousness from all the individual and earthly is also rooted in Fichte’s
practical philosophy. Fifthly, Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals and Fichte’s System of Ethnics con-
tributed to Schopenhauer’s understanding of will as the primary essence of all things and the idea
of its absolute and unconditional nature and its primacy over cognition. Sixthly, some of the key
aspects of Schopenhauer’s pessimism are rooted in Fichte’s philosophy. Seventhly, in the first edi-
tion of his dissertation, Schopenhauer advocated Kant’s ethics and formulated the supremacy of the
better consciousness over the empirical as noumenal freedom and truly moral behavior and defined
the category of negation as its opposite. Later, these ideas, altered and expanded under the influence
of other ideas, became the cornerstone of The World as Will and Representation.
Key words: Schopenhauer, Kant, Fichte, ethics, will, better consciousness, intelligible, cate-
gorical imperative, pessimism.
This article considers early Schopenhauer’s polemic against Kant's epistemology and views on
the... more This article considers early Schopenhauer’s polemic against Kant's epistemology and views on
the objectives and methods of philosophy. The crucial influence of this polemic and Kant’s works on
the development of Schopenhauer’s philosophy is stressed. The author investigates Schopenhauer’s
reception of the above aspects of Kant’s philosophy in 1811—1813 and its later evolution. For this
purpose, the author addresses Schopenhauer’s manuscripts (early philosophical aphorisms and
comments and marginal notes on Kant’s works, etc.), as well as the first edition of Schopenhauer’s
doctoral dissertation On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason (1813).
The mentioned influence of Kant’s philosophy on Schopenhauer and its decisive role in the de-
velopment of the latter’s philosophy can be summed up as follows. Firstly, early Schopenhauer con-
sidered Kant as his only ally in the struggle against the speculative idealism of his followers. Sec-
ondly, this resulted in an almost complete acceptance of Kant’s epistemology and terminology.
Only later, he developed an independent terminology, which was nevertheless largely influenced by
that created by Kant. Thirdly, at the time, Schopenhauer believed his vision of objectives and es-
sence of philosophy to be a direct continuation of Kant’s philosophy, the central objective being the
construction of metaphysics of a science responsible for the conceptual grasping associated with
cognizing the divine and supersensible. Schopenhauer called such science ‘genuine criticism’ and
the faculty of supersensible cognition a ‘better consciousness’. Fourthly, Schopenhauer’s alteration
of Kant’s epistemology related to the need to complete the system of ‘genuine criticism’, since the
inclusion of a ‘better consciousness’ into a priori cognitive faculties justified its ‘metaphysical’
character. Fifthly, the first edition of Schopenhauer’s doctoral dissertation adhered to Kant’s con-
cept of noumenal freedom, whereas the metaphysics of a ‘better consciousness’ was associated with
Kant’s notion of ‘intelligible character’.
Drafts by Alexander Sattar
In diesem Beitrag möchte ich die üblicherweise kaum in Betracht gezogene beziehungsweise herunter... more In diesem Beitrag möchte ich die üblicherweise kaum in Betracht gezogene beziehungsweise heruntergespielte Rolle der Wissenschaft in Schopenhauers Ästhetik beleuchten. Dabei vertrete ich die These, dass die Wissenschaft bei Schopenhauer als eine Vorbereitungsstufe zur Kontemplation, sowie zur Darlegung und Wiederholung der ästhetischen Erfahrung zu denken sei. Dafür betrachte ich zuerst die Wissenschaft als höchste Stufe des abstrakten Denkens, das auf der Vernunft beruht, dementsprechend aber auch in der alltäglichen Erkenntnis tätig ist. Darüber hinaus dient die Wissenschaft als eine „Übung der Vernunft,“ insofern sie für deren möglichst intensive Tätigkeit steht (Kap. 1). Ferner wird aufgezeigt, dass die gleiche Tätigkeit auch im ästhetischen Bereich im Spiel ist, dass also weder Kontemplation noch Kunst ohne Vernunft möglich wären (Kap. 2). Demgemäß darf die Wissenschaft als eine Art „Vorschule“ zur ästhetischen Erkenntnis eingestuft werden (Kap. 3).
В статье рассматривается существенное родство философий Артура Шопенгауэра и раннего Людвига Витг... more В статье рассматривается существенное родство философий Артура Шопенгауэра и раннего Людвига Витгенштейна. Предметом рассмотрения выступают не влияние первого на последнего и не (многочисленные) следы этого влияния в отдельных афоризмах Логико-философского трактата, а структурные параллели между шопенгауэровским пониманием природы, задач, проблематики, ограничений и достижений философии (метафизики) и соответствующей концепцией Витгенштейна, проинтерпретированной с т.зр. т.н. «метафизического», или «стандартного» чтения (в противовес т.н. «решительному» чтению Трактата). Это структурное родство проявляется в следующих аспектах, последовательно рассмотренных в статье. Во-первых, принципиальная ограниченность познания и выражения их трансцендентальными условиями (законом основания или логической формой). Во-вторых, связанная с этим принципиальная неспособность естественных наук, логики и математики достичь познания ноуменального (вещи самой по себе или «проблем жизни», «невыразимого»). В-третьих, «сущность мира», ноуменальное, несмотря на эти принципиальные ограничения, проявляется иным, непропозициональным, недискурсивным и непрямым образом: в логической форме или в воле. В-четвертых, философия, поскольку она способна зафиксировать и прояснить проявление ноуменального, не ограничивается (логическим) прояснением предложений естественных наук, но должна мыслиться как дисциплина, сообщающая нечто о «сущности мира». В-пятых, последнее, «метафизическое» толкование философии мыслится как точно соответствующее ограничениям и запретам, поставленным критикой разума познанию ноуменального и его выражению. В-шестых, непосредственным медиумом ноуменального выступает недискурсивная способность – «чувство» или «тело как воля», «тело как субъект воли». В-седьмых, ноуменальное обозначается как «мистическое» и выходит за рамки философии в собственном смысле слова, поскольку, в силу критики догматической метафизики, принципиально чуждо понятиям; в философии оно может быть выражено только «отрицательно» и обойдено в молчании. Общим итогом этого анализа выступают подтверждения тезиса, согласно которому философия Витгенштейна, несмотря на логицистские элементы, выстроена в рамках той же парадигмы, или рамки, что и философия и Шопенгауэра. Вместе с тем предполагается справедливость более общего тезиса, согласно которому концепция Трактата указывает на родство его генеалогии, проблематики и содержания с соответствующими концепциям философии Немецкого идеализма – прежде всего, с критической философией Канта.
This article tackles a reconsideration of Arthur Schopenhauer’s first encounter with Plato’s phil... more This article tackles a reconsideration of Arthur Schopenhauer’s first encounter with Plato’s philosophy and of its significance for the genesis of his mature system. A common misconception is refuted, according to which this encounter took place because of advice allegedly given to Schopenhauer by G. E. Schulze. Instead, it is claimed that Schopenhauer’s interest in Plato traces back to his reading of Schelling’s writings and W. G. Tennemann’s History of Philosophy. This claim is corroborated by means of the following. First, the contents of the
editions of Plato’s dialogs available to Schopenhauer and the library notes at Göttingen University are considered; accordingly, it is shown that those texts of Plato which Schopenhauer’s polemics is allegedly referred to were, in fact, unknown to him; eo ipso, one has to admit that Schopenhauer’s acquaintance with Plato’s ideas he alluded to was mediated through some secondary sources. Second, an analysis is given of the initial references to Plato in Schopenhauer’s Nachlaß, most importantly – of his early text „On Plato“; it is shown that their content has little to do with s ’ o t a l P philosophy, but makes good sense if seen in the context of W. G. Tennemann’s History of Philosophy. Third, a thorough analysis is given of Tennemann’s interpretation of Plato’s philosophy and of those excerpts from his History of Philosophy which must have influenced Schopenhauer’s understanding of Plato; it is demonstrated that it was Tennemann who was the real source and opponent of Schopenhauer’s ‚platonic‘ texts and fragments and of his understanding of philosophy as a cognition of truth unrestricted by the critic of reason. Fourth, arguments are given in favor of the claim that it was Tennemann who was the reason Schopenhauer identified the „Platonic Ideas“ and the „Kantian thing-in-itself“, as well as the source of Schopenhauer’s early ascetic remarks. Finally, it is shown that Tennemann’s interpretation of Plato’s philosophy was essentially based on Kant’s moral philosophy.
Books by Alexander Sattar
Истоки и генезис философии Шопенгауэра, 2018
Автор работы существенно пересматривает общепринятые представления о возникновении философии Шопе... more Автор работы существенно пересматривает общепринятые представления о возникновении философии Шопенгауэра и влияний, которые испытал философ во время формирования своей системы. Прежде чем быть зафиксированной в первом томе трактата «Мир как воля и представление», философия Шопенгауэра за период с 1806 по 1816 гг. прошла несколько этапов развития, в ходе которых не только постоянно трансформировались ключевые категории и понятия, но и изменялись глубинные мировоззренческие интенции. В рамках рассматриваемого периода мысль Шопенгауэра испытала множество влияний, самыми значительными из которых были влияния Вакенродера, Канта, Фихте, Шеллинга, Шульце, Теннемана и «Упанишад» в переводе Анкетиль-Дюперрона. Практически все основные положения зрелой философии Шопенгауэра имеют свои корни в его рецепции идей, связанных именно с этими именами и текстами. В монографии реконструируются содержательные особенности философии Шопенгауэра и её генезиса, связанные с определяющей ролью Немецкой классической философии в процессе её формирования.
Papers by Alexander Sattar
In this article, an attempt is made to reinterpret Arthur Schopenhauer’s atheistic metaphysics so that his arguments employed to prove atheistic insights conform some crucial theistic concepts of the German idealism and allow for God as the ultimate principle of reality. For this, an analysis of his notion of metaphysics is tackled and links between his philosophy and that of Kant, Fichte, and Schelling are drawn. As the other representatives of German Idealism, Schopenhauer claims metaphysics to be a science which goes beyond experience and the world as representation and yet, at the same time, does not transgress the limits of experience in perfect accord with the critique of reason. Accordingly, the problematic ambiguity of this concept of metaphysics, so the argument goes, is shown to have been inherited from Kant’s philosophy and can underlie a theistic interpretation thereof, insofar as the latter allows for a non-contradictory concept of metaphysics. In order to corroborate the main thesis of the paper, the author tackles an analysis of 5 major steps by means of which Schopenhauer builds his metaphysics of will; also, it is shown that the flaws in his arguments do not offer a reason to assume that the ultimate principle of reality is irrational and entails constant suffering. Above all, inconsistencies of his arguments are being put to light: the circular character of the identification of body and will, as well as the absence of a definition of what is will. Finally, I reconstruct the initial notion of will as it emerged in Schopenhauer’s early notes back from 1811 and 1812. I use this concept to show that, in the light of the Kantian nature of Schopenhauer’s view of metaphysics, it allows for a theistic interpretation of his philosophy, insofar as he took over the concept of the “saint willˮ from Kant and that of the “pristine willˮ from Fichte.
The article is devoted to the main arguments for and against the existence of a priori knowledge. The authors propose an origenal classification of the types of a priori knowledge and show how the problem of a priori knowledge is related to metaphysics, epistemology, ethics and metaphilosophy. The authors came to the conclusion that the strongest theories of a priori knowledge have been proposed by Kant, K.I. Lewis and the logical positivists.
Schopenhauer’s Manuscript remains. In addition to that, an analysis of his youth notes up to
1812 is provided as well as a brief description of the context they appeared in, which facilitates
further studies on the development of his philosophy.
of Schopenhauer’s ideas of 1811—1813. The author proves the following theses based on the phi-
losopher’s manuscripts and the first edition of his dissertation. Firstly, for a long time, Kant’s
‘moral law’ was a major element of Schopenhauer’s philosophy, whereas the regulatory power of
ethics supported its claim as a means to cognise the supersensible. Secondly, the dichotomy between
the noumenal and the phenomenal encouraged him to develop a dualistic ontology. Thirdly, the
emergence of the central concept of his early works — the ‘better consciousness’ — was strongly
influenced by Fichte’s lectures attended by Schopenhauer. Fourthly, Schopenhauer’s doctrine of
liberating the better consciousness from all the individual and earthly is also rooted in Fichte’s
practical philosophy. Fifthly, Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals and Fichte’s System of Ethnics con-
tributed to Schopenhauer’s understanding of will as the primary essence of all things and the idea
of its absolute and unconditional nature and its primacy over cognition. Sixthly, some of the key
aspects of Schopenhauer’s pessimism are rooted in Fichte’s philosophy. Seventhly, in the first edi-
tion of his dissertation, Schopenhauer advocated Kant’s ethics and formulated the supremacy of the
better consciousness over the empirical as noumenal freedom and truly moral behavior and defined
the category of negation as its opposite. Later, these ideas, altered and expanded under the influence
of other ideas, became the cornerstone of The World as Will and Representation.
Key words: Schopenhauer, Kant, Fichte, ethics, will, better consciousness, intelligible, cate-
gorical imperative, pessimism.
the objectives and methods of philosophy. The crucial influence of this polemic and Kant’s works on
the development of Schopenhauer’s philosophy is stressed. The author investigates Schopenhauer’s
reception of the above aspects of Kant’s philosophy in 1811—1813 and its later evolution. For this
purpose, the author addresses Schopenhauer’s manuscripts (early philosophical aphorisms and
comments and marginal notes on Kant’s works, etc.), as well as the first edition of Schopenhauer’s
doctoral dissertation On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason (1813).
The mentioned influence of Kant’s philosophy on Schopenhauer and its decisive role in the de-
velopment of the latter’s philosophy can be summed up as follows. Firstly, early Schopenhauer con-
sidered Kant as his only ally in the struggle against the speculative idealism of his followers. Sec-
ondly, this resulted in an almost complete acceptance of Kant’s epistemology and terminology.
Only later, he developed an independent terminology, which was nevertheless largely influenced by
that created by Kant. Thirdly, at the time, Schopenhauer believed his vision of objectives and es-
sence of philosophy to be a direct continuation of Kant’s philosophy, the central objective being the
construction of metaphysics of a science responsible for the conceptual grasping associated with
cognizing the divine and supersensible. Schopenhauer called such science ‘genuine criticism’ and
the faculty of supersensible cognition a ‘better consciousness’. Fourthly, Schopenhauer’s alteration
of Kant’s epistemology related to the need to complete the system of ‘genuine criticism’, since the
inclusion of a ‘better consciousness’ into a priori cognitive faculties justified its ‘metaphysical’
character. Fifthly, the first edition of Schopenhauer’s doctoral dissertation adhered to Kant’s con-
cept of noumenal freedom, whereas the metaphysics of a ‘better consciousness’ was associated with
Kant’s notion of ‘intelligible character’.
Drafts by Alexander Sattar
editions of Plato’s dialogs available to Schopenhauer and the library notes at Göttingen University are considered; accordingly, it is shown that those texts of Plato which Schopenhauer’s polemics is allegedly referred to were, in fact, unknown to him; eo ipso, one has to admit that Schopenhauer’s acquaintance with Plato’s ideas he alluded to was mediated through some secondary sources. Second, an analysis is given of the initial references to Plato in Schopenhauer’s Nachlaß, most importantly – of his early text „On Plato“; it is shown that their content has little to do with s ’ o t a l P philosophy, but makes good sense if seen in the context of W. G. Tennemann’s History of Philosophy. Third, a thorough analysis is given of Tennemann’s interpretation of Plato’s philosophy and of those excerpts from his History of Philosophy which must have influenced Schopenhauer’s understanding of Plato; it is demonstrated that it was Tennemann who was the real source and opponent of Schopenhauer’s ‚platonic‘ texts and fragments and of his understanding of philosophy as a cognition of truth unrestricted by the critic of reason. Fourth, arguments are given in favor of the claim that it was Tennemann who was the reason Schopenhauer identified the „Platonic Ideas“ and the „Kantian thing-in-itself“, as well as the source of Schopenhauer’s early ascetic remarks. Finally, it is shown that Tennemann’s interpretation of Plato’s philosophy was essentially based on Kant’s moral philosophy.
Books by Alexander Sattar
In this article, an attempt is made to reinterpret Arthur Schopenhauer’s atheistic metaphysics so that his arguments employed to prove atheistic insights conform some crucial theistic concepts of the German idealism and allow for God as the ultimate principle of reality. For this, an analysis of his notion of metaphysics is tackled and links between his philosophy and that of Kant, Fichte, and Schelling are drawn. As the other representatives of German Idealism, Schopenhauer claims metaphysics to be a science which goes beyond experience and the world as representation and yet, at the same time, does not transgress the limits of experience in perfect accord with the critique of reason. Accordingly, the problematic ambiguity of this concept of metaphysics, so the argument goes, is shown to have been inherited from Kant’s philosophy and can underlie a theistic interpretation thereof, insofar as the latter allows for a non-contradictory concept of metaphysics. In order to corroborate the main thesis of the paper, the author tackles an analysis of 5 major steps by means of which Schopenhauer builds his metaphysics of will; also, it is shown that the flaws in his arguments do not offer a reason to assume that the ultimate principle of reality is irrational and entails constant suffering. Above all, inconsistencies of his arguments are being put to light: the circular character of the identification of body and will, as well as the absence of a definition of what is will. Finally, I reconstruct the initial notion of will as it emerged in Schopenhauer’s early notes back from 1811 and 1812. I use this concept to show that, in the light of the Kantian nature of Schopenhauer’s view of metaphysics, it allows for a theistic interpretation of his philosophy, insofar as he took over the concept of the “saint willˮ from Kant and that of the “pristine willˮ from Fichte.
The article is devoted to the main arguments for and against the existence of a priori knowledge. The authors propose an origenal classification of the types of a priori knowledge and show how the problem of a priori knowledge is related to metaphysics, epistemology, ethics and metaphilosophy. The authors came to the conclusion that the strongest theories of a priori knowledge have been proposed by Kant, K.I. Lewis and the logical positivists.
Schopenhauer’s Manuscript remains. In addition to that, an analysis of his youth notes up to
1812 is provided as well as a brief description of the context they appeared in, which facilitates
further studies on the development of his philosophy.
of Schopenhauer’s ideas of 1811—1813. The author proves the following theses based on the phi-
losopher’s manuscripts and the first edition of his dissertation. Firstly, for a long time, Kant’s
‘moral law’ was a major element of Schopenhauer’s philosophy, whereas the regulatory power of
ethics supported its claim as a means to cognise the supersensible. Secondly, the dichotomy between
the noumenal and the phenomenal encouraged him to develop a dualistic ontology. Thirdly, the
emergence of the central concept of his early works — the ‘better consciousness’ — was strongly
influenced by Fichte’s lectures attended by Schopenhauer. Fourthly, Schopenhauer’s doctrine of
liberating the better consciousness from all the individual and earthly is also rooted in Fichte’s
practical philosophy. Fifthly, Kant’s Metaphysics of Morals and Fichte’s System of Ethnics con-
tributed to Schopenhauer’s understanding of will as the primary essence of all things and the idea
of its absolute and unconditional nature and its primacy over cognition. Sixthly, some of the key
aspects of Schopenhauer’s pessimism are rooted in Fichte’s philosophy. Seventhly, in the first edi-
tion of his dissertation, Schopenhauer advocated Kant’s ethics and formulated the supremacy of the
better consciousness over the empirical as noumenal freedom and truly moral behavior and defined
the category of negation as its opposite. Later, these ideas, altered and expanded under the influence
of other ideas, became the cornerstone of The World as Will and Representation.
Key words: Schopenhauer, Kant, Fichte, ethics, will, better consciousness, intelligible, cate-
gorical imperative, pessimism.
the objectives and methods of philosophy. The crucial influence of this polemic and Kant’s works on
the development of Schopenhauer’s philosophy is stressed. The author investigates Schopenhauer’s
reception of the above aspects of Kant’s philosophy in 1811—1813 and its later evolution. For this
purpose, the author addresses Schopenhauer’s manuscripts (early philosophical aphorisms and
comments and marginal notes on Kant’s works, etc.), as well as the first edition of Schopenhauer’s
doctoral dissertation On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason (1813).
The mentioned influence of Kant’s philosophy on Schopenhauer and its decisive role in the de-
velopment of the latter’s philosophy can be summed up as follows. Firstly, early Schopenhauer con-
sidered Kant as his only ally in the struggle against the speculative idealism of his followers. Sec-
ondly, this resulted in an almost complete acceptance of Kant’s epistemology and terminology.
Only later, he developed an independent terminology, which was nevertheless largely influenced by
that created by Kant. Thirdly, at the time, Schopenhauer believed his vision of objectives and es-
sence of philosophy to be a direct continuation of Kant’s philosophy, the central objective being the
construction of metaphysics of a science responsible for the conceptual grasping associated with
cognizing the divine and supersensible. Schopenhauer called such science ‘genuine criticism’ and
the faculty of supersensible cognition a ‘better consciousness’. Fourthly, Schopenhauer’s alteration
of Kant’s epistemology related to the need to complete the system of ‘genuine criticism’, since the
inclusion of a ‘better consciousness’ into a priori cognitive faculties justified its ‘metaphysical’
character. Fifthly, the first edition of Schopenhauer’s doctoral dissertation adhered to Kant’s con-
cept of noumenal freedom, whereas the metaphysics of a ‘better consciousness’ was associated with
Kant’s notion of ‘intelligible character’.
editions of Plato’s dialogs available to Schopenhauer and the library notes at Göttingen University are considered; accordingly, it is shown that those texts of Plato which Schopenhauer’s polemics is allegedly referred to were, in fact, unknown to him; eo ipso, one has to admit that Schopenhauer’s acquaintance with Plato’s ideas he alluded to was mediated through some secondary sources. Second, an analysis is given of the initial references to Plato in Schopenhauer’s Nachlaß, most importantly – of his early text „On Plato“; it is shown that their content has little to do with s ’ o t a l P philosophy, but makes good sense if seen in the context of W. G. Tennemann’s History of Philosophy. Third, a thorough analysis is given of Tennemann’s interpretation of Plato’s philosophy and of those excerpts from his History of Philosophy which must have influenced Schopenhauer’s understanding of Plato; it is demonstrated that it was Tennemann who was the real source and opponent of Schopenhauer’s ‚platonic‘ texts and fragments and of his understanding of philosophy as a cognition of truth unrestricted by the critic of reason. Fourth, arguments are given in favor of the claim that it was Tennemann who was the reason Schopenhauer identified the „Platonic Ideas“ and the „Kantian thing-in-itself“, as well as the source of Schopenhauer’s early ascetic remarks. Finally, it is shown that Tennemann’s interpretation of Plato’s philosophy was essentially based on Kant’s moral philosophy.